In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Wiituka, CPC Emulator
Wiituka logo.png
TypeComputer emulator
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
WiiMote2.svg SensorBar.svg USB Keyboard Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot ClassicController.svg Local WiFi Internet

The Amstrad CPC range was an 8bit microcomputer family released on June 21st, 1984. These computers were sold as a complete bundle including a colour or green screen monitor and a main storage system. CPC was an acronym of Colour Personal Computer. The first digit was a code for the main storage system;'4' denoted a tape deck and '6' a 3-inch floppy disk drive. The Amstrad CPC range included the following models:

  • Amstrad CPC 464, 64Kb RAM
  • Amstrad CPC 472, 64Kb RAM (only sold in Spain)
  • Amstrad CPC 664, 64Kb RAM
  • Amstrad CPC 6128, 128Kb RAM

The CPC series was very popular in Europe, mainly in the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Germany (where the CPC was sold under the Schneider brand). Amstrad plc. entered the computing market with the CPC series. They even dominated the European market with their PC clones the PC1512 and 1640. Sales of CPC units are estimated at about 2 million.

You are looking at a machine thats hardware was packed with its Z80A 4MHz processor, 3 channels of sound that made for perfect atmospheres in games, and a very advanced graphical chip for its time: different graphical modes and graphical resolutions changes whilst running. Very few machines have been as big as the CPC was, it survived for more than 10 years and it's a beloved and well known machine by two generations of computing fans that remember it.

About Wiituka

Wiituka is the first release of a fantastic emulator of this 8bit computer, developed by D_Skywalk

Usually noob users feel sad with computer emulators, because they don't even know how to RUN games.. with Wiituka this issue is solved.. because it automatically download the games, and execute it like!! "Virtual Console" or Hombrew Browser!!! toy can also use the Gunstick Emulation with the wiimote, incredible!!!

Current Wiituka Features

  • It's like real an Amstrad CPC 6128.
  • A comfortable Interface that tries to resemble "Virtual Console"
  • With online support, download your games from coach.
  • First emulator with CPC Gunstick Emulation (Yeah!)
  • And the first Wii program that emulates a Green Monitor (Wtf!?!)

New in Version 0.98.8

  • Bug fixes in libogc/grrlib with some TV sets
  • Page can be changed with + and -
  • Added option in XML to avoid connect to internet
  • Added internal mp3 player, feels the 80s!
  • In virtual keyboard now you can clean all binded keys using A+B
  • Participates in Scenery beta 2009

New in Version 0.98.6

  • Bug fixes, more stable.
  • Solved some Beta problems.
  • Redefine WiiMote Keys.
  • Snapshot Support.
  • On Screen Options Menu and many moar ;)

To Do

  • Game List with Screenshots.
  • Roms details, votes and many more! see TODO


By Default the emulator start with a joystick config on Wiimote1 and Cursor config on Wiimote2.

You can redefine this keys using Keyboard-On-Screen and press Button B (on Key to Bind) + Any Button on your Wiimote / Wii Classic Control.

Wiimote 1

Wiimote1.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Joystick Fire Button 1 / Gunstick Fire
Wiimote 2 Button Joystick Fire Button 1
Wiimote 1 Button Joystick Fire Button 2
Wiimote D-Pad Right Joystick Right
Wiimote D-Pad Left Joystick Left
Wiimote D-Pad Up Joystick Up
Wiimote D-Pad Down Joystick Down
Wiimote HOME Button Pause Wiituka

Wiimote 2

WiiMote2.svg Action
Wiimote A Button [A] Key
Wiimote 2 Button [A] Key
Wiimote 1 Button [SPACE] Key
Wiimote D-Pad Right Cursor Right
Wiimote D-Pad Left Cursor Left
Wiimote D-Pad Up Cursor Up
Wiimote D-Pad Down Cursor Down
Wiimote HOME Button Pause Wiituka


USB Keyboard
Keyboard USB
Simply Connnect to work with it.
On-Screen Options/Keyboard
Keep your wiimote aiming to your TV set for the on-screen options to appear.

Known Bugs

  • none?



^Tayra^, ^MiSaTo^, xzakox, Kaos Overdrive, Manny2008

Moral Support

^Tayra^, Pelayo

Music Used

All music is Creative Commons or is authorized by the original author.

Thanks for share your amazing songs :)

Coding Info

And frankly thanks Marcan for your help and your support! :)

Legal note

The vast majority of original games programmers and publishers have given their permission for their CPC software to be released into the public domain, including Amstrad who released the system ROMs. Wiituka uses one of those public FTP repositories to obtain the software. If you need more info, please read this legal note.