In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


From WiiBrew
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Author(s)tehpola, sepp256, emu_kidid
TypeConsole emulator
VersionBeta 1.3 20211222
LicenceGNU GPL v2
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
WiiDrawing.svg Wiimote4.svg ClassicController.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg SensorBar.svg GameCube Controller DVD USB mass storage device Loads files from the Front SD slot Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot SD Gecko GameCube Memory Card
TypeConsole emulator
VersionRolling release
LicenceGNU GPL v2
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
WiiDrawing.svg Wiimote4.svg SensorBar.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller DVD Drive DVD Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot SD Gecko GameCube Memory Card USB mass storage device Local WiFi

Port of the popular multi-OS N64 emulator, Mupen64, to the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube through the libOGC library. The emulator uses dynamic recompilation of the N64 machine code to PowerPC machine code and full hardware accelerated graphics to achieve (mostly) full speed emulation. Currently the emulator is in beta stage and can run many N64 ROMs at full speed in most cases.


Not64 is an "experimental modification" of Wii64, forked from the "Beta 1.1 'Honey'" version to include several fixes and additions.[1]

Not64 is available to download from the thread at GC Forever.

Further Information

The emulator can be controlled with any combination of GC controllers, Classic Controllers, Wiimotes with Nunchuks and even just Wiimotes. See the included readme for details on the controls. You can load ROMs and saves from a FAT formatted SD or USB (details on the folders required are in the readme).


We don't want to discourage other people forking and working on the emulator; however, any unofficial builds must not be called "Wii64" or "Cube64" nor use the Wii64 or Cube64 logo in order to avoid confusion. For now, we're just releasing a snapshot of the source used to build Beta 1.1, but we're planning on updating the public repository with each commit we've made to our private repository so that everyone can see the progression of the code. This process will begin soon.

MenuV2 - Current main menu screen of Wii64
MenuV1 - The old main menu screen of Wii64

Currently Achieved Features

  • Emulation via Dynamic Recompiler & Pure Interpreter
  • Hardware Accelerated Graphics (glN64 ported to GX by sepp256)
  • ROM Support up to 512MBit
  • Expansion Pak support
  • High Level PowerPC RSP
  • Interpolated Stereo Sound
  • Input via Gamecube & Classic Controller & Wiimote + Nunchuck
  • Configurable input combinations
  • DVD/USB/SDGecko/Front-SD ROM Loading
  • Native Saves
  • Save States
  • Rumble/Controller Pak Support
  • Progressive/Widescreen Resolution
Video Settings in Wii64

To-do (In order of importance)

  • Increase Compatibility
  • Improve Speed
  • Save Manager
  • Netplay



Extract the contents of to the root of your SD card/USB

Put ROMs in the directory named /wii64/roms (All save types will automatically be placed in /wii64/saves)


ROMs may be anywhere on the disc

Quick Usage

Load the executable from the HBC or in the loader of your choice

Once loaded, select 'Load ROM'

Choose the source (SD/USB/DVD)

Select the ROM to load (Note: to go up a directory select '..', B will exit the file browser)

Select 'Play Game' to play

To exit game press:

Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg GameCube Controller ClassicController.svg WiiDrawing.svg
Wiimote 1 Button + Wiimote 2 Button Gamecube X Button + Gamecube Y Button Classic x Button + Classic y Button Wii RESET Button

(Note: this must be done to save your game; it will not be done automatically)



  • Native Saves Device: Choose where to load and save native game saves
  • Save States Device: Choose where to load and save save states
  • Select CPU Core: Choose whether to play games with pure interpreter
    • (better compatibility) or dynarec (better speed)
  • Save settings.cfg: Save all of these settings either SD or USB
    • (to be loaded automatically next time)


  • Show FPS: Display the framerate in the top-left corner of the screen
  • Screen Mode: Select the aspect ratio of the display; 'Force 16:9' will pillar-box the in-game display
  • CPU Framebuffer: Enable for games which only draw directly to the framebuffer (this will only need to be set for some homebrew demos)
  • 2xSaI Tex: Scale and Interpolate in-game textures (unstable on GC)
  • FB Textures: Enable framebuffer textures (necessary for some games to render everything correctly (e.g. Zelda Subscreen), but can impact performance; unstable on GC)

Input / Controls

  • Controls are now fully configurable so any button on your controller can be mapped
  • The controller configuration screen presents each N64 button and allows you to toggle through sources
  • There are 4 configuration slots for each type of controller
  • To load a different, previously saved configuration, select the slot, and click 'Load'
  • After configuring the controls as desired, select the slot, and click 'Save'
  • After saving different configurations to the slots, be sure to save your configs in the input tab of the settings frame
  • Clicking 'Next Pad' will cycle through the N64 controllers assigned
  • There is an option to invert the Y axis of the N64's analog stick; by default this is 'Normal Y'
  • The 'Menu Combo' configuration allows you to select a button combination to return to the menu
  • Configure Input: Select controllers to use in game
  • Configure Paks: Select which controller paks to use in which controllers
  • Configure Buttons: Enter the controller configuration screen described above
  • Save Button Configs: Save all of the controller configuration slots to SD or USB
  • Auto Load Slot: Select which slot to automatically be loaded for each type of controller


  • Disable Audio: Select to mute the sound


  • Auto Save Native Saves: When enabled, the emulator will automatically load saves from the selected device and save when returning to the menu or turning off the console
  • Copy Saves: Not yet implemented
  • Delete Saves: Not yet implemented
General Settings in Wii64

Compatibility List

Input Methods

  • A mix of Gamecube Controllers and Wiimote with or without classic controller or nunchucks may be used to support up to 4 players at once
Manual or Automatic controller mapping in Wii64

Input Mappings

  • Gamecube controllers are mapped 1:1 with N64 buttons
  • Classic controllers are mapped the same as on VC titles
GameCube Controller ClassicController.svg Action
Gamecube X Button + Gamecube Y Button Classic x Button + Classic y Button Return to menu
Classic ZL Button or Classic ZR Button Z
Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg Action
Wiimote A Button Gamecube A Button
Wiimote + Button or Wiimote - Button Gamecube B Button
Nunchuck Z Button N64 Z
Nunchuck C Button GameCube L Trigger
Wiimote B Button GameCube R Trigger
Wiimote HOME Button GameCube START Button
Wiimote D-Pad Gamecube C Control Stick
Wiimote 2 Button + Wiimote D-Pad GameCube D-Pad
Wiimote 1 Button + Wiimote 2 Button Return to menu

ROM Format

  • ROMs can be in any format, .V64, .Z64 or .N64
  • There Full support for up to 512MBit ROMs via a ROM cache
  • ROMs may be loaded via SDGecko, Front-SD / USB/ DVD
  • ROMs must be placed in a directory named "/wii64/roms/" on the SDCard
  • ROMs can be placed anywhere if using a DVD

Save Support

The Gamecube Memory Card browser showing a Wii64 save on the Gamecube Memory Card.
  • There is native save support for the SDGecko, Front-SD, USB and Gamecube Memory Card
  • Save state support is only for the SDGecko, Front-SD and USB
  • To save, you must have a directory named "/wii64/saves/" in the root directory


Finally, there is a support forum located on WiiBrew, so if you are having trouble with Beta 1.1, please seek help there before submitting issues to the Google code tracker. You can also join in and discuss the project with other users there.


  • Core Coder: tehpola
  • Graphics Coder: sepp256
  • General Coder: emu_kidid
  • Original mupen64: Hactarux
  • Artwork: drmr
  • Wii64 Demo ROM: marshallh
  • Compiled using devkitPPC r19 and libogc