In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Map Maker

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Map Maker
Map Maker Icon.png
Author(s)Jesse Dubay (adb)
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Screenshot of Map Maker with statistics enabled.

Map Maker is a demo application that generates cool-looking terrain you can edit on-the-fly with the Wiimote.


Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Generate new map
Wiimote B Button Hold and drag to pan
Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down Adjust terrain height
Wiimote HOME Button Show Menu and options
Wiimote + Button / Wiimote - Button Adjust brush size *
Wiimote 1 Button Re-center map
Wiimote 2 Button Invert land height

* By default, these buttons have no effect because brush size is based on distance from the screen. You can enable manual mode in the Menu.


These people did all the hard work:

  • Thanks to para for the Wiiuse library
  • Thanks to Paul Martz, who wrote a very helpful article about the diamond-square algorithm
  • Thanks to Max Russell, who is much better at math than I
  • Thanks to Team Twiizers for their contributions to the homebrew community -- without you guys I'd never have even tried
  • Thanks to TheBlasphemer, whose nifty RGB to YUY2 routine I blatantly lifted from the WiiRayTracer demo
  • Thanks to WinterMute for the extremely enlightening How to use the Wiimote tutorial
  • And thanks to River for being my alpha tester <3

Who to blame

I'm Jesse! Let me know what you think: or on this article's discussion page. Comments, criticism, bug reports and feature suggestions welcome.


v0.1 (15 September 2008)

  • Initial release.