In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

List of homebrew demos

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Applications used to demonstrate different functions of the Wii.

Title Description Author
3rd Person Demo A third person perspective 3D engine iamabe + oyzzo
bfi Brainfuck interpreter anarkavre
Box2D Balls A demo of the Box2D physics engine. Use the Wiimote to create balls, then hold B and tilt the Wiimote to change gravity. 0xtob
Button Tracer A simple app to trace and print on screen, what buttons are pressed on the Wiimote. Danny
CityDemo Randomly generated track in a neon city Owen
Chrysler The Wii port of an Amiga demo Fit and Bandwagon
Drawing Box Another demo using Box2D. Bool
Da ShAmAn My first wii homebrew an amiga old skool inspired demo (uses GRRLIB) + simple 3D Da ShAmAn
EasingDemo A simple 2d demo visualization screensaver Owen
ExistenzE First Wii oldschool Demo (using GRRLIB 1.6.5) NoNameNo
Fire SDL plasma fire tutorial Dashxdr
Firewii Fire simulation Demo (using GRRLIB 4.1) Jespa
FiSSION A 3D game engine demo. PunMaster
GuitarDemo Basic Les Paul Controller Demonstration Navarr
Headtracking Basic headtracking demo, based on Johnny Chung Lee's YouTube video PaulWagener
Headtracking2 2nd half of head tracking demo with floating 3d targets Michael
Hex Pistols The Wii port of an Amiga demo Fit
High Octane Battle Cars Game Titmouse
Inkpoly Screensaver Dashxdr
Jenny Thinks The Wii port of a GP32 demo Fit and Bandwagon
Map Maker Generates cool-looking terrain you can edit on-the-fly with the Wiimote Jesse Dubay (adb)
MiiInfo Display Info about your Mii(s) Wentstorm
Neo Tanks 3D demo showing two armies of tanks at war. ThatOtherPerson
Newo Sky Procedurally generated Demo / ScreenSaver / Illustration / Walking Simulator Owen
Newo Tokyo Demo / ScreenSaver / Illustration Owen
Nwancat Nyan cat for the Wii. Romano58
One Day Miracle The Wii port of a Linux demo Fit
PCtoWii PC/Wii Wi-Fi demo OrangeRibena
Planet Hively HVL Musicdisk IRIS and Up Rough
Poweroff Power off the Wii TheTom
RAM Editor Simple/pointless RAM editor HyperHacker
RenderMii Demo of accessing and using Miis in Homebrew mdbrim
RTWii Implementation of a raytracer in plain C (powerful but slow) ravenexus
Rumbler A simple application that turns on and off the rumbling of a Wiimote. RTM
Sar 3d thingy Sam carmichael
Sintro A little intro. Romano58
Starfield A demonstration of a particle effect with source. Owen
SteadyHand Go through the levels and avoid the walls! DurdaDan
Stercus Accidit The Wii port of an Amiga demo Fit
Wiilight Example controlling disc slot light (simple fading effect using PWM) Bool
TwoPointFive A Wolfenstein style seemingly 3D first person maze. ThatOtherPerson
ThreePointO A legitimately 3d voxel demo. ThatOtherPerson
Timeless Screensaver Dashxdr
wii-fire Fireplace animation Galaxy Master
WiiMenu Demo using Wiimote Kontakatilu
Wiimote LED Flasher Flashes wiimote LEDs in sequence mdm2k
WiiMotionDemo Demo to read Wiimote Accelerometers. Uses GRRLIB. shdwcoder
Wiintro MegaDemo project. Romano58
WiiRayTracer Simple implementation of a raytracer using the raw framebuffer and the guVector functions TheBlasphemer
WiiSystemMenuPlayer A reconstruct of the System Menu with the original resource files Dimok, giantpune
Wire3D A multiplatform 3D engine demo. antibyte