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Welcome to WiiBrew,
a wiki dedicated to homebrew on the Nintendo Wii.
We have 1,705 articles.



Preparing for homebrew Downloading homebrew Developing homebrew
Install the Homebrew Channel on your Wii console by following the homebrew setup tutorial. Browse the homebrew directory, or use the Open Shop Channel, which allows you to install directly from your Wii over Wi-Fi. Start developing homebrew for Wii by downloading devkitPPC and reading the homebrew development guide.


Current events

Latest news Latest homebrew releases



Featured media Featured homebrew
YouTube - Showcase: WiiBrew (October 2019)
YouTube - Showcase: WiiBrew (October 2019)

Featured media youtube.png How a pair of Tweezers defeated security on the Nintendo Wii | MVG by ModernVintageGamer

This video showcases the history of the earliest methods of homebrewing the Wii, which involves the classic Tweezer Attack.

Featured super mario war wii.png
  • Super Mario War Wii is a port of a Super Mario multiplayer game, called Super Mario War. The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible to win the game. It's a tribute to Nintendo and the game Mario War by Samuele Poletto. [ More... ]




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