In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Wiiuse is a library written in C that connects with several Nintendo Wii remotes. Supports motion sensing, IR tracking, nunchuk, classic controller, and the Guitar Hero 3 controller. Single threaded and nonblocking makes a light weight and clean API.

Wiiuse is integrated into libogc and is wrapped by the WPAD library.


  • Wii
  • Linux
  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista
    • Windows XP SP2 stack
    • Widcomm stack
    • Bluesoleil stack


Documentation was previously available at, which has since been shut down. However, the documentation that was hosted on has been archived on the Wayback Machine. it's source however, has been moved to github

An example program that uses the library is included in the download under the examples directory. The example should be portable across all supported platforms.