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TypeHandheld emulator
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
Wiimote1.svg WiiMote2.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller USB Keyboard Loads files from the Front SD slot

WiiXL is a port of the Atari800 emulator 2.0.3 to the Wii developed by raz0red [1].

The Atari800 emulator is a free and portable Atari 800/XL/XE/5200 emulator, originally written by David Firth and now developed by the Atari800 Development Team [2].

Current Status

WiiXL is definitely a work in progress. At this point much of the emulator's extended functionality is only accessible via a USB keyboard. While most of the common buttons/keys have been mapped to the Wii/GameCube controllers others are unavailable (HELP, PAUSE, etc.). Also, if you attempt to use functionality such as state loading/saving you will be prompted to enter a file name. Until a virtual keyboard is implemented, this must be accomplished via USB keyboard.

Planned features for subsequent releases:

  • User-defined controller mappings
  • Virtual keyboard
  • Rewriting video to use GX
  • Paddle support (via Wiimote/mouse)
  • Mouse support
  • Analog controller support
  • Ability to navigate entire SD Card for disks, carts, etc.


To install WiiXL, simply extract the zip file that this README was distributed with directly to your SD card (retain the hierarchical structure exactly).

WiiXL includes the Atari 800/XL/XE BIOS, OS, and BASIC ROM files.

However, it does NOT include the Atari 5200 ROM file. If you want play Atari 5200 games you must obtain the ROM file, "5200.rom", and place it in the WiiXL application directory (/apps/wiixl).

Disk and cartridge images should be placed in the software directory (wiixl/software).


WiiXL menu

Wiimote.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down Classic D-Pad Up / Classic D-Pad Down Gamecube D-Pad Up / Gamecube D-Pad Down Scroll through the Menu
Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Classic D-Pad Left / Classic D-Pad Right Gamecube D-Pad Left / Gamecube D-Pad Right Page through the Menu
Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button Select menu item
Wiimote B Button Classic b Button Gamecube B Button Previous menu
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube Z Button Exit to Homebrew channel

Atari800 emulator menu

Wiimote.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad GameCube D-Pad Scroll through the Menu
Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button Select
Wiimote B Button Classic b Button Gamecube B Button Back
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button GameCube R Trigger Cold start
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button GameCube L Trigger Warm start
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube Z Button Exit to Homebrew channel

Atari 800/XL/XE emulation

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad GameCube D-Pad Move
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button Fire
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button GameCube START Button [Start] Key
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button GameCube L Trigger [Select] Key
Wiimote A Button Classic R Trigger GameCube R Trigger [Option] Key
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube Z Button Atari800 emulator menu

Atari 5200 emulation

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad GameCube D-Pad Move
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button Fire
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button GameCube START Button Start
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button GameCube L Trigger * (Asterick)
Wiimote A Button Classic R Trigger GameCube R Trigger # (Hash)
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube Z Button Atari800 emulator menu

WiiXL crashes, code dumps, etc.

If you are having issues with WiiXL, please let me know about it via one of the following locations:

Special thanks

  • Tantric/eke-eke ~ Audio code example
  • yohanes ~ SDL USB keyboard support
  • Team Twiizers ~ For enabling homebrew



0.1 - February 7, 2009

  • Initial release
  • Wiimote/Classic/GameCube controller support
  • USB Keyboard
  • Audio/Video etc.
  • Save/load state
  • Screenshot support
  • Audio recording support