In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Mario Kart Channel

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Mario Kart Channel
Title IDRMCx
TypeGame channel
Installed fromGame Disc
PeripheralsWiimote1.svg Internet
Blocks (channel/save)78

The Mario Kart Channel is a channel that launched at the same time of Mario Kart Wii. This channel allows players from around the world to play each other through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. It used WiiConnect24 (with RiiConnect24 now supporting this) to gather data about time trials (ghost data) & competitions.

Gameplay Options

The Mario Kart Channel shows rankings, allows you to send or receive ghosts and join competitions.

Wii Menu

It is optional to install the Mario Kart Channel to your Wii menu. It allows you to do what the ingame version does, but doesn't require a disc, until you start a Ghost or join a competition.