In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

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Author(s)Simon Kagstrom, Oibaf
TypeComputer emulator
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
WiiDrawing.svg WiiMote2.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg USB Keyboard Loads files from the Front SD slot Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot USB mass storage device Internet

Note to those using network play: the network connection broker requires the latest version of Frodo, so please upgrade if you plan to use the network support! is a Commodore 64 emulator written by Christian Bauer ( It was ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom, and many C64 games are fully playable on the Wii with it. So go ahead and beat your friends in International Karate, Boulder Dash or Bomb Jack. This version is not the same as Troy Davis implementation, but Troys work is available in a branch in the subversion tree.

The emulator works in 480i, 480p and 576i mode. The emulation itself is not perfect, so not all games will run under Frodo. Unfortunately, I cannot do very much about this since I haven't written the emulator - just ported it. If you have multiple versions of a game, try each of them as often at least one will work.


Put .t64, .d64, prg or p00 files in /frodo/images on your SD card or in any directory on an usb fat disk (in the latter case you should enable the relevant option). The in-game menu allows you to insert disks/tapes, load them and configure the display, joystick ports etc. Saves will be stored on the SD card. You can save and load game state. When you save the game state also some preferences are saved in the state (joystick buttons, screen format, joystick port, 1541 emulation, rumble). The whole set of preferences is saved from the main in-game menu and it is loaded on Frodo start-up. Wiimote 1 is by default the joystick in port 1 and wiimote 2 the joystick in port 2, but you can swap this. If rumble is enabled, the wiimote rumbles each time the fire button is pressed. You can also load games from your computer through SMB protocol. You should configure and activate the connection in the network menu. See the tinysmb page for additional information and troubleshooting.

These directories and files are necessary for Frodo in SD Card:

  • /frodo/saves/
  • /frodo/metadata/
  • /frodo/tmp/
  • /frodo/themes/
  • /apps/frodo/frodorc
  • /apps/frodo/boot.dol

In-emulator controls

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg USB Keyboard Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad Classic Left Control Stick Nunchuck Control Stick Joystick direction
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Nunchuck Z Button Fire button
Wiimote 1 Button Wiimote + Button Wiimote - Button Wiimote A Button Wiimote B Button Classic b Button Classic x Button Classic y Button Classic + Button Classic - Button Classic L Trigger Classic R Trigger Configurable for keypresses in the menu
F10 (Networking) turn on message-sending mode (send a message to the other player, >= v10)
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Esc Enter Frodo menu

Menu controls

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg USB Keyboard Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad Up, Down, Left, Right Move up/down/left/right in the menu
Wiimote + Button Wiimote - Button Classic + Button Classic - Button Pgup/Pgdown Move one page down/up in the menu
Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Classic x Button Enter Select current entry
Wiimote 1 Button Classic b Button Classic y Button Esc Exit from menu

Network play

Play Bubble bobble over the network.

From version 9 onwards, Frodo/Wii supports playing games over the Internet. Traffic is completely peer-to-peer, but connections are handled through a third-party server at This allows players to find each other, but also NAT-traversal. To play over the network, follow these steps:

  • Select Networking/Set username and choose a name so that your friends can identify you
  • Talk with your friend on IRC or on some instant messenger. One of you should host the game while the other connects as a client

Some limitations:

  • Scrolling games are too bandwidth-hungry (bandwidth is capped)
  • It must be possible to configure the network via DHCP. Sorry about that.
  • Only the game host can type at the keyboard.
  • The host can select which joystick to control. The other peer will always control the other joystick


To build Frodo, install devkitPro and SDL-Port and then run


in the source directory. You can also build for the host, which is useful to test changes which are not Wii-specific (the menu etc still works). To do this, run

make clean
make -C Src FrodoSC

The binary will be named Src/FrodoSC. I run on Ubuntu Linux, and you need to install the libsdl-ttf2.0-dev and libsdl1.2-dev packages there to build for the host. I don't know how to build it on Windows and other systems.

Reporting issues

Please report issues and feature requests in the frodo-wii issue tracker on Github.




v2.4.1 (

  • Compiled against libogc 1.8.11 and SDL-Wii r101
  • Fixed full resolution in 576i video mode
  • Fixed Restore key

v2.4 (

  • Added SMB support

v2.3 (

  • Added usb fat support
  • Added wiimote rumble support

v2.2 (

  • Several bug fixes
  • Window zooming
  • General preferences saved manually
  • Added items in info menu
  • Option to emulate joystick with arrows keys

v2.1 (

  • Compiled with libogc 1.8.6
  • Fix option menu

v2 (

  • Various small fixes here and there
  • Fix sound when paused
  • Fix nunchuk/classic controller joystick
  • All fixes in the v1-rcs

v1 (

  • (rc3) Reset the C64 on starting games
  • (rc3) Pause automatically on menu enter
  • (rc3) Various key binding fixes
  • (rc3) Build against newer devkitppc to avoid some FAT corruption issues
  • (rc2) Fix joystick input on the virtual keyboard
  • (rc2) Automatically save game info on load screenshot timeout
  • (rc2) Fix multiple key binding
  • (rc2) New default GUI by Baboon
  • (rc2) Fix t64 loading on the Wii
  • Sound support for the network play
  • New GUI
  • Screenshot saving and game info
  • All compile-time warnings have been fixed
  • Much improved Linux support
  • A million small changes here and there, basically all of the code is touched!
  • (For the RC): Only wiimote is supported, not the classic controller or the nunchuk
  • (For the RC): Please submit new GUI themes!
  • Note: The directory for games has been moved to /frodo on the SD card root, so move all your d64 and t64's there.


  • Holger Eilts has improved the menu layout quite a lot
  • Loading separate files in a .D64 from the menu is now possible (Holger Eilts)
  • It's possible to store and load files in subdirectories now
  • By pressing F10 while in a network game, you can type in a message to the other player with the USB keyboard
  • Sound cracks are now gone (thanks to Tantrics new SDL work)


  • It's now possible to start hosting a network game "in the background" and continue using the emulator while waiting for someone to connect
  • Networking support now works (but without sound being transferred). A broker is installed on
  • Link with Yohanes port of SDL, modified by Danny Milo to get USB keyboards working while still having the Home key do what it should
  • There are sound cracks in this version, caused by the new SDL (unsure why)


  • The Nunchuk and Classic analogue controllers now work as joysticks as well (thanks to Aaron Morris)
  • Some key binding problems have been corrected
  • Lots of networking implementation. Won't work yet...


  • Make binding joystick directions to other buttons as well (to be able to jump with e.g., 1)
  • The direction buttons can also be bound to keyboard keys
  • Exit with SYS_RETURNTOMENU to make WAD's work
  • Some restructuring and minor bug fixes here and there
  • Lots and lots of new code which won't get executed here :-)


  • A virtual keyboard has been implemented, both for selecting key bindings and for typing things on screen
  • Don't load files which are zero-sized. This helps with some disk files where the first file is not the PRG one
  • Some small bug fixes and pretty large code cleanup


  • Fixed a truly embarassing bug with the HOME button on the wiimote. Unfortunately,
  • ... It no longer links with Yohanes SDL version, which for some reason broke the menu code with the wiimote (but not the classic controller!). It's probably unrelated but I can't have it like that. Further investigation pending.


  • Merged with the Frodo trunk and build the "SC" version. This should improve emulation somewhat (although there are cases where it's the other way around!). The palette also changes because of this.
  • Save prefrences together with the C64 state when saving snapshots. This is useful e.g., to have game-specific keybindings
  • More menu options to type common key sequences, turn on 1541 CPU emulation etc
  • Link with Yohanes version of SDL-Port, which perhaps brings USB keyboard support. I haven't tested, so please test and fix the code.
  • Fixed some key binding bugs
  • Misc smaller improvements here and there


  • Fixed the buggy classic controller and allow binding all buttons on it
  • More speed improvements. The emulation speed is now selectable
  • A few bug fixes and code improvements


  • Emulation speed has improved a bit
  • Keybindings have been improved and extended (commodore key, del etc) and now behave more like the real keyboard
  • Added support for the classic controller. Note: this is untested since I don't have a classic controller. Please test and fix bugs in this part!
  • Add support for loading .prg, .p00 and .s00 files. Only .prg has been tested so the others might not work.
  • Various glitches and small bugs (long filenames, sound in menus, frequent prefs saves etc) have been fixed


  • Initial release

Other versions

Holger Eilts has made a version with better menu layout, alternative USB keyboard support, screenshots and the ability to load files within D64s directly. I'm working on integrating it in the trunk, but for now you can test it here:

It's based on v8 and therefore does not have network support.

Note: More up-to-date versions may be found at



Frodo is GPLv2. I've always liked the "PostcardWare" concept though, so if someone likes the emulator, send a postcard to

Simon Kågström
Birkagatan 21A
113 36 Stockholm

Thanks go to

  • Christian Bauer for the original Frodo
  • Wii/Gamecube SDL port for the graphics (Yohanes, Tantric)
  • "Tantric"'s port of FCE Ultra, which the sound support was taken from (a bit modified)
  • Aaron Morris for Nunchuk support
  • Bob Forgan and E5frog for continuous testing and reporting problems
  • Baboon for the GUI graphics

External Links