In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Balance Board Tools

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Balance Board Tools
Author(s)Eli Sherer
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
Wiimote1.svg WiiBalanceBoard.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot


My first release, I always wanted a scale program without going into WiiFit all the time going through the Body Test. So I made one! and I added the Center of Gravity (COG) feature also. Hope you enjoy.


Everything in the program can be changed by editing the png files under the folder images. If you have suggestions for and graphical interface you are welcome to email me at PNG must be a multiple of 4 (on width and height) and have 24 bit or 32 bit (if alpha). (change # with @).

Exercises: You can skin the exercises as well by making a transparent (or non transparent) png file (640x460 in size) and have fun with it (i.e make a circle and try to do a hoola-hoop).


in menu

Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Confirms selection
Wiimote HOME Button Quits

Weight check

Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote A Button toggles between Kgs/Lbs
Wiimote - Button gets the ruler backwards
Wiimote + Button gets the ruler forwards
Wiimote 1 Button Toggles between analog and digital display
WiiBalanceBoard.svg Puts pressure on the scale
Wiimote HOME Button Quits

Center of Gravity

Wiimote.svg Action
WiiBalanceBoard.svg See where your weak point
Wiimote A Button Confirms selection
Wiimote HOME Button Quits


[video was deleted from youtube]


Sorry for the lousy screenshot. It was taken with my digital camera.


v1.0 10/06/09 final-release

  • added: HOMEMenu support
  • added: save file on the SD called baltools.cfg
 holds: LBS/KG,Digital/Analog,Analog-Offset,Exercise.
  • fixed: issues on the debuging screen, board recognition issues etc.

v0.9 26/05/09 pre-final-release

  • added: ruler of lbs (now changes with A pressed)
  • added: Digital Display ('1' toggles)
  • added: Progress for debug on initialization.
  • fixed: some minor checking

v0.25 6/05/09 pre-release

  • Initial work with lbs

v0.2 4/05/09

  • Changed the buttons so they are text now and take less space on the SD card.
  • Fixed the cursor and the background position
  • Added an icon of the balance board on the main menu that becomes opaque on identification.

v0.1 3/05/09

  • First Release

Special thanks to

Yaron Burger for the help.

Known Issues

The program doesn't load the images. Solution: make sure all the data is in SD:/apps/balancetools/images/

The Program crashes when i try to make skins. Solution: make sure the png files are sized in a multiple of 4 (i.e 24x44=GOOD, 25x55=BAD) and a depth of 24BIT or greater.

BBT Channel

If you want a channel with the balance board tools (so you won't have to go from HBC), here is a dol file forwarding to the app dol file. Just make it a channel (in some way, I didn't make one so it wont be mistaken for warez) and install it in the usual way.

Talk about the program

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