In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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3.3 update
Date history
Build dateMarch 6, 2008
Release dateUSA Flag.png June 16, 2008

JAP Flag.png June 16, 2008

EUR Flag.png June 16, 2008

KOR Flag.png April 26, 2008
System Menu IOSIOS30
IOS40 (Korea only)]]
CDN-updated IOSIOS30
HackMii post
Wiimpersonator log (U)
Version History
Preceded by3.2
Minor revisions3.3rev01, 3.3rev02, 3.3rev03
Succeeded by3.4
3.5 (Korea only)|3.4]]
3.5 (Korea only)]]

The 3.3 update was released on 16th June 2008. It checks for and deletes the Twilight Hack and any other Twilight Princess saves exploiting the same vulnerability. However, it does not affect existing Homebrew Channel installations. It does, however, fix the signing bug in the System Menu IOS, which prevents any "trucha"-signed discs from running, including the Homebrew Channel installer ISO versions. This update was actually compiled on March 6th. It has probably undergone months of testing before being out, hence why it does not target any of the newer hacks.

An earlier version, also labeled 3.3, was the initial set of titles present on Korean consoles. It did have the Twilight Hack fix, as well as the signing bug fix.


June 17, 2008 (rev01)

  • You can now move a Mii from the Mii Plaza to the Mii Parade in the Mii Channel.
  • Copied IOS30 signing bug fix to IOS31 and BC
    • The new IOS31 was probably built automatically together with the IOS30 from 3.2rev04
    • The new BC corresponded with boot1c
  • First attempt for Twilight Hack
    • On boot, unaligned sizes will never be deleted
    • On copy, only the first zeldaTp.dat is checked
  • Updated MIOS to completely fill invisible memory with bogus data, preventing the Tweezer Attack.

July 22, 2008 (rev02)

  • New version of Photo Channel (1.x-a) :
    • An update was made available for the Wii console which provides behind-the-scenes support for a new service that has been released only in Japan.

October 22, 2008 (rev03)

  • Fixed signing bug, ES_Identify, and /dev/flash for every IOS (except IOS16 and IOS254), in addition to hardware compatibility updates
  • New version of Wii Shop Channel :
    • A change was made to the way that compatible controllers are displayed in the "Details" section of a game's description. In addition, this update provides other behind-the-scenes changes.

What is affected

Affected Workaround
Twilight Hack 0.1alpha3b and below Use 0.1beta1 or above
Homebrew Channel ISO Install using the Twilight Hack instead
Freeloader Use Gecko OS
Modified discs (Trucha, WiiFrii, etc) Load the disc using Gecko OS
Installing backed up homebrew channels using the System Menu Use the Twilight Hack and a real installer
Moving pirated VC/WW games back to wii from an SD Card Kill your piracy habit
Drivechips Can no longer boot homebrew through the Disc Channel. However, homebrew can still be booted through the Wii Fit Channel, etc., and bricks can still be fixed by autobooting a renamed disc and using Bluebomb.

Not affected

  • The Homebrew Channel (and the Homebrew Channel updater) (if already installed)
  • Other homebrew channels
  • Other hacked saves
  • Other region games

Message from Nintendo



Wii Menu version 3.3 is now available for your Wii console. To update your Wii Menu to the latest version, please select the Update

button at the bottom of the screen or select the System Update option in Wii System Settings.

With this update, you can now move a Mii from the Mii Plaza to the Mii Parade in the Mii Channel. To do this, simply pick up a Mii using the A and B Buttons and then release it over the Mii Parade icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Because unauthorized modifications to save files may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 3.3 will also check for and automatically remove such save files.

Thank you for updating your Wii console!



(If you have received this notice before, please disregard the following information.)

Dear Customer,

Nintendo would like to inform you that a Wii Menu update is now available. Select the UPDATE button on the lower-right to update your Wii console. You can also update by selecting SYSTEM UPDATE in the Wii Settings.


Save files created by unauthorised modifications may cause damage to your Wii console. This Wii Menu update will detect and automatically delete such files. Please note that these deletion measures will not affect Wii consoles that contain only normal save files.

This update also adds a new feature to the Mii Channel. You can now move a Mii from the Mii Plaza to the Mii Parade. To do this, pick up a Mii and release it over the Mii Parade icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Note: If you have already updated your Wii console since 17 June 2008, you do not need to update again.



(En caso de que hayas recibido con anterioridad este mensaje, ignora la información que viene a continuación).

Estimado cliente:

Queríamos informarte de que está disponible una actualización del menú de Wii. Selecciona el botón ACTUALIZACIÓN de la derecha para actualizar tu consola Wii. también podrás hacerlo seleccionando ACTUALIZACIÓN DE Wii en la configuración de Wii.


Los archivos de guardado creados a partir de las modificaciones sin autorización que se realicen en la consola Wii podrían dañar la misma. Esta actualización del menú de Wii detectará y eliminará automáticamente estos archivos. Ten en cuenta que estas medidas no afectarán a aquellas consolas Wii que solo contengan archivos de guardado normales.

Con esta actualización podrás disfrutar además de una novedad en el Canal Mii

-En el Canal Mii, podrás pasar un Mii de la Plaza Mii al Paseo de los Miis. Para hacerlo, agarra el Mii que quieras pasar y suéltalo sobre el icono de Paseo de los miis en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

Nota: Si has actualizado tu consola después del 17 de junio de 2008, no necesitas hacerlo de nuevo.










1. 似顔絵広場にいるMiiをつかんでください 2. 画面右上の似顔絵パレードのアイコンにMiiを重ねてはなします


English Translation

You can update the Wii Menu! Please press the "Update" button in the bottom-right to update.


Abnormal save data created through methods outside of normal use (altered data, etc) may cause damage to your Wii system. Beginning with this update, measures are taken against this.

Caution: After updating, save data containing abnormal sections may be automatically erased.

If you have been using the Wii properly, you will not be affected.

With this update, the functionality of the Mii Channel has been expanded. You can move your Miis from the Mii Plaza to the Mii Parade.

How to move a Mii:

1. Pick up a Mii in the Mii Plaza 2. Drag the Mii to the Mii Parade icon in the top-right of the screen and release

  • If you have updated since June 17th, you do not need to update again.

Technical details

Six titles were changed with this update:

  • 1-2 (System Menu) updated to version 0x121 -- see below
  • 1-30 (IOS30) updated to version 0xa10 -- signing bug fix backported from IOS37. This is the IOS that the system menu uses, so fakesigned discs will no longer work.
  • 1-31 (IOS31) updated to version 0xa10 -- same as IOS30
  • 1-100 (BC) updated to version 4 -- signing bug fixed. It is unknown what effect this will have, but probably means new Wiis will soon come with a fixed boot1.
  • 1-101 (MIOS) updated to version 8 -- anti-tweezer-hack code added (see
  • 00010002-HACA (Mii Channel) updated to version 5 -- presumably changed to add the Mii Plaza / Mii Parade support, the ostensible goal of this update.

According to the post on HackMii, three functions have been added to the system menu.

  1. ipl::utility::ESMisc::DeleteSavedata( (unsigned long long, EGG::Heap *))
  2. ipl::utility::ESMisc::VerifySavedataZD( (unsigned long long, EGG::Heap *))
  3. WADCheckSavedataZD

Based on disassembly of these functions, it seems that the SystemMenu will now check to see if the strings in all Twilight Princess save data (such as character names) are of correct length. This will essentially disallow a string-based stack smash for Twilight Princess.

Luckily, two of these functions have flaws in them that would allow a slightly modified (and somewhat malformed) Twilight Hack to be used to bypass both of the checks. More information can be found on HackMii.

Q & A

Will this brick my Wii?


Can we reinstall the Twilight Hack after it deletes it?

Yes, install the 0.1beta1 version

Will it delete the Homebrew Channel?

No, it won't delete it.

Is Homebrew Channel still working?

Yes. Only the old Twilight Hack and things that exploit the signing bug are affected. However, if you copy the Homebrew Channel to an SD card, delete it from internal storage, and then try to copy it back, you will be unable to do so.

Can I install the Homebrew Channel if I updated my Wii?

Only by using a software-based exploit.