In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

List of homebrew emulators

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Please take a look at Emulation General's page on Wii emulators for more in-depth information regarding emulators on the Wii.


Title System(s) Author
ColEm ColecoVision Consolius
FCE Ultra GX Nintendo Entertainment System Tantric
Genesis Plus Genesis/Mega Drive, Sega Master System, Game Gear, SG-1000, Sega/Mega CD eke-eke
Hugo-Wii Turbo Grafix 16/PC Engine eke-eke
JzintvWii Intellivision jenergy
NeoCD-Wii Neo-Geo CD Wiimpathy
O2em Odyssey2/Videopac Consolius
PCSX-Revolution Playstation 1 Firnis
SMSPlus Sega Master System and Game Gear eke-eke
Snes9x GX Super Nintendo Tantric, michniewski
StellaWii Atari 2600 Nuvalo
VectrexWii Vectrex Aruskano
Wii2600 VCS/2600 Raz0red
Wii64 Nintendo 64 tehpola, sepp256, emukidid
Wii7800 Atari 7800 Raz0red
WiiColEm ColecoVision Raz0red
WiiMednafen GB/Color/Advance, SMS/GG, Lynx, Genesis/MD, NES, PCE/TG16/CD/SuperGfx/PC-FX, Virtual Boy, NeoGeo Pocket, WonderSwan Raz0red
WiiEngine Turbo Grafix 16 / PC Engine Hermes
WiiSX Playstation 1 tehpola, sepp256, emukidid
Yabause Wii Sega Saturn Yabause team


Title System(s) Author
DeSmuME Wii Nintendo DS(L) Arikado, Dancinninja, scanff
Gnuboy GX Gameboy (Color) eke-eke
LedHeadWii Classic electronic LED handled game simulator Nebiun
Neopop Wii Neo-Geo Pocket Askot
RIN Wii Gameboy (Color) mirakichi, Hell Hibou
Trojan Wii Trojan LCD Game Simulator Jon Conrad
VBA GX (Visual Boy Advance GX) Gameboy / Gameboy Color / Gameboy Advance Tantric, Carl Kenner
WiiHandy Atari Lynx Raz0red
mGBA Gameboy / Gameboy Color / Gameboy Advance Endrift


Title System(s) Author
SDL MAME Arcade Games Nuvalo
SDL MAME Wii Arcade Games Toad King
GxGeo Neo Geo emulator Blizzo


Title System(s) Author
AtaWii Atari ST NoNameNo
BlueMSX-wii MSX Tim Brugman & Maikel Bloemendal
Chippy Chip8 iamabe
Dcvg5k VG5000 joaopa,
DOSBox Wii Dos Tantric, Carl
FBZX Wii Sinclair ZX Spectrum Oibaf
Frodo Commodore 64 Simon Kagstrom,Oibaf
Fuse Sinclair ZX Spectrum bg
Hatari Wii Atari ST(e)/Mega/Falcon Wiimpathy
Hatari Atari ST yohanes
Neko Project II Wii PC-9801 SquidMan
Neko Project II NEC PC-9801 Yui, Rako
QUASI88 NEC PC-8801 Fukunaga, Rako
MiiSX MSX slotman
uMSX MSX Uguru
UAE Wii Commodore Amiga Simon Kagstrom,Oibaf
WiiApple Apple IIe yohanes
Wiituka Amstrad CPC D Skywalk
WiiXL Atari 800/XL/XE/5200 Raz0red