In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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WiiBrew admin.png This user is an administrator on WiiBrew. (verify)
Windows Flag.png This user develops using Windows.
nl This user is a native speaker of Dutch.
C This user codes in C.
C++ This user codes in C++.
Developer icon.png
This user has developed homebrew for the Wii.

Userbox trucha.png This user has at least one trucha vulnerable IOS.
Wii This user is running System Menu 4.3 on their Wii.
Bomb icon.png
This user used Bannerbomb to install homebrew.
Userbox homebrew channel.png This user has installed the Homebrew Channel version 1.1.0 on their Wii.

DVDX This user has installed DVDX on their Wii.
BootMii This user has installed BootMii on their Wii.
Homebrew Browser This user uses the Homebrew Browser to download and update their homebrew.
MPlayer CE This user uses MPlayer CE to play media on their Wii.
USBGecko2.svg This user owns a USBGecko.
Wii Speak This user owns a Wii Speak.
2 Wii Remotes This user owns 2 Wii Remotes.
Nunchuck alternative.svg This user owns 2 Nunchuks.
GameCube Controller This user owns 2 GameCube Controllers.
ClassicController.svg This user owns 1 Classic Controller.
SD Card This user owns a 2gb SD card.
DS Icon.jpg This user owns a Nintendo DS Phat.
DSi Icon.jpg This user owns 1 Nintendo DSi.
3DS Icon.jpg This user owns 1 Nintendo 3DS.

has various small, useless to others , and ugly coded wii homebrew projects

known "works" are:

  • Bootmii_Booter
  • Preloader 0.30 Unofficial edit (now Priiloader)
  • (unreleased)a Wiibrator application which was made to test input/threading & jpg loading/displaying.
  • priiloader , a preloader edit.
  • (unreleased)Nettes : a network testing tool made to see where DacoTaco's Shitty router kept crashing at.
  • OpenDolBoot , a application that injects nand booting code into a dol making it a bootble (by ios) app file
  • Ctr-Gcs-DacoTaco-Edition , a program that can create and restore raw dumps of a GC Mem Card. usable by emulators like dolphin
  • StarStruck, an re-implementation of IOS