In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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TypeConsole emulator
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
GameCube Controller ClassicController.svg WiiMote2.svg Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot USB mass storage device

NeoCD-Wii is a port of the NEO-CD REDUX GameCube emulator, originally coded by Softdev. This is a Neo-Geo CD emulator.


  • Extract the zip on your SD card/USB drive. Create a folder and put your roms in it.
  • In order to enable USB2 you need ios 202.


The emulator needs a NeoGeo CD/Z bios to run. Put your NeoCD.bin file into a bios folder in the root of the SD card (e.g. SD:/BIOS/NeoCD.bin).

Working bios files:

NeoCD.bin md5 f39572af7584cb5b3f70ae8cc848aba2 crc32 df9de490

NeoCD.bin md5 11526d58d4c524daef7d5d677dc6b004 crc32 33697892


For each game disc, you should create a subdirectory, and copy the game data files there. Inside this directory, create a subdirectory called MP3, and copy the audio tracks there, encoded to mp3. These should be name Trackxx.mp3. MP3 files can be 44.1Khz or 48Khz. To help the emulator along, encode at 128kbps or better. For example, for NEOGAME, you should have a directory tree like this: /BIOS/NEOCD.BIN /NEOGAME/IPL.TXT and all other data files /NEOGAME/MP3/TRACK02.MP3 /NEOGAME/MP3/TRACK03.MP3 and so on for all audio tracks. NOTE: Audio tracks should be numbered around the data track. For example, if data track is 1, the first audio track would be 2. The names must not contain spaces, but be exactly as shown above.


In Menu

GameCube Controller WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg Action
GameCube D-Pad or GameCube Control Stick Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick Navigate the menu
Gamecube A Button Wiimote 1 Button Classic a Button Enter Directory/Confirm
Gamecube B Button Wiimote 2 Button Classic b Button Parent Directory
Gamecube X Button Wiimote A Button Classic x Button Select Directory/Launch Game

Selecting a directory starts the game.

In Game

GameCube Controller WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg Action
GameCube D-Pad or GameCube Control Stick Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick Neogeo DPad
Gamecube A Button Wiimote 1 Button Classic a Button A
Gamecube B Button Wiimote 2 Button Classic b Button B
Gamecube X Button Wiimote A Button Classic x Button C
Gamecube Y Button Wiimote B Button Classic y Button D
GameCube R Trigger Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Emulator menu


0.5 - October 22, 2011

  • fixed artifacts on left screen border.
  • Video modes options : interlaced, progressive and filter on/off.
  • Configurable buttons (Wiimotes, Classic Controllers).
  • Games default folder : neocd.
  • Ability to save settings.
  • Browse games by page.

0.4 - September 22, 2011

  • fixed all black screens.
  • MP3 music now works.
  • some enhancements and more options in menu.

0.3 - September 16, 2011

  • fixed some black screens. Now almost all games should start. Still some black sreens with some games and gfx bugs.
  • fixed classic controller support.

0.2 - July 11, 2011

  • initial port (Jacobeian)

Youtube video


Jacobeian, Softdev, DevkitPPC/libogc dreamteam, and L.