In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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TypeGame engine
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote1.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg SensorBar.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot Local WiFi Internet GameCube Controller ClassicController.svg USB Keyboard USB Mouse

A port of the original Quake engine to the Nintendo Wii, compiled using devkitPPC / libogc.

Q1Rev, as a standalone application, has been deprecated. It is now part of Quake Rev PAK.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : The Quake Rev PAK source code repository has been moved to GitHub, due to Google Code project hosting being closed. Links for releases are no longer available until a future date; for now, you can get the source code from to build your own release.

The source code comes straight from winquake, one of the projects that can be obtained at . (It was originally stated to come from Q1DS, but now all remaining traces of it are gone.)

The engine is feature-complete, it plays the game at either 60fps when using the GX-accelerated build, or 30fps with the software-rendered one. It can also be used as a client for Internet-based gameplay, as a "unmodified" NetQuake client.

Changes since Release 4 of Quake Rev PAK include the following:

  • Support for the official Quake Mission Packs, now available in the Quake Rev PAK launcher.
  • Lots of bug fixes, including an embarrasing one where left & right sound channels were inverted (oops!)
  • Starting from this release, all game data folders are required to be inside a "Q1" folder at the engines' folder level. This allows us to keep game data separate for the Q1*** and Q2*** engines, thus being able to play the "rogue" Mission Packs for all engines besides this one.

Any comments about the engine are welcome to


In order to play Quake with this engine, please follow these instructions:

  1. Download the QRevPAK.R*.zip to your computer
  2. Copy the contents of the archive to a folder called /apps/QRevPAK/ in your storage media (SD card or USB stick)
  3. Create a new folder, /apps/QRevPAK/Q1/ , in your storage media
  4. Copy the /ID1 folder (shareware or full, bought, game) from your computer, at the /apps/QRevPAK/Q1/ folder.
  5. OPTIONAL: For the official Mission Packs, copy the /HIPNOTIC and /ROGUE folders from your computer, also at the /apps/QRevPAK/Q1/ folder.
  6. OPTIONAL: Create a /cdtracks folder inside /ID1, /HIPNOTIC and /ROGUE, and copy the Ogg Vorbis-encoded tracks from your original Quake and Mission Packs CD, sorted by name. NOTE: There is no need for a filler Track 1 for any of them, so don't include them.
  7. Start "Quake Rev PAK" on the Homebrew Channel (or any suitable app launcher).


Wiimote.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wii Remote Aim +/- Wiimote A Button Classic Right Control Stick Gamecube C Control Stick Free Look mode
Nunchuck Control Stick Classic Left Control Stick GameCube Control Stick Walk / Sidestep
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad GameCube D-Pad Arrow Keys
Wiimote 1 Button Classic a Button Gamecube A Button ENTER
Wiimote 2 Button Classic b Button Gamecube B Button ESC
Wiimote + Button Classic x Button Gamecube X Button 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> ... --> 7 --> 1 --> ...
Wiimote - Button Classic y Button Gamecube Y Button 7 --> 6 --> 5 --> ... --> 1 --> 7 --> ...
Wiimote B Button Classic L Trigger GameCube L Trigger Left Mouse Button (Fire, usually)
Nunchuck Z Button Classic R Trigger GameCube R Trigger Space Bar (Jump, usually)
Nunchuck C Button Classic ZR Button Enables / disables on-screen keyboard
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube START Button {Pause} / "y" key


Walk / Sidestep:

Either the joystick of the Nunchuck expansion or the Left stick of the Classic Controller connected to the Wii Remote #1, as well as the Main analog stick of the Gamecube controller, can be used to walk forward / backwards and sidestep to the left / right. This is independent of any 'bind' assignments made to the arrow keys on config.cfg.

Wii Remote Look Mode:

Point your Wii Remote to the screen. You will see a small dotted circle, a guide showing where your Wii Remote is pointing to.

Now, enter the game, then press and hold 'A' while pointing to the screen. The guide will disappear, and the camera (the direction you're looking) will start responding to your movements with the Wii Remote, relative to whether the guide was just before disappearing.

Release 'A'. The camera will stay exactly where you left it, and then the guide will reappear.

Feel free to use this control scheme when playing the game. Again, this is independent of any bindings to the arrow keys.

If you feel the camera movement is not reaching far enough, increase the new "Wii Remote Speed" setting on the "Options" menu (or the "wmotespeed" setting on your config.cfg file).

NOTE: If you do not want to press [A] to move the camera, go to Menu - Options, and check the "Invert Wiimote look bt" option. The Wii Remote will start responding immediately to your movements, until you press [A] (effectively "inverting" the look mode schema).

IMPORTANT: The camera will not move as long as you have the on-screen keyboard enabled (see below).

Free Look mode:

The Left stick of the Classic Controller connected to the Wii Remote #1, or the C-stick of the Gamecube controller #1, can be used to move your camera (the direction you're looking) mostly anywhere. Just move the stick in the direction you want to look; the camera will stay there until you move the stick again.

On-Screen Keyboard:

Press [C] on the Nunchuck, or [ZL] in the Classic Controller. You will see a white, transparent keyboard covering most of the screen. Move your Wii Remote guide (the dotted circle) over it. You will see keys on the keyboard being selected. By pressing [A] on the Wiimote, the selected key will be "pressed" and sent to the engine as a normal key press. Release [A], and the key will also be "released" on screen as well as a normal key "release" from an actual keyboard. Press [C] again on the Nunchuk (or [ZL] on the Classic controller) to hide the on-screen keyboard. NOTE: if you exit your game while the on-screen keyboard is enabled, you will see it again next time you play.

Home / Start-Select button:

When pressed, both generate a PAUSE command to the engine. If, however, you press any of these buttons at the "Quit" screen on the Main Menu, it will emulate instead a press of the "y" key, ending the game.


Original source code (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.

Modifications (c) 2009-2012 Heriberto Delgado.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

All trademarks or registered trademarks used are properties of their respective owners.