In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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MLlib 2 175x175.png
TypeFramework library

The MLlib (or Minishlink's Library) is an easy but powerful library that allows you to develop great games quickly for Nintendo Wii. Technically, it's a wrapper of libogc and others librairies. Coding with this lib on Wii is way easier and faster now ! :-) I created this because I needed a library with I could code with easy functions, and quickly. It uses GX for drawing, libpng for handling PNG, FreeTypeGX for TTF fonts (I needed to recode it in C) and libs of libogc.


  • Proper code so that it's nice to see;
  • Easy for all;
  • Friendly functions;
  • Handles drawing;
  • Sprite system;
  • Handles PNG images;
  • Special effects;
  • Write graphically text (TTF font support);
  • MP3 system;
  • MOD system;
  • Input (Wiimote, Nunchuk, and extensions...) system;
  • And much more...

How to install ?

On Windows

First you need to have the lastest devkitPro installed. Go install it ! ;)

Then, libpng for Wii must be installed.

  1. Download it at my FTP or elsewhere.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitpro\libogc\lib\wii" and the folder "png" in "devkitpro\libogc\include".
  3. It's done !

libz has to be installed also.

  1. Download it at my FTP or elsewhere.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitpro\libogc\lib\wii" and the two files .h in "devkitpro\libogc\include".
  3. It's done !

You will need FreeType-PPC to compile your code.

  1. Download it here.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitproc\libogc\lib\wii" and the folder "freetype" and the file "ft2build.h" in "devkitpro\libogc\include".
  3. It's done !

You'll also need to set the environment variable of the library.

  1. Right-Click on My Computer and select Properties.
  2. Go to advanced settings and click Environment Variables at the bottom.
  3. Verify that the DEVKITPRO and DEVKITPPC are already in there.
  4. Add that variable : "MLPATH" and its value "/path/to/MLlib" (It should be "/c/devkitpro/MLlib")

Now the MLlib it self.

  1. Download the MLlib on the Google Code MLlib page
  2. Extract the archive and place the folder (recommended in C:\devkitPro)
  3. Examples, documentation and more are in the "" package.
  4. Verify that you've set the environment variable. If compiling an example doesn't work, restart the computer and try again to compile. If you still can't, go to the forums or contact me ! ;) (Twitter or email)
  5. It should be done ! Go explore examples ! :D (test if it works via an example)

On Linux

First you need to have devkitPro installed. Go install it ! ;)

Then, libpng for Wii must be installed.

  1. Download it at my FTP or elsewhere.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii" and the folder "png" in "devkitpro/libogc/include".
  3. It's done !

libz has to be installed also.

  1. Download it at my FTP or elsewhere.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii" and the two files .h in "devkitpro/libogc/include".
  3. It's done !

You will need FreeType-PPC to compile your code.

  1. Download it here.
  2. Extract it and place the .a in "devkitpro/libogc/lib/wii" and the folder "freetype" and the file "ft2build.h" in "devkitpro/libogc/include".
  3. It's done !

You'll also need to set the environment variable of the MLlib.

  1. Edit the file "/etc/environment" in root mode (sudo gedit /etc/environment)
  2. Add these lines if they're not already in the file : DEVKITPRO="/path/to/devkitpro" DEVKITPPC="/path/to/devkitpro/devkitPPC"
  3. Add : MLPATH="/path/to/devkitpro/MLlib"
  4. Save and close the editor.
  5. Type "source /etc/environment" in the console or reboot.

Now the MLlib.

  1. Download the MLlib on the Google Code MLlib page
  2. Extract the archive and place the folder where you want (recommended in /home/user/devkitpro)
  3. Examples, documentation and more are in the "" package.
  4. Verify that you've set the environment variable. If compiling an example doesn't work, restart the computer and try again to compile. If you still can't, go to the forums or contact me ! ;) (Twitter or email)
  5. It should be done ! Go explore examples ! :D (test if it works via an example)

On Mac OS X

You should be able to do it if you read Windows/Linux instructions. Updated tutorial will coming soon though, with Mac OS X ;)



For a quickstart, see the section How to install ? and go see the examples in the "" package ! ;)

Tutorials and Wiki

Some tutorials and more info are available at the MLlib Wiki.


Online documentation is available here. Or in the "" package.

"" package

It can be downloaded on Google Code !

Makefile & Commands

Editing Makefile

In order to use the MOD part of the MLlib, you need to uncomment the line "USE_MOD" at the top of the Makefile. It's the same thing when you need to compile code that uses MP3 or FAT.


Compiles the project.

Make clean

Cleans the project, it destroys dependancies too.

Make run

It sends the app/game previously compiled to the Wii via the wiiload program. It's quiet useful because you don't need to type "wiiload projectXYZ.dol", "make run" is faster ! You have to put the original Wiiload program (eg. the command-line program, which is provided with Twilight Hack or HBC) in the system folder of your OS. Example : "C:\Windows\System32" for Windows ; "/usr/bin" for Linux ; "??? #FixIt" for MaxOSX.

Wiiload program can be downloaded here. (in the HackMii Installer package)

Make all

It cleans the project, then compiles and then sends to the Wii.


I got an error when I compile your examples...

To test correctly the examples and the template, make sure you have done a "make clean" before, because it will give you the error

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/home/minishlink/devkitpro/MLlib_Others/template/source/main.c', needed by `main.o'. Stop.

if you don't do this ! :p

I got a code dump when it loads my image...

Make sure your file is a multiple of 4 and is a 32bits png image with transparency enabled.

I got some multiple definition errors when I compile...

This can happen sometimes, I don't know why. (for me it compiles well) But the solution is there. :)

I got "undefined reference to 'FT_Done_FreeType'" when I compile...

If you're upgrading to 1.2 or newer, you could have this error. In order to compile your project you'll need to install FreeType-PPC, check how to do it here in the FreeType-PPC section. :)

Bugs & Suggestions

If you have any bugs or suggestions, feel free to report them on Google Code.

See also

Special Thanks

  • Chaosteil
  • Cid2Mizard
  • Crayon
  • Dhewg
  • Dykam
  • EvilSpoon
  • Feesh
  • Mollusk
  • Morukutsu
  • NoNameNo
  • Svpe
  • T4ils
  • WntrMute
  • Zeblackos

and these communities :

  • + IRC Channel #dev-fr
  • + IRC Channel #wiidev

Update History

1.3 - January 19, 2011

Compatible with DevkitPPc r22, libogc 1.8.6 and libfat 1.0.8.

  • FreeTypeGX updated (0.3.1)
  • Metaphrasis updated (0.1.2)
  • uthash updated (1.9.1)
  • fixed: ML_AnimateSpriteEx & ML_AnimateSpriteEx2
  • added: ML_EnableTextureAntiAliasing() (AA is disabled by default)
  • added: ML_DisableTextureAntiAliasing()
  • modified: ML_DrawRect() now can be filled or not (and bug with color fixed)
  • added: ML_DrawCircle(x, y, radius, rgba, filled)
  • fixed: Issue #1 (finally! :D).
  • fixed: possible buffer overflow with sprite texts.
  • fixed: sprite texts were not at the right y coordinate.
  • fixed: no more skipped characters with sprite texts when auto jumping lines. (and textBox)
  • improved: TTF text speed-up
  • fixed: Underline and strike now applying well when jumping lines with TTF fonts
  • fixed: Jumping lines correctly with TTF fonts.
  • fixed: anti-aliasing with modified textures
  • added: u32 ML_ElapsedTime()
  • added: ML_Wait(ms)
  • fixed: possible code dump with ML_DrawRect() (forgot GX_End, lol)
  • fixed: ML_ElapsedTime() now returns the true elapsed time since the app launch (not since Wii launch)
  • modified: ML_DrawText -> You can now use arguments !
  • modified: ML_DrawText -> Use \n and \t instead of %n and %t, also use #cX instead of %cX
  • updated: template Makefile, now type "make emu" and if you have Dolphin Emulator installed, the dol will load immediately ! :)
  • fixed: Code dump when using ML_DrawText(), you have to use #n and #t instead of \n and \t, sorry.
  • fixed: possible weird things happening on the screen
  • Added strucutre ML_TextInfo to store infos about a text to be drawn (width, height, numbers of characters that will be printed) returned by ML_GetTextInfo()
  • documentation update
  • optimizations

1.2 - December 24, 2009

Compatible with DevkitPPC r19 and libogc 1.8.1. Go update them ! :) TTF Font support, at last ! :) Collisions detection functions ! :)

  • added: float ML_Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  • added: float ML_TrueDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  • added: bool ML_IsCollisionSpriteRect(sprite, x, y, width, height)
  • added: bool ML_IsCollisionSpriteCircle(sprite, centerX, centerY, radius)
  • added: bool ML_IsCollisionRectRect(x1, y1, width1, height1, x2, y2, width2, height2)
  • added: bool ML_IsCollisionCircleCircle(centerX1, centerY1, radius1, centerX2, centerY2, radius2)
  • added: bool ML_IsCollisionRectCircle(x, y, width, height, centerX, centerY, radius)
  • added: ML_Font structure
  • added: ML_InitFont()
  • added: ML_QuitFont()
  • added: ML_DeleteFont(ML_Font *font)
  • added: ML_LoadFontFromBuffer(ML_Font *font, const uint8_t *filename, FT_Long bufferSize, FT_UInt pointSize)
  • added: ML_LoadFontFromFile(ML_Font *font, const char *filename, FT_UInt pointSize)
  • added: ML_DrawText(ML_Font *font, int x, int y, char *text, ...) (arguments are not currently working though)
  • fixed: relative paths now working
  • fixed: ML_ShutdownWii() now freeing like ML_Exit()
  • fixed: ML_ReturnToWii() now freeing like ML_Exit()

1.1.5b - October 14, 2009

Now compatible with DevkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0. Go update them ! :)

  • added: ML_GetFPS()
  • added: ML_AnimateSpriteEx2(ML_Sprite *sprite, bool enabled, u8 waitForXRefreshBetweenFrames, u8 from, u8 to, u8 timesLooped)
  • fixed: bug when you had more than one Wiimote
  • fixed: bug when using ML_Cursor with animated or tiled sprite
  • fixed: ML_AnimateSpriteEx wasn't doing his job properly, skipping one frame.

1.1.5 - September 05, 2009

  • added: ML_InitRand()
  • added: ML_Rand(min, max)
  • added: Wiimote[x].IR.Angle
  • added: New sprite flipping system (ML_FlipSpriteX, ML_FlipSpriteY,


  • added: ML_EnableClipping(), ML_DisableClipping
  • added: ML_IsWiimoteInSpriteEx()
  • modified: ML_SplashScreen(), there's a fadeIn and a fadeOut now.
  • fixed: ML_FadeIn() and ML_FadeOut().
  • fixed: ML_IsWiimoteInSprite, it's now working well. Don't use ML_IsCollision

and ML_IsCollisionEx for collision between sprite cursor and another sprite. Use ML_IsWiimoteInSprite instead - and that's logical.

  • fixed: ML_IsCollision and ML_IsCollisionEx, there was a bug with tiled or

animated sprites.

  • removed: ML_FlipImageX, ML_FlipImageY

1.1 - June 20, 2009

  • New method of programming. It uses seriously very less memory now. ML_Image, ML_Sprite, ML_Background.
  • added : ML_Screenshot(filename)
  • added : ML_IsSpriteVisible(sprite)
  • added : ML_AnimateSpriteEx(sprite, enabled, waitForXRefreshBetweenFrames, from, to)
  • added : ML_TextBox(ML_Sprite *sprite, x, y, x2, y2, const char *text, ...)
  • added : ML_DrawRect(int x, int y, u16 width, u16 height, u32 rgba)
  • added : ML_Debug(text)
  • added : ML_CloneImage(image1, image2)
  • added : ML_DrawSpriteTextLimit(sprite, x, y, text, limit)
  • added : ML_FlipImageX(image)
  • added : ML_FlipImageY(image)
  • added : ML_InvertImageColors(image)
  • added : ML_ApplyGrayscaleToImage(image)
  • added : ML_FlushImage(image)
  • modified : Input is now finished
  • modified : ML_GetPixelColor
  • modified : ML_SetPixelColor
  • modified : ML_SplashScreen
  • modified : ML_Cursor, so that it draws your cursor/sprite with the center of the image, and then modifies the sprite.x and sprite.y so that if you point to the left-up edge of the screen it gives you 0, 0.
  • fixes and optimizations

1.0 - May 31, 2009

  • First public release