Newo Sky

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Newo Sky
Newosky icon.png
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel

Newo Sky is a procedurally generated landscape demo/walking simulator. First released for a Bounty 2017 #1. In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

The project is roughly 2 years of tinkering around with simplex noise and watching tonnes of videos related to procedural generation. It runs well most of the time but I have yet to add collision or any sort of gameyness to it because just the simple act of getting the procgen working was a hair pulling activity for me.

If you want to see more screenshots drop me a email - I have tonnes. Too bad they max out at 640x480. Hopefully this project inspires someone and people find it entertaining if even just for a little bit.


  • Procedurally generated landscape and planet map
  • randomize colour option
  • Auto walk and Auto Planet
  • Lowpoly environment with lakes, rain, trees, buildings, rocks, grass, orbiting planets, stars and solar systems.
  • Background music: "Like Clockwork" by Birds of Paradise

Add your ideas or suggestion by clicking on the 'discussion' tab or here

Screen Shots

More screenshots soon meanwhile see below

Gameplay Video

Courtesy of User:waffeln

How to play

With the Wiimote horizontally. Dpad moves, 1 shows the planet selection screen and 2 randomizes the colours of the current planet. In the planet selection screen the Dpad allows you to move a cursor that selects another planet once it comes in contact. Press 1 again to exit the planet select menu. The + button brings up the game menu option.


All controls work for first player only. Wiimote horizontal.

GameCube Controller Wiimote.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick or GameCube D-Pad Wiimote D-Pad Wiimote D-Pad or Nunchuck Control Stick Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick Wiimote D-Pad Move Player
GameCube START Button Wiimote + Button Wiimote + Button Classic + Button Wiimote + Button Options Menu / Accept
Gamecube B Button Wiimote A Button Wiimote A Button Classic y Button Wiimote 2 Button Random Colour
Gamecube A Button Wiimote B Button Wiimote B Button Classic b Button Wiimote 1 Button Planet Select Menu
Gamecube X Button Nunchuck Z Button Classic a Button Not Used
GameCube L Trigger Classic L Trigger Not Used
Gamecube Y Button Classic x Button Not Used
GameCube R Trigger Classic R Trigger Not Used
GameCube Z Button Wiimote - Button Wiimote - Button Classic - Button Not Used
GameCube START Button Wiimote HOME Button Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Quit Game Or Level
Gamecube C Control Stick Wii Remote Aim Wii Remote Aim Classic Right Control Stick Not Available Move Target Cursor


  • Owen - C Programming
  • Uses sdnoise1234, Simplex noise by Stefan Gustavson
  • Background music: "Like Clockwork" by Birds of Paradise


Inspiration & Thanx

  • No Mans Sky
  • And the dudes behind GRRLIB! :)


Version 1.1 - October 22, 2017

  • slow and slower walk speed added to menu
  • fixed timing bug in screenshot option
  • prevent the auto planet option from reselecting the same planet
  • maintain momentum during planet to ground switch
  • added a submenu for the auto walk/planet switch time
  • fixed gamecube controller b button
  • updated to devkitpro PPC_r29-1
  • updated to GRRLIB 4.3.2

Version 1.0 - September 30, 2017

  • Initial release