In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

List of homebrew loaders

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Various loaders you can use to load other Wii homebrew, Wii Official Discs, Wii Channels, and other such things.

Title Description Author
Homebrew Channel A loader installed to the System Menu as a channel that loads any homebrew in SD:/apps/ and USBx:/apps/ fail0verflow
All-in-1 Emuloader A basic Front SD elf/dol loader that looks for known Emulators Eke-eke
BootIOS Loads BootMii as IOS Vithon
BootMii Loads an ARM executable placed at a fixed point on the SD card. fail0verflow
BootMii Autoloader Loads an ARM executable placed at a fixed point on the SD card without modifying the NAND. Fullmetal5
Freedom Importer and Exporter Crediar
Front SD ELF Loader Loads .elf and .dol files from front SD slot svpe
Gecko OS Loads an import game, like Datel's FreeLoader Nuke
geckoloader .dol/.elf loader using the usbgecko adapter (useful for developers) dhewg
HomebrewFilter Aims at having more functionality than the Homebrew channel. Nano
Homebrew Disc Loader Run homebrew software directly from DVD Sierradev
Loadmii Small but powerful loader which can run executables from SD cards, USB sticks, SMB shares, USB Gecko and SD Gecko The lemon man
Menu Loader Reboots the Wii with any IOS & RegionFree Wii/GCN functionality fail0verflow
Menu Loader Clone Menu loader clone with sourcecode. raven
MinimaLauncher A physical disc booter with no UI for Wii/vWii. iGlitch
Savezelda An ELF loader bundled with most exploits. fail0verflow
TCP Loader Loads .elf and .dol files over a TCP socket svpe
TinyLoad Loads an original Wii game of any region, period. marcan
Wii Gamecube Homebrew Launcher Start Gamecube homebrew on Wii from front SD slot. Mega Man, Hell Hibou
Wii Homebrew Launcher Wii menu-style launcher for .elf and .dol files. Supports custom human-readable titles and pictures for each app. Hell Hibou
WiiLauncher A simple alternative to Gecko OS. It has additional features to download and edit cheat codes. Conanac