In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

List of system tools

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Contents Button Tests | Dumping Tools | Information Tools | Miscellaneous Tools

Button Tests

Title Description Author
Button tracer+ Tests buttons on Wii controllers. Jasper Peters
Only Another Button Test Controller button test. Dark_On_5

Dumping Tools

Title Description Author
CleanRip Creates 1:1 backups of GC/Wii discs without any cIOS required. User:emu_kidid
Gamecube Saver Copies Gamecube saves (*.GCI) to your Gamecube Memory Card from your SD Card dasda
GBA Link Cable Dumper Dumps GBA games from the link cable. FIX94
GBA Link Cable ROM Sender Sends GBA ROMs into a GBA unit from the link cable. FIX94
GCMM Copies savegame files from Gamecube Memory Card to SD and vice versa. suloku
Mii Extractor Extracts all the Miis from your Wii to a SD card Waninkoko
Mii Installer Installs dumped Miis from your SD card Waninkoko
RealWnD A real 1:1 Wii NAND Dumper. Dump exactly the same as hardware programmer pcfree
Savegame Extractor Dumps saves from your Wii's NAND to an SD card Waninkoko
Savegame Installer Installs dumped saves from your SD card Waninkoko
Savegame Manager A combination of the two apps Savegame Extractor and Savegame Installer Waninkoko
SaveGame Manager GX A Savegame Manager with a wii-like user interface dj_skual
Simple cert.sys Extractor Extracts the cert.sys of the Wii. FIX94
WiiND USb / SD Nand dumper + Windows extractor Nicksasa
WUFE Wii update File extractor Nuke
xyzzy Extracts Wii encryption keys bushing|, DarkMatterCore
Yet Another Wii NAND Dumper Wii NAND Dumper. Just like the name says. Redbird

Information Tools

Title Description Author
240p Test Suite Tests 240p support artemiourbina
CheckRegion Checks the original region of the Wii. JoostinOnline
FS Browser Wii File System browser raven
FSToolbox Wii NAND browser/dumper nicksasa
lsusb Dump info about attached usb devices Brian
SignCheck Checks on your Wii's IOS The Lemon Man
sysCheck A System Checker (IOS Stub, Fake signature, ES_DiVerify, Flash Access, NAND Access, Boot2 Access, USB 2.0...) Erik Spyder
sysCheckGX A System Checker with a nice GUI (IOS Stub, Fake signature, ES_DiVerify, Flash Access, NAND Access, Boot2 Access, USB 2.0...) Erik Spyder
SysCheck HacksDen Edition A System Checker which runs several checks on your Wii's installed IOS and cIOS. JoostinOnline, Double_A, R2-D2199, Nano
uname Prints system information. benjamin
WiiNFO Saves Wii information in a scene-style .nfo file VTSTech

System Patching & Management Tools

Title Description Author
AnyGlobe Changer Changes the displayed region of the Wii fishguy6564
AnyTitle Deleter Fully deletes (almost) any title from your Wii tona
AnyTitle Deleter MOD Fully deletes (almost) any title from your Wii Red Squirrel
AnyRegion Changer Lets you modify most (if not all) region info on your Wii tona
Banana Patcher Applies Preloader patches on-the-fly without modifying NAND Marc
Bootmii Booter Boots the Bootmii IOS using a IOS_LaunchNewIOS. DacoTaco
DOP-Mii: WiiBrew Edition Install IOSs, System Menus, and Channels Arikado, Lunatik, lukegb
Duplicate Channel Remover Removes duplicate News/Forecast channels Waninkoko
Ethernet Enabler Allows ethernet to be used on the Wii Mini. Fullmetal5
Gumboot A configurable bootloader for Wii, aimed at running Linux with customizable kernel command line without the need of recompiling for every change. neagix
IOS58 Installer Installs a virgin IOS58. No more, no less. No patched IOS required! Tantric
KoreanKii Add or remove Korean key to properly region change a Korean Wii tueidj and JoostinOnline
MotionPlusVideoSeen Sets the flag to ensure that the Motion Plus video will no longer play. WiiDatabase Team
NuGaSa Backup/Restore Gamecube Savegames nIxx
Offline Network Enabler Allows using network connections even without internet access suloku
Open Sram Language Modifier An Open Sram Language Modifier suloku
Preloader Allows user to directly boot the HBC, System Menu or a .dol/.elf and to apply user created System Menu patches crediar
Priiloader Preloader Mod (using preloader 0.30 as base) DacoTaco
Sadmenu Load a patched System Menu, useful for testing banners Comex and Marcan
Starfall Patches the System Menu to remove limitations Crediar
StartPatch A System Menu patcher Aquilino, TiMeBoMb
StartPatch Mod Modification of StartPatch allowing the selection of which IOS to use Jigen
UnBlue Mii Wii Homebrew that removes write protection/blue pants from all Miis. VGmaster
wadImport A simple wad importer Crediar
WiiSCU WiiSCU updates Nintendo's official Channels without touching the system menu. Wack0, illinialex24, Bionic Sonic, and SifJar

Miscellaneous Tools

Title Description Author
ButtonCast Allows the Wii to function as a controller hub. Coldbird
CEIL1NG_CAT A backup tool and application designed to enable complete low-level control of the Wii. fail0verflow
Crazy Intro A custom intro program that sits between system and Preloader WiiCrazy/User:I R on
GCBooter Boot Region Free Gamecube Games on Wii emu_kidid
GCVideo Updater Update the firmware on your Wii HDMI modkit Ingo Korb
GlowWii Illuminates the Wii's frontplate light. Larsenv
HackMii Installer A tool to install the Homebrew channel and BootMii. Team_Twiizers
Mini IOS Replacer Team Twiizers
MyMenuify Manages custom system menus using .csm files Icefire
NetSlug Local multiplayer online tool MrBean35000vr, Chadderz
SensorMii Turns on the sensor bar without syncing a Wiimote. JoostinOnline
sntp Synchronizes Wii time with NTP. ErikAndren
Wii Home A new Home for the Wii CashMan's Productions
wii-ntp NTP client User:GalaxyMaster
WiiMU A PoC Channel Launcher, that eventually aims to be a System Menu replacement SquidMan, crediar