List of homebrew applications/pt-br

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Contents Media players | Utilitario | Operating systems | Math

Todas as aplicações listadas nesta wiki ou são completamente original ou portos de software livre, e, portanto, são legais. Nenhum software listado nesta wiki é licenciada ou endossado em nenhuma maneira qualquer pela Nintendo.

Media players

Vídeo e áudio

Título Descrição Autor
GeeXboX Linux-based port of GeeXboX, which uses MPlayer for playback. The GeeXboX Team
MPlayer CE (PT) Native MPlayer port, a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX. Scip, rodries, etc.
MPlayer TT Native MPlayer port to demonstrate DVD functionality. Team Twiizers
MPlayerWii Native MPlayer port. rOn
Wii MFE Port Linux-based port of MPlayer. nuvalo

Audio unicamente

Título Descrição Autor
DragonMedia Player Music player with a skinnable interface. It supports a lot of sound formats. DragonMinded
HiivelyPlay HVL/AHX tracker player. Xeron/IRIS
WiiMPC MPD client Sshock
WiiRadio ShoutCast client scanff


Título Descrição Autor
Alarmii Alarm clock for Wii Blitter
Balance Board Tools Balance tools for your enjoyment elisherer
CheatManager (PT) Criar un ficheiro GCT por ser usado com Gecko OS (e para fazer batota) Spritez
Code Downloader Download txt code files from WiiRD Database linus
ftpii FTP server joedj
Homebrew Browser Install the latest homebrew games and applications all through your Wii teknecal
Leveltool A spirit-level using your wiimote Alanceil
Metronome A Metronome for your Wii Westy92
Playstats Wii playtime history statistics chris
Ocarina Cheat code engine for the Wii Link
SD Explorer SD card file manager miom
TopEdit Text File Editor georgp24
txt-read Allows you to view text files Muzer
txtEd Simple Text Mode File Editor linus
txtEd Mod Simple Text Mode File Editor Freigeist
WiiBServer Tiny unfinished HTTP/1.0 web server Jay
Wiicm Cheat Code Manager linus
WiiEarth Google maps like app PaulWagener
Wiihttpd Simple multi-threaded HTTP Webserver for the Wii teknecal
WiiPaint Draw on Wii using a custom GRRLIB 2.0 Kontakatilu
WiiStrobe Turn your TV into a strobe light! Pinecone
Wii Web Server Serves web-pages Cboomf + Felix123 + Others
WiiWhiteboard Interactive Whiteboard Bg

Operating systems

Título Descrição Autor
Wii Linux Wii-Linux debian based distro GC-Linux
WiiShell UNIX-like shell Aksommerville


Título Descrição Autor
Automatii cellular automata (life) gcb
Mandelbrot Mandelbrot fractal generator Krupkat
WiiCalc Full Featured Calculator PaceMaker
WiiLife Also cellular automata drei000
WPCP Wii Pi Calculation Project MadCatMk2