In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Homebrew status

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Current homebrew status: All brick-free consoles may install homebrew. Bricked consoles may still be able to, but this is inconsistent.

The recommended method of homebrew application loading is currently the Homebrew Channel, installed using HackMii Installer. There are two ways to get HackMii Installer running: System Menu exploits and savegame exploits. System Menu exploits include Bannerbomb (for System Menu versions through 4.2) and Wilbrand, BlueBomb, str2hax or FlashHax (for System Menu 4.3). Savegame exploits require a specific Game Disc and include Twilight Hack (for System Menu below 4.0), Indiana Pwns (for all), Smash Stack (for NTSC-U and NTSC-J), Yu-Gi-OWNED! (for PAL and NTSC-U), and Return of the Jodi (for all).

Compatibility Table

X mark.svg means it blocks it.

Yes check.svg means it doesn't block it.

Use Yes or No next to each X or Check if there is/isn't a work around.

IOS^ means IOS updated.

IOS+ means IOS added.

IOS Used means the IOS the System Menu uses.

Title 3.2 3.3 Oct 23 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3
TwP Hack Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Bannerbomb Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
LetterBomb X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Yes check.svg
SS, IP BH ROTJ& YU Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
DVDx Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
IOS Used 30 v1040 30 v2576 50 60 70 80
IOS^ 30 30, 31 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 33, 34, 35 30, 31, 37 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 50, 51, 254 None 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 53, 55, 60, 61, 254 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61, 70, 254
IOS+ None None 4, 9, 10, 14, 22, 28, 36, 51 50, 254 16, 38, 53, 55, 60, 61 None 56, 57, 70, 222, 223, 249, 250 58, 80

More In-depth Compatibility

Note: Fake Signing = TruchaBug

Launch-day to 3.1

All homebrew works here.

Note: No exploits were fixed until 3.2.


3.2 blocks older versions of the GameCube Action Replay, and 3.2rev03 comes with IOS37, an IOS with a fixed signing bug, although this does not affect homebrew.


System Menu 3.3 came with an unsuccessful attempt to block the Twilight Hack and a successful attempt to block booting of modified/fakesigned discs.

October 23rd (2008) Update

Which installed new versions of all IOS to block the TruchaBug. Most Wii homebrew can still be loaded via HBC, but any apps that rely on FakeSigning will not work. This includes:

This means you can't install any patched IOS.
You are unable to delete any unused channels, such as Forecast and News. This also affects the unofficial versions.


System Menu 3.4 removes the Twilight Hack on every boot. Due to this inconvenience, you will have to copy the Twilight Hack back onto the console each time you want to use it. Bannerbomb does not suffer from this inconvenience, as it is never copied to the console.

4.0 and 4.1

System Menu 4.0 finally killed the Twilight Hack. You will need to use Bannerbomb to run the HackMii Installer, and from there you can install the HBC, DVDx, and BootMii.


Most homebrew is currently functional. The BannerBomb v1 exploit currently cannot be used but Bannerbomb v2 can be used. You could also use Indiana Pwns Return of the Jodi or Smash Stack to load homebrew. Team Twiizers has found a way to install HBC, DVDx, and BootMii on 4.2. It's cautioned that you still shouldn't update.


Most homebrew is currently functional. BannerBomb v2 can't be used, but Indiana Pwns Return of the Jodi and Smash Stack still work. Team Twiizers has found an IOS exploit to allow installing the HBC and BootMii on 4.3. DVDX isn't installed as its code (the AHBPROT channel loading flag) is moved inside the HomeBrew Channel's launcher. Updating is recommended to gain access to USB 2.0 functionality. The HackMii Installer v0.8 includes all these changes.

Update: In August, Team Twiizers has found an exploit using the Wii message board, called LetterBomb. It works without any game, like Bannerbomb.

September 8th (2010) Update

This update does not affect any homebrew except a little-known pirate exploit. The only significant change was the addition of IOSes used in other regions. In other words, non-Korean Wiis gained the Korean IOSes, and Korean Wiis gained IOSes previously unavailable from system updates (such as IOS31). If homebrew was installed or updated with the latest HackMii Installer, this update will not remove homebrew.

Newer Wiis


HackMii Installer will now work on all Wiis, but on some newer Wiis, downgrading an IOS will cause the IOS to become useless. IOS downgrading was a method popularly used by pirates prior to "LU64+ unsoftmoddable" Wiis, and is VERY dangerous.



The methods used to do this are risky and often illegal. Instead, remember that even the latest version will let you enjoy most Wii homebrew, and that newer homebrew is likely to work with the latest version of the Wii software. The risks of downgrading are large at this point, and you could easily render your Wii completely bricked with no possible fix.


Bannerbombv2 Or Old Bannerbomb

Twilight Hack

Smash Stack

Indiana Pwns

Fake Signing (Signing bug)

Requires: Varies. For homebrew enablement, a drivechip and a Wii with IOSes prior to a System Menu 3.3 update.

This method of signing content for the Wii exploits a bug in the implementation of the RSA algorithm used in some of the Wii's software. It is simple to create a fake signature for any content, allowing the installation of custom channels (such as the Homebrew Channel) and IOSes (via PatchMii or Custom IOS Installer), the running of modified game discs (only with a drivechip), the Datel Freeloader disc, and more.

However, as of the System Menu 4.0 update, all IOSes have been patched to remove the signing bug, rendering all fakesigned discs, as well as any homebrew software reliant on the signing bug (such as AnyTitle Deleter and AnyRegion Changer) useless.

Homebrew Channel

Requires: Homebrew enablement via fakesigning (only on consoles that do not have the October 23 update), a savegame exploit and corresponding Game Disc, or a System Menu exploit.

While not a hack in itself, the Homebrew Channel is the first homebrew loading interface that does not require any other software or hardware to run. Installation, however, requires the ability to run either the Twilight Hack, fakesigned discs, or Bannerbomb. It currently works on all Wii System Menus available up to this writing (the latest is currently 4.3). The Homebrew Channel installer utilizes various undisclosed exploits to install itself, depending on what exploits are still available on your Wii.

Updates that affect homebrew

There have been many Wii System Updates for the Wii. Listed here are the ones that in some way affect homebrew.

System Menu 4.3

Released: 21st/22nd June 2010

  • Deleted Homebrew Channel
  • Deleted DVDX
  • Deleted Title IDs:
    • HAXX
    • DVDX
    • JODI
    • DISC
    • DISK
  • System Menu uses IOS80
  • Stubbed IOS254
    • Deleted BootMii
  • Fixed Bannerbomb less stupidly this time
  • Added IOS58
  • Removed HackMii Installer Userland+Syscall IOS exploit
  • ES_AddTitleFinish now checks signature
    • Trucha Bug Restorer and similar won't work anymore

System Menu 4.2

Released: 28th September 2009

  • Deletes old versions of the Homebrew Channel
    • Ones with the HAXX ID
  • Deletes old versions of DVDx
    • Ones with the DVDX ID
  • Now uses IOS70
  • Updated Wii Shop Channel
  • Most of the IOS's have been updated or stubbed.
  • Updates your boot2 to boot2v4, overwriting BootMii/boot2.
  • Bricks region converted Korean Wiis

This update was dubbed the "Homebrew Killer" and is the most aggressive attack Nintendo have made against homebrew. There have been numerous reports of Wiis being bricked (whether they have homebrew installed or not) because the code Nintendo use to flash boot2 is not as well tested as some of the other update code.

System Menu 4.0

Released: 25th March 2009

  • Added IOS16 (stub), IOS60 and IOS61
  • Updated IOS38
  • Blocks Twilight Hack version 0.1beta2
  • System Menu uses IOS60
  • Blocks new installations of anything that uses the STM Release Exploit
  • Blocks Homebrew Channel
  • Blocks DVDx
  • Updated Photo Channel 1.1
  • Updated Wii Shop Channel
  • The Wii Speak Channel 2.0 is not compatible with the original.
    • Update the Wii Speak Channel to version 2.0 by using the Wii Shop Channel (update it if required)

System Menu 3.4

Released: 18th November 2008 - Found in games

  • Updated Mii Channel
  • Updated IOSes 30, 31, and 37
  • Updated MIOS and BC
  • Blocks Twilight Hack version 0.1beta1
    • Twilight Hack version 0.1beta2 can be installed
  • System Menu uses IOS50
  • Does not appear to affect custom channels (although there have been unreliable reports to the contrary)
  • Blocks PatchMii
  • Blocks dev/flash/ on IOSes 30, 31, and 37

October 23rd Update

Released: 23rd October 2008 - Found in games

System Menu 3.3

Released: 16th June 2008 - Found in games


Released: 21st March 2008 - Found in games

This iteration of IOS contained a fixed signature checking routine--a fix for the Signing bug. Although installed on many Wiis, IOS37 has not been found active in any way that would disable any hacks.

Other Updates

Currently, no other updates, older or newer than these, affect homebrew. See System Menu Versions for more info on other updates.

Recent updates believed not to have affected homebrew are:

  • System Menu 4.1
    • (JP only) updated HCCJ (Room Channel & Food Delivery Channel apparently)