In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Open Sram Language Modifier

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Open Sram Language Modifier
TypeSystem tool
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
WiiDrawing.svg Wiimote1.svg GameCube Controller

This is an application to toggle sram settings such as the mono/stereo setting and the language used by gamecube games and the system IPL. The goal of this app is to make PAL gamecube games run on a NTSC gamecube/wii with the desired language, because all PAL games will play in english on a NSTC environment.

This is a clone of emu_kidid's sram language modifier 1.1 and it has the same features.

I made this in the hope of it working on the wii, using yagd and libogc functions.

The "open" is just to differ it from emu_kidid's, as he lost the source and I couldn't find a better name, sorry for that.

suloku 2009

How to use

Run the application on a wii or gamecube by any method (homebrew channel package provided)and you will be shown your current language and audio settings as well as the controls. Use Z button or down button on wiimote to toogle the audio setting and use the other buttons to set the language setting.

The changes are saved in the SRAM, so you might run this only once.


There are some reports that using the disc channel to run the gamecube game will change the sram values to those of the system menu. Therefore, use an alternative loading method, such as Gecko OS or GCBooter.


Wiimote.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Down GameCube Z Button Toggle audio setting (Mono/Stereo)
Wiimote A Button Gamecube A Button Set language to English
Wiimote B Button Gamecube B Button Set language to German
Wiimote - Button Gamecube Y Button Set language to French
Wiimote + Button Gamecube X Button Set language to Spanish
Wiimote 1 Button GameCube R Trigger Set language to Italian
Wiimote 2 Button GameCube L Trigger Set language to Dutch
Wiimote HOME Button GameCube START Button Exit

How to reset the SRAM

Remove the 3V battery for 5 minutes and wait.


Easiest way is to just pull out the front controller panel whilst your gamecube isn't plugged into power for about 5 minutes.


The battery is located on the right side of the wii(in horizontal position). You'll find a little screw, unscrew it to remove the battery and unplug your wii for about 5 minutes.


Version 5 - 27 August 2012

  • Sram Hex view was incorrectly shown.
  • Recompiled with latest libogc
  • note: the app itself works exactly as v4

Version 4 - 10 August 2009

  • Added warning message for wii's disk channel launching.
  • Fixed some issues when printing the language names on screen.

Version 3 - 28 July 2009

  • Added SRAM Hex view.
  • Added power and reset button callbacks

Version 2 - 27 July 2009

  • Forgot to initialize the gamecube pad, leading to a code dump on GC mode and in wii mode when a GC pad was connected.
  • Added homebrew channel package.

Version 1 - 22 July 2009

  • Initial release.