In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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TypePuzzle game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
WiiMote2.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot

"Quadrax is logical game game where more than keen reactions you will need fast fingers and will have to use all your grey brain cells. :-)

Just only that way you can succeed in solving all the ninety levels, which the game has."


Game History

Quadrax was originally ZX-Spectrum game made around 1994 by Slovak company called Cauldron, which was later ported to PC (Windows).

Game was based on 'Cauldron' game (Did you noticed that? :) made by Palace Software (UK) in 1986.

In 1997 Josef Kreutzer made by himself unofficial PC sequel called 'Return to Quadrax' and in 1999 he decided to make another sequel 'Quadrax III'.

In several next years he developed another games: Quadrax IV, Quadrax V and now he is working on Quadrax VI.

Original game had 50 levels, newer versions have around 100 levels each and game is more difficult.

Complete history and all about this games can be found at:


This version of game is based on Quadrax IV: The Secrets of Pyramid PC-Windows version of game, which was simply ported from DirectX to SDL graphic system.

Next it was ported to Linux-like systems and finally to the Wii (Still using SDL).

Current version:

Game is out now!

I am still working on game, please notify me if You are not satisfied with anything!

ZX Spectrum

PC version

Several screens:

Wii version

This version is still in development so please be patient with it.

Quadrax Quadrax Quadrax Quadrax


Original ZX-Spectrum and PC version games were designed for 2 players. (Althought game could be played by only one player.)

New PC-Windows versions (by Josef Kreutzer) are designed for single-player. (Linux versions too.)

Wii version supports both - singleplayer and multiplayer. Game is designed for one or two players, but on the same console with one or two Wiimotes connected. Playing over internet is not yet possible!


Original game uses keyboard and mouse for control: arrow keys for movement, Tab, Enter and Space for action.

Wii version's controls have been completely redesigned.

Game uses wiimote's and the nunchuk's motion detection instead of mouse.

Also use several button for actions (switch between characters, use of item...).

Since version 0.5 game uses Joystick to control characters and D-apd to control camera 

Main menu

Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote Power Button (Hold) Immediate exit to loader
Wiimote A Button Singleplayer
Wiimote B Button Multiplayer
Wiimote 1 Button Story
Wiimote 2 Button Credits
Wiimote HOME Button Quit / Back to Main menu

Menu Start level & Level finished

Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Select / Continue / Accept
Wiimote B Button Back / Cancel
Wiimote + Button / Wiimote D-Pad Up Level up
Wiimote - Button / Wiimote D-Pad Down Level down
Wiimote HOME Button Main menu


Wiimote.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Activate item
Wiimote B Button Back / Cancel
Wiimote + Button Sound volume up
Wiimote - Button Sound volume down
Wiimote D-Pad Left Move left
Wiimote D-Pad Right Move right
Wiimote D-Pad Up Move up
Wiimote D-Pad Down Move down
Wiimote 1 Button Character 1 (Red)
Wiimote 2 Button Character 2 (Blue)
Wiimote HOME Button In-game menu
Nunchuck Z Button Mini-help

Game and Story screen

Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
Nunchuck Control Stick Y Move camera up - down
Nunchuck Control Stick X Move camera left - right
Wiimote D-Pad Left Previous page
Wiimote D-Pad Right Next page


Wiimote.svg WiiDrawing.svg Action
Wiimote Power Button Wii POWER Button Exit to loader
Wii RESET Button Reset the Wii to Main Menu
Nunchuck C Button Make Screenshot


Read here: User:Slappy/Quadrax_manual


Multiplayer version reuires two WiiMotes
First player is defined as red, second as blue
Use Wiimote 1 Button and Wiimote 2 Button to switch between players

Version 0.5

Released: 16 November 2009

  • + Multiplayer game added!!!
  • + Characters are now controlled by Nunchuk joystick
  • + Camera is controlled by D-pad
  • + Better loading times
  • + Engine log is created (file Quadrax.log)

Version 0.4

Released: 15 September 2009

  • + Added camera sound effect for screenshots-taking
  • # Max. unlocked level saving corrected (bug fixed)
  • + New screen after level completing
  • * Victory screen camera position corrected

Version 0.3

Released: 30 August 2009

  • * Less memory usage
  • + Screenshots-taking is now possible (Nunchuk C button)

Screenshots are saved in apps/quadrax/screenshots folder as date-time-pattern.bmp files

  • + Added level number in HUD
  • - Max. unlocked level is sometimes not saving correctly (send me an email if this occurs)
  • + Camera movement added (Nunchuk joystick)

Version 0.2

Released: 9 August 2009

  • * Few graphic improvements.
  • + Minimap added
  • + Game music is playing in background
  • + Performance up!

Version 0.1

Released: 1 August 2009

  • Initial version (first public version)
  • First public version released!

This is still in-development version, many features are waiting to be improved...


* = fixed / improvement
+ = new feature
- = removed / bug found
# = bug fixed


Wii Port

PC-Windows version

ZX Spectrum version

  • David Durčák
  • Marián Ferko