In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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TypeSystem tool
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
GameCube Controller

GCBooter is a simple application which allows anyone to boot their original GC games from Wii mode. It is region free and works from the Homebrew Channel.

This is far simpler to use than having to patch your system menu for region free :)


Just copy the GCBooter folder into your /apps/ folder on your card and run it via the Homebrew Channel. Insert your GameCube disc and press A on the GameCube controller a few times.


green = works; yellow = partly works; red = doesn't work;

Please keep the standard:

Name Wii region Game region Description
Alien Hominid PAL NTSC-US "an error has occured." message after memory card check.
Animal Crossing PAL NTSC-US No errors
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean PAL NTSC-US No errors
Baten Kaitos Origins PAL NTSC-US No errors
Beyond Good and Evil PAL PAL No errors***
Burnout 2 NTSC-US NTSC-US No errors
Dead to Rights NTSC-US NTSC-US No errors
Donkey Konga NTSC-US PAL Doesn't work
Donkey Konga PAL NTSC-US No errors
Donkey Konga PAL NTSC-J No errors
Donkey Konga 2 PAL NTSC-US Doesn't work
Donkey Konga 2 PAL NTSC-J No errors
Donkey Konga 3 NTSC-US NTSC-J No errors
Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem PAL NTSC-US Common bug* at the start screen.
Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem PAL PAL Common bug* at the start screen.** ***
F-Zero GX NTSC-US NTSC-US No errors
FreeLoader 1.06b PAL ? "An error has occured."
James Bond 007: Nightfire PAL PAL Freezes when starting game after main menu
Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade PAL PAL No errors***
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition PAL PAL Doesn't work
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures PAL NTSC-US No errors
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures PAL PAL Doesn't work
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time PAL PAL Doesn't work
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker PAL PAL Doesn't work
Luigi's Mansion PAL NTSC-US No errors
Luigi's Mansion PAL PAL No errors** ***
Mario Kart: Double Dash! NTSC-US NTSC-US Works perfectly
Mario Kart: Double Dash! PAL PAL Doesn't work
Mario Party 7 NTSC-US PAL Doesn't work
Mario Superstar Baseball PAL NTSC-US "an error has occured." message after choosing a character.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes PAL NTSC-J No errors
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes PAL PAL No errors***
Metroid Prime PAL NTSC-US No errors
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes NTSC-US NTSC-US No errors
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes PAL PAL Wii resets
Midway Arcade Treasures PAL NTSC-US No errors
Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 NTSC-US NTSC-J Common bug* at the start screen.
Nintendo Puzzle Collection NTSC-US NTSC-J Common bug* at the start screen.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door PAL NTSC-US No errors
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door PAL PAL Doesn't work
Phantasy Star Online: Episode III PAL NTSC-US No errors
Pokémon Colosseum PAL PAL Green screen of death**
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PAL PAL Doesn't work
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones PAL PAL Doesn't work
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within PAL PAL No errors***
Resident Evil 0 PAL PAL There's sound if TLH is used but no picture.
Resident Evil PAL PAL Doesn't work
Resident Evil 2 PAL PAL No errors**
Resident Evil 3 PAL PAL No errors
Resident Evil 4 PAL PAL Only gets to the 50/60hz selection screen
Second Sight PAL PAL Doesn't work
Sonic Adventure DX PAL PAL Doesn't work
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle PAL PAL No errors** ***
Soul Calibur 2 NTSC-US NTSC-US No errors
SSX 3 PAL NTSC-US No errors
SSX On Tour PAL NTSC-US No errors
Star Fox Adventures NTSC-US NTSC-US Common bug* when Nintendo logo appears
Star Fox Adventures PAL PAL Common bug* when Nintendo logo appears.**
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast PAL PAL Common bug* at the main menu.***
Super Mario Sunshine PAL PAL No errors** ***
Super Smash Bros. Melee PAL PAL No errors** ***
The Simpsons Hit and Run PAL NTSC-US No errors
The Sims 2 PAL NTSC-US No errors
Wave Race: Blue Storm PAL NTSC-US Doesn't work
Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution NTSC-US NTSC-J No errors (didn't try saving)
Viewtiful Joe PAL NTSC-US No errors
Starfox Adventures NTSC-US PAL Doesn't work

Common bug*: "Disc could not be read" message. To avoid it, eject the disc and re-insert it. This should be fixed as of v1.1 (audio streaming mode is now set correctly on startup).

Meaning of **: Used GCBooterTLH

Meaning of ***: Only tested up to the main menu


Alternative versions

GCBooterTLH @ - fixes the "red screen" problem when used on PAL Wiis running at 60hz.