In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Yabause Wii

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Yabause Wii
Author(s)Yabause Team
TypeConsole emulator
VersionUnofficial r2926 beta26
Source Included
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
WiiMote2.svg WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot USB mass storage device

Yabause Wii is the Wii version of Yabause, a Sega Saturn emulator, and is the first for Wii to emulate the complex processes of the Sega Saturn. The Wii port is not released officially. Some unofficial versions have been released. Note that the Wii port is in testable status, and won't be officially supported until a later date. You must not ask the Yabause Team about unofficial versions.


  • ISO or CUE file, cue file needs the files listed in cue file. (not support sega original CD, because Wii cannot read CD)
  • Wiimote, Classic, and Game Cube controllers.
  • front SD/SDHC and USB storage (only FAT)
  • save/load state
  • configure buttons
  • save settings

How to set up

  1. Copy the contents in the HBC directory to your SD (including SDHC) card or USB storage.
  2. Copy game ROMs files (.cue with needed files or .iso) to "/yabause/games" directory.

Optional: If you want, copy the bios file of the Sega Saturn to "/yabause" directory as the name "bios.bin" (But, the default setting is "Without bios". So, if you want to use bios, please set the "With bios" in the Settings submenu). The current version of Yabause Wii can execute games without BIOS. Some games need the bios file to run normally. But, some games freeze with BIOS (ex., Sega Rally Champ.). So, "With BIOS" is not almighty.

When there is /yabause directory in both SD card and USB storage, the files in SD card are given to priority.

The Important Settings

Bios (With or Without, default Without): Some games work only with bios while the other some games freeze with bios.

Decline Number Timing Parameter (2-17: default=15): The yabause executes the process of displaying (BlankOUT process) one image per the decline number The higher the number, the faster but some games are unstable (freezing) while another some games, which did not work in the previous yabauses, work only in the lower number (ex. 2-4) but slower.

SCSP Driver (SCSP1 or SCSP2, default=SCSP2): SCSP1 is old scsp driver. Some games work only with SCSP2 driver. However, the sound quality with SCSP2 seems to be lower than that with SCSP1.

Divide Number for Clock (1-9: default=1): For example, Rockman 8 (it seems to be called as Mega Man 8 in the other areas) works at the divide number for clock=7, but very very slow even if you set the Decline Number Timing = 17.

Video Driver (Software driver or Old software driver, default=Software driver): New software driver is better rendering but slower while old software driver is faster but worse rendering.

How to use

  1. Load this emulator by a loader such as the homebrew channel.
  2. Select the "Load ISO/CUE" menu. The game files in the "/yabause/games" directory are displayed.
  3. Select a game. Then, you return to the main menu.
  4. Select the "Start emulation".

Some games need to select the proper cartridge. So, you must select the proper cartridge before start.

Files Structure and Names


/yabause/bios.bin (optional): bios file of saturn
  |     /yabause.xml (auto): setting file for global; load at first
  |-----/carts/actionreplay.bin (optional)
  |           /bkram4M.bin (auto)
  |           /bkram8M.bin (auto)
  |           /bkram16M.bin (auto)
  |           /bkram32M.bin (auto)
  |           /[gameID]_ROM16M.bin (optional)
  |-----/saves/bkram.bin (auto, one-backup mode): one internal back-up file
  |           /[gameID].bin (auto, each-backup mode): internal back-up file in each game
  |           /[gameID]_00?.yss (auto): state save file in each game
  |           /[game_nameC].xml (auto): setting file for each game; load when selecting game
  |           /[game_nameB].cue (with some files)

You can find the gameID on the label of game packages.

Cartridge List

Cartridge type File name
None ""
Action Replay "/yabause/carts/actionreplay.bin"
Backup 4MBits RAM "/yabause/carts/bkram4M.bin"
Backup 8MBits RAM "/yabause/carts/bkram8M.bin"
Backup 16MBits RAM "/yabause/carts/bkram16M.bin"
Backup 32MBits RAM "/yabause/carts/bkram32M.bin"
DRAM 8MBits ""
DRAM 32MBits ""
ROM 16MBits "/yabause/carts/[gameID]_ROM16M.bin"
Japanese Modem ""
  • The above file names cannot be changed.
  • Tested cartridge types are only backup-RAMs and DRAMs.
  • 8MBits = 1MBytes, 32MBits = 4MBytes; So, DRAM 32MBits is the extended 4MBytes RAM Cartridge.
  • The other types cannot be tested.
  • The file name of the internal backup ram is "/yabause/saves/bkram.bin" on one-backup mode or "/yabause/saves/[gameID].bin" on each-backup mode, though it is not cartridge.


In Menu
WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick GameCube D-Pad or GameCube Control Stick Move
Wiimote 2 Button or Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button Select menu item
In Game (Do not point monitor by wiimote 1 in any controllers.)
WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action Changeability
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad or Classic Left Control Stick GameCube D-Pad or GameCube Control Stick Move Constant
Wiimote A Button Classic y Button Gamecube Y Button A Changeable
Wiimote 1 Button Classic b Button Gamecube B Button B Changeable
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button C Changeable
Wiimote - Button Classic x Button Gamecube X Button X Changeable
Wiimote B Button Classic ZL Button Gamecube C Control Stick(any direction) Y Changeable
Classic ZR Button GameCube Z Button Z Changeable
Classic L Trigger GameCube L Trigger LTrigger Changeable
Classic R Trigger GameCube R Trigger RTrigger Changeable
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button GameCube START Button Start Changeable
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube START Button and GameCube Z Button (Quit) Constant
In Game when poinging monitor (you can see a breif square pointer)
Wiimote1.svg Wii Remote Aim Action
Wiimote - Button and Wiimote 1 Button save state slot 1
Wiimote - Button and Wiimote 2 Button save state slot 2
Wiimote + Button and Wiimote 1 Button load state slot 1
Wiimote + Button and Wiimote 2 Button load state slot 2
Wiimote D-Pad Up Toggle VDP2 NBG0 display
Wiimote D-Pad Right Toggle VDP2 NBG1 display
Wiimote D-Pad Down Toggle VDP2 NBG2 display
Wiimote D-Pad Left Toggle VDP2 NGB3 display
Wiimote A Button Toggle VDP2 RBG0 display
Wiimote B Button Toggle VDP1 display
Wiimote 1 Button and Wiimote 2 Button Toggle FPS display
  • You can save two states in each game.
  • When you cannot play normaly bacause of display priority, try toggle buttons.

Known Issues

  • Slow. However, because the auto-frameskip is active by default some games run at playable speed.
  • Not displaying some images (So, try to push any buttons on black screen.)
  • Freezing
  • Yabause wii was compiled by recent libogc without libogc/autdio.c. The audio.c (r4078) makes yabause wii freezed.

Change Log

Unofficial r2926 beta26 - Jun. 7, 2012

  • based on the original yabause r2926
  • support wiiflow mod plugin; autoloading with arguments

Unofficial r2888 beta25 - May 3, 2012

  • based on the original yabause r2888
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2858 beta24 - Mar. 25, 2012

  • compile with devkitPPC r25 and recent libogc (support new remote plus)
  • based on the original yabause r2858 (including mainly improvements of VIDSOFT & SCSP drivers)
  • branch software video driver to two drivers: old one and new one
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta23 - Aug. 28, 2011

  • adjust SDL audio driver for Wii
  • fix vdp1 clipping
  • show game filenames by outlined characters when the game has its setting
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta22 - Aug. 13, 2011

  • add timing parameters, divide number for clock and smpc other timing. ex., Rockman 8 (it seems to be called as Mega Man 8 in the other areas) works at the divide number for clock=7, but very very slow.
  • add "Remove Setting File", "Reset Settings" menus
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta21 - Jul. 30, 2011

  • make SCSP1 (old one) and SCSP2 into plugins; can select SCSP1 or SCSP2
  • add saving setting mode for each game
  • (maybe) fix PAL monitor mode according to libogc
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta20 - Jul. 24, 2011

  • can adjust decline number (2-17): The higher the number, the faster but some games are unstable while another some games work only in the lower number (ex. 2-4) but slower.
  • adjust for PAL monitor mode when libogc detects VI_PAL mode (but I cannot verify this forever)
  • fix threading
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta19 - Jul. 16, 2011

  • change directory structure from old "/SSROMS" directory to each subdirectories under "/yabause" directory
  • add new internal backup ram saving mode: save in each game
  • activate threading scsp2 using mutex
  • avoid freezing in some vdp1 commands
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2649 beta18 - Jul. 2, 2011

  • base on the original yabause r2649 (cmake branches)
  • compile with devkitPPC r23 and recent libogc except r4078 audio.c
  • use scsp2.c instead of scsp.c (some games works, but, sound quality seems to be lower)
  • fix clip bug of vdp1 in vidsoft.c
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta17 - Nov. 3, 2010

  • compile with devkitPPC r22 (performance up)
  • adjust smpc peripheral timing parameter (some games work), and add setting menu of the parameter
  • fix crash bug in menu
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta16 - Oct. 16, 2010

  • add special color setting menu (default on, off: a little faster, but lower compatibility)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta15 - Oct. 10, 2010

  • revert a part of the previous optimizations because of bug
  • display FPS (default off)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta14 - Oct. 1, 2010

  • support saving settings
  • support configuring buttons
  • some optimizations (a little fast)
  • scroll display of long file name
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta13 - Sep. 24, 2010

  • improve processing vdp1 (fix some imvisiblities and flickers of vdp1)
  • fix path name of ROM 16M-bit cartridge (maybe affect KOF95 etc.)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta12 - Sep. 18, 2010

  • add some previous unhandled commands of vdp2
  • use optimization options of compiler (a little fast)
  • use inline assemblies more in functions used in RBG0 and RBG1 (a little fast but not accurate)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta11 - Sep. 11, 2010

  • add "additive" special color calculation mode
  • fix color bug owing to endian
  • use inline assembler in the mulfixed-function (used in RBG0 and RBG1) for speed up (but a little..)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta10 - Sep. 6, 2010

  • change order of drawing vdp2 for special color calculation mode

Unofficial r2604 beta9 - Sep. 5, 2010

  • add special color calculation mode (blend colors)
  • thread audio and increase buffer
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta8 - Aug. 28, 2010

  • add more some previous unhandled commands of SH2 and memory accesses
  • fix color offset to avoid bluish image
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2604 beta7 - Aug. 18, 2010

  • based on the original yabause r2604
  • change mounting method of fat for stable mounting (retry three times)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2411 beta6 - Aug. 15, 2010

  • recompile for recent HBC1.0.8 and recenet libogc (I don't know using IOS58 for USB2)
  • add some previous unhandled commands of SH2 (ex. Sega Rally Champ. works)
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2411 beta5 - Mar. 27, 2010

  • fix user-clipping
  • add subsubmenu of selecting sound driver
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2411 beta4 - Mar. 6, 2010

  • add bios setting submenues (default is "without bios")
  • fix variable type of the localX, localY taken from rr branch
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2411 beta3 - Feb. 13, 2010

  • avoid crash in scsp
  • fix clipping bug more
  • display vdp1 palette only mode

Unofficial r2411 beta2 - Jan. 23, 2010

  • fix clipping bug in high-reso.
  • support state save & load
  • sort game list alphabetically with case-insensitive
  • some minor fixes and changes

Unofficial r2411 beta1 - Dec. 26, 2009

  • support USB storage
  • sort game list alphabetically

Unofficial r2411 alpha10 - Dec. 5, 2009

  • use GX in converting resolution
  • fix pixel size of vdp1 on the games such as Virtua Fighter

Unofficial r2411 alpha9 - Nov. 6, 2009

  • based on the original yabause r2411
  • fix putting position of vdp1 in the games using high resolution modes

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha8 - Nov. 2, 2009

  • add submenu of setting cartridge
  • not compile high resolution version (highreso.dol) because of bugs

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha7 - Oct. 31, 2009

  • can play repeatedly
  • fix displaying more
  • high resolution version (highreso.dol)

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha6 - Oct. 29, 2009

  • fix displaying, again (but, cannot test all TV-modes except NTSC-J)
  • omit small black square in left-top corner
  • delete stopping DVD (because the latest HBC stops DVD)

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha5 - Oct. 25, 2009

  • fix displaying

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha4 - Oct. 24, 2009

  • support GameCube Controller & stick of Classic Controller
  • improve displaying ..(but, maybe provisionally)

Unofficial 0.9.10 alpha3 - Jun. 2, 2009

  • based on the original Yabause 0.9.10
  • set DRAM32MBIT Cart

Unofficial 0.9.9 alpha2 - Feb. 4, 2009

  • based on the original Yabause 0.9.9
  • can play without bios file

Unofficial 0.9.8 alpha1 - Jan. 10, 2009

  • based on the original Yabause 0.9.8
  • submenu of games
  • stop the sound when you return to the main menu
  • set backup ram as "/SSROMS/bkram.bin"


  • Original developer of Yabause, Yabause Team
  • Many developers of the libraries and systems tools such as libogc, etc..