In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

List of system tools/de

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Applications that provide information about or modify the Wii's system software.


Titel Beschreibung Autor
FS Browser Wii-Dateisystembrowser raven
Mii Extractor Extrahiert Miis auf die SD-Karte Waninkoko
RealWnD A real 1:1 Wii NAND Dumper. Dump exactly the same as hardware programmer. pcfree
Save Extractor Dumpt Spielstände aus dem Wii NAND auf eine SD-Karte Waninkoko
Title Lister Lists version info for all titles stored on the Wii's internal NAND flash bushing
WiiND USB / SD NAND-Dumper + Windows Extrahierer Nicksasa
WUFE Wii-Update Dateientpacker (Wii update File extractor) Nuke
xyzzy Key Displayer bushing

System modifizieren

Title Description Author
AnyTitle Deleter Fully deletes (almost) any Title from your Wii tona
AnyRegion Changer Lets you modify most (if not all) region information on your Wii tona
cIOS Patchmii Installer Installs and uninstalls a functional clone of Waninkoko's cIOS tona
cIOS usb2 A custom ios including USB 2.0 and USB-Mass-Storage support inside Starlet Kwiirk
Crazy Intro A custom intro program that sits between system and preloader WiiCrazy/I.R.on
Duplicate Channel Remover Removes duplicate news/weather channels Waninkoko
Menu Patcher Make permanent patches to the Wii System Menu Isaac356
Mii Channel Updater Update your Mii Channel without updating the rest of the system CashMan's Productions
Mii Installer Installs dumped Miis from your SD card Waninkoko
PatchMii Easy patching and installation of official Nintendo updates bushing
Preloader Allows to directly boot the HBC, System Menu or a .dol/.elf and to apply user created System Menu patches crediar
Savegame Installer Installs dumped saves from your SD card Waninkoko
Starfall Patches the System Menu to remove limitations crediar
wadImport A simple wad importer crediar
Wii Home A new Home for the Wii CashMan's Productions
WiiMU A PoC Channel Launcher, that eventually aims to be a System Menu replacement SquidMan, crediar
WiiSCU Install new versions of channels and IOS without touching the system menu. Wack0
Wii Shop and IOS51 installer Installs the new IOS51 and Wii Shop Channel from the 23 Oct Updates, without installing the patches to all the other IOSes tona, Muzer