WiiBrew:Index of media

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YouTube - Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods
YouTube - Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods

Media g4tv.png Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods by Attack of the Show

Use your Nintendo Wii for more than adventures with Mario or exercising with the Fit. See how you can hack your Wii to watch DVDs, install a different OS and play new games.


This section is here so users and developers alike can post media regarding Wii homebrew.
If you know of a video you think people would like to see, then please add it to the list.

If an entry is especially interesting, an administrator may move it to the featured list and it will be shown on the Main Page.


YouTube - Showcase: WiiBrew (May 2009)
YouTube - Showcase: WiiBrew (May 2009)

Featured media youtube.png Homebrew Showcase (May 2009) by Extrems

This video showcases the following homebrew: Christmas-Type Adventure Time, CosmoRaketti, Helium Boy, Kobo Deluxe, MPlayer CE, OpenTyrianWii, Quake Wii, ScummVM, Snes9x GX, Super Mario War Wii, Visual Boy Advance GX, Wii64, and WiiEarth.


YouTube - The state of the Wii - 24c3
YouTube - The state of the Wii - 24c3

Featured media youtube.png 24C3: The state of the Wii by Team Twiizers

The state of the Wii lecture by bushing and others from the 24th Chaos Communication Congress.

YouTube - 25C3: Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail
YouTube - 25C3: Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail

Featured media youtube.png 25C3: Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail by Team Twiizers

24C3 saw the first public demonstration of unsigned code running on the Wii. A year later, we present full details of that attack and share the results of another full year of research.

Presentation's page / Download

YouTube - Demonstration: WiiBrew (GRRLIB 4.0)
YouTube - Demonstration: WiiBrew (GRRLIB 4.0)

Featured media youtube.png GRRLIB 4.0 Demonstration by NoNameNo

GRRLIB stands for GX Rgb Renderer Library. It is a graphics library written in C that makes use of GX.


YouTube - Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods
YouTube - Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods

Media g4tv.png Hack This: Nintendo Wii Mods by Attack of the Show

Use your Nintendo Wii for more than adventures with Mario or exercising with the Fit. See how you can hack your Wii to watch DVDs, install a different OS and play new games.

YouTube - Homebrew Browser 1 year anniversary
YouTube - Homebrew Browser 1 year anniversary

Featured media youtube.png HBB: One Year Anniversary by teknecal

Just a quick 1 year anniversary video put together showing the progression of the Homebrew Browser.

YouTube - Wii Homebrew Promotion video
YouTube - Wii Homebrew Promotion video

Featured media youtube.png Homebrew Promotion video by PiesAreBlueGuy

This video showcases the following homebrew: Bubble Dizzy Wii, Duck Hunt, FCE Ultra GX, Guitarfun, Jewel Quest, Kobo Deluxe, Masteroids, OpenTyrianWii, QuakeGX, Scogger, Snake, Snes9x GX, Tetris Wii, Visual Boy Advance GX and WiiPhysics.

YouTube - Demonstration: GRRLIB 4.1.1
YouTube - Demonstration: GRRLIB 4.1.1

Featured media youtube.png OSDM-BAR Dentro by NoNameNo

GRRLIB is a C/C++ 2D Graphics library for Wii application developers. With it, coders can quickly and easily start creating graphical applications.

YouTube - Wii64 - April 1st Tiizer
YouTube - Wii64 - April 1st Tiizer

Featured media youtube.png Wii64 - April 1st Tiizer by emu_kidid

This video demonstrates the new dynamic recompiling core and improved graphics plug-in of Wii64.

YouTube - [Homebrew-Wii] Wiiconnect Demo 4 -ContraNetwork-
YouTube - [Homebrew-Wii] Wiiconnect Demo 4 -ContraNetwork-

Featured media youtube.png Wiiconnect Demo 4 by Contra

Wiiconnect is a program that let's Wii users connect to each others. This video demonstrates the current GUI.

YouTube - June 2010 Wii Homebrew Showcase
YouTube - June 2010 Wii Homebrew Showcase

Featured media youtube.png June 2010 Wii Homebrew Showcase by Elosnoc Iiw

This video showcases the following homebrew: WiiEarth, Homebrew Browser, WiiMC, Mahjongg Wii, Smashing!, Harmonium.

YouTube - Homebrew Showcase (December 2010)
YouTube - Homebrew Showcase (December 2010)

Featured media youtube.png Homebrew Showcase (December 2010) by Cid2mizard

This video showcases the following homebrew: Abusimbel Profanation Deluxe, Accio Hacks, Wiiab, Alien Puzzle Wii , Avoidance, Bash The Castle, Christmas-Type Adventure Time, Dance Clone, Desert Bus, Dont Get Crushed, EEEEK! EEEEEK! HOOOOOOK!!!, Fire, FridgeMagnets, Garnatron, Gravitii, Gravity Glide, Heretic Wii, Hexen Wii, HHexen, Homebrew Browser, Homebrew Filter, Hypno Blast, Inkpoly, Inuit Wars, JellyCar Wii, Jewels, Jumping Jack, LibNoise, Lopan, Mandelbrot, MazeOfGaliousWii, Wii Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight, NanoMechas, OpenBOR, PieChart, Pineapple Apocalypse RPG, PiX Bros, PiX Dash, PixelMerge, PixelPlot, ProjectGMC, RaveWild, RedSquare, Revolt Of The Binary Couriers, Rezerwar, Riivolution, RoadFighterWii, Robi, Rokoban, Roxoptr2, Scape, Sintro, Sonic Robo Blast 2 Wii, SpaceBubble, Spear of Destiny, Super Mario War Wii, Super Pixel Jumper, SuperTux Wii, Swing Ball, That Other Pong, The Castles of Dr. Creep, The King of Fighters : Flames of Courage, The Prophecy, The Ur-Quan Masters, The Video Game, They Do Not Die, Timeless, WiiMC, UFO Racer, WarHeads : Scorched Earth, and Ziip.

YouTube - Homebrew Showcase (December 2011)
YouTube - Homebrew Showcase (December 2011)

Featured media youtube.png Homebrew Showcase (December 2011) by Cid2mizard

This video showcases the following homebrew : Abuse_Wii, Beer Belly Bill 3 Grillieren, BlacksDash, Blobby Volley 2 Wi, BoltThrower, Cascade_Beneath, Cherophobe, CorsixTH, Cubicle_Shooter, Cylinder_Dodge, Deadly_Cobra_Wii, Descent, Goodbye World, Hero_City, Lifemiiwii, Marcos Lopez - Part II, Morshu the MMMMMM, Mr Sitwell In Turbo WC Magical Adventure, Neo_Tanks, NeoCD-Wii, Newo_Puzzle, Nowhere, OpenTTD, O.T.T.F, Paintown, Piirates, Pong Breaker, Pong your Wii, Project Panic, puZSion, Reversmii, Sketch Fight, Slime Roll, Something, SpaceShip Omega, Spirits, Starfield, Swing Ball 2, Textris Wii, The Unmapped Forest, They Do Not Die 2, Tick_Tock_Boat_Race, Tick_Tock_Car_Race, Tick_Tock_Zombie_Shooter, Toy Wars Wii, TrailBlazers, Transitory_Vectors, VectrexWii, Vigoroth Le Livreur, Wii Turrican 2, WiiFresh, WiiMednafen, WiiPaintBall, WiirtualBoy and Wiitriis.

YouTube - 23C3: Console Hacking 2006
YouTube - 23C3: Console Hacking 2006

Featured media youtube.png 23C3: Console Hacking 2006 by tmbinc

Tmbinc presents the process of porting GameCube hacks to the Wii, and the limitations when running on the Wii.