User:Slappy/Quadrax manual
Controls, objects and their functions in the game User:Slappy/Quadrax
As to control the game and the functions of most objects in the game are very similar as in the original game Quadrax. There is still a few little differences, so what worked in the previous version that doesn't have to work in this version and backwards. In addition, in this new version there are added some new ideas and technologies.
It is very simple to control the game, but still should know something about movements in the levels.
The movement of the figures is based on using the D-pad button. Forget the Wiimote's IR movement, Nunchuk joystick, this is not about fast reaction (maybe sometimes it is), but more about logic.
Basic controls
So first of all, let's go though the functions of the Wiimote, by which the figures are commanded.
D-Pad button - movement of the figure: left:
Button 1 / 2 - switch between figures.
Button A - to use levers to switch with, movement through the secret passage.
Nunchuk button Z - to display the name of a level and a help if found.
In the playing window (there only):
Nunchuk button C - open/close the sound panel
+ / - buttons - the music volume
+ / - buttons - the sound effect volume
Button Home - open/close the game control panel - restart or leave the game
Rules of movements of the figures: when you press D-Pad "left" or "right"
, currently selected figure will set off that direction. If there is a stony block on its way, which can be pushed, the figure will push it automatically. The block cannot be pushed when on a block is sitting another block or the other figure. The blocks can be pushed only on strait floor or can be dropped from the edge of the floor. As long as you press D-Pad button "up"
first and then "left"
or "right"
and hold them the figure will claim up the block instead of pushing it. Of course, there is a rule that there has to be a space for the figure.
If a figure meets a stair about a half of the figure it will climb it up without hesitation. It it is a stair (or a block) about the height of whole figure it's needed to press D-pad button "up" . If it's a block tall a fold of one and a half of whole figure, the figure cannot climb it up but it can jump down from it. If a figure is in front of a stair and there is not at least one free patch above its head the figure cannot climb it up! When you want to go down, the situation is easier. When a way is free, the figure goes down automatically and jumps down from height a fold of one and a half of whole figure. If a figure can decide which way to go (up, down) or if the way down is being blocked by the wall (block) at the figure head level, it's needed to press D-Pad button "up"
or "down"
and hold them both. It is very important to look where the figure is going to or where the figure can go and where it cannot. If you seem to be a lot of space in front of a figure and the figure cannot climb it up or go down, believe, that the figure cannot go that way.
Since this game is not only about walking, the figures can also perform simple manual tasks:
As long as an active figure is standing at the control lever, it means the figure stands on the same patch as the lever is being put, you can just press the A button and the figure switches the lever unless the lever is blocked.
When you want to go through the secret hall (way-through), just put the figure in the place where the entrance to the way-through is and press the A button .
If you want to switch between the figures, press Button 1 (RED character) / Button 2
(BLUE character). In right upper corner, there is a small indicator in the shape of pulsing heart and according to the momentary color you can see which figure is just being active.
Attention: when the active figure is moving and you press the Button 1
/ Button 2
to switch to the other figure, the first figure will finish its task (going through the tunnel, using the lift and so on) and then the switching to the other figure will be turned up.
It may seem to be very difficult to understand to you but believe me, this controlling is very intuitive and after you have solved several levels you will find it as a piece of cake.
Game goal
In every level you are supposed to bring both figures carefully to the EXIT.
Not to be so easy for the figures, they have several blockages on their way to the exit. The blockages can or cannot help them to fulfil the tasks. So let's go through them.
When some of the figures will get in the place where this scroll is,a small hint (writing) will show up in the upper left corner. This hint (help) can be displayed or canceled by pressing Z button on Nunchuk. When there is no any scroll found yet, there a name of the level will be shown in the help window only. Attention!: the scroll doesn't have to be in the right or save place! Always you have to decide it is worth picking it up or not. Sometimes the figure can get in the unsolvable situation. In some levels, there is no scroll, at all, or can be in a place where the figure cannot normally get to. That's just a destiny...
1. Blocks, rocks
The most often used things in the game. Blocks can be pushed, dropped from various heights, folded one on another. There exist a explosive block (with the blue crack in the middle of it). It can be pushed and dropped like the other blocks but when this explosive block is next to (on, below) the other explosive block they both will explode and there is going to be nothing left after them.
2. Moving, sliding walls
Open the doors, access to the rooms, create stairs, unblock blocks and something else. They can move to all the four sides, they slide always two patches into length. The object which stands on horizontal moving platforms stays at the same position even if the platforms is moving! (It may seem to be illogical but it helps to drop the blocks and figures down).
3. Cranes
When activated, they can lift a block if lying under the crane or if it is pushed forward under the grab of the crane and there is no blockage on the way between the crane and the block. When activated next time, the crane will drop the block and it free-falls down to the floor, or on something that is brought under the crane (platforms, blocks...).
4. Lifts
They are good to transport figures and blocks in vertical direction. If a figure or a block will be put on the roof of the lift, the lift will not move till the block is removed.
5. Trap-cellars
Some floors and ceilings are not pretty stable and can be broken through when a figure goes above or below them. But the figure can stand on it or put a block on it without damaging it. The fall of a figure from the height higher than three patches will cause that the figure will be destroyed and killed and you will have to restart the level.
6. Levers and platforms
They are instrumental in controling the moving walls, cranes and lifts. There are some important properties relating to them: if something is blocking the sliding wall from sliding out, it won't slide out but a lever will get switched. When a block is removed the wall will normally slide out. This is the same as with a lift. When a lift goes up or down and is blocked on its way up or down, it will stop. You can also change the direction of the lift by switching the lever back and the lift will go backwards.
One lever can operate many objects at the same time and also one object can be operated by many levers!!!
Some of the levers have special lock. They can be switched only once. Once they are switched they are blocked for ever but the object which was controlled by that one use lever can be controlled by another lever or levers. Those one use levers are distinguished from all by blue color of its base. Even there can be levers which don't operate anything. These levers are there just only for decoration or to confuse a player.
Platforms have the same functions as the levers (they can operate lifts, walls, cranes), but there is one big difference between levers and platforms, that in contrast to levers, platforms have to be pushed down all the time it means, when a figure stands on it or will put block on it or even a platform is under a lift and a lift will sit on the platform. Otherwise, anything else which holds for platforms holds as well for levers. There are also one use platforms when they are pushed down they stay locked and they have very light blue base. There are special kinds of platforms which are placed on the ceilings or the walls and those platforms can be pushed down only by a block or a lift.
7. Passage, way through
When a figure stands in the place where is the entrance to the passage and A button is pressed, the figure will go through the system of secret hallways and labyrints and will show up in other place by a passage. Attention!!! When a figure goes from point A to point B, it doesn't mean yet that the figure can always go back from point B to point A. Sometimes the figure cannot go back, it has to go to some place else and sometimes the figure can reach the dead end from which it cannot get away because the figure used one way path.
PC manual
Whole PC-version manual can be found at: