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Icon Masteroids.png
TypeShooting game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote4.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Loads files from the Front SD slot

Masteroids is a multiplayer asteroids clone. Up to 4 players can play simultaneously in co-op or competitive mode.


2008/06/09 - Version 0.4 is out. Grab it whilst it's hot. New features can be found in the Readme along with a description of control layouts. Main improvements include Nunchuk and Classic Control support!


Controller Acceleration Turn Shoot Start button
WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote D-Pad Up Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Wiimote A Button Wiimote + Button
Nunchuck alternative.svg Nunchuck Control Stick (up) Nunchuck Control Stick (Left)/(Right) Nunchuck Z Button Nunchuck C Button
ClassicController.svg Classic D-Pad Up Classic D-Pad Left / Classic D-Pad Right Wiimote A Button Wiimote + Button
GameCube Controller Gamecube D-Pad Up Gamecube D-Pad Left / Gamecube D-Pad Right Gamecube A Button GameCube START Button

To set players controller

  1. Navigate to options, then controller config.
  2. Select the player whose controllers you want set using shoot button.
  3. Activate wanted controller by using its shoot button.

Note that you don't need 4 wiimotes for 4 players. As an example 2 wiimotes and 2 classic controllers is enough if you set controllers as instructed above. Adding players is done in options menu and players will use wiimote as a default controller.

You can use any of the following (and in any combination):

  • 4 Wiimotes (Horizontal use)
  • 4 Nunchuks
  • 4 Classic Controllers
  • 4 GameCube controllers
  • GH3 Controller (Planned)
  • Wii Balance Board (Planned)


I wish I didn't have to say this, but I have tested the game extensively during it's development and even though I believe I have removed all chances of a bug, it may still be possible either due to, or not due to any fault of my own that the game may crash, and in some rare instance, brick your Wii. That is why, although I'd like for you to try this game, you must accept if anything does happen to your Wii as a direct result of running this game that I, the author, can claim no liabilty. Keep this in mind whilst you try MAsteroids.

Long Description

MAsteroids is a multiplayer Asteroids clone for the Wii. It currently allows up to 4 players to simultaneously play the classic Asteroids game. Gameplay is customizable with an options menu allowing you to alter the amount of lives each player starts with, the amount of bullets a player can fire, whether team killing is allowed, the difficulty and how many players there will be in Multiplayer mode.


Port graphics code to GX or the new GRRLIB.

Source Code?

Source code is available in the download provided.

In Action

This is a recording of the game in action: .