In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

BootMii Configuration Editor

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BootMii Configuration Editor
Boot conf editor icon.png
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
Wiimote1.svg GameCube Controller Loads files from the Front SD slot Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot

BootMii configuration editor allows you to modify the BootMii.ini file on the SD card to change the settings, and also to enable/disable or swap BootMii implementations by renaming the directories, without having to bring the SD card over to the PC and edit/change things.


BootMii Configuration Editor allows you to change:

  • video mode to one of the following options
  • NTSC
  • PAL50
  • PAL60
  • auto boots to the selected option after the delay time
  • OFF (stay in BootMii Menu)
  • boot delay time (This requires BootMii beta 2 to have any effect
  • 0 - Don't show BootMii Screen
  • 1 - Show BootMii for 1 Second
  • 2 - Show BootMii for 2 Seconds
  • 3 - Show BootMii for 3 Seconds
  • ...
  • 9 - Show BootMii for 9 Seconds
  • 10 - Show BootMii for 10 Seconds
  • BootMii Enabled/disabled/switch
  • ENABLED - Directory is named /bootmii
  • DISABLED - Directory is named as /~bootmii
  • NO CHANGE - Both directories exist, leave as currently set
  • SWITCH DIRECTORIES - Both directories exist, swap them around.

Currently the application always rewrites the bootmii.ini file when you save the options.


You can use a wiimote to change values:

Wiimote.svg GameCube Controller Action
Wiimote D-Pad Down Gamecube D-Pad Down Select next menu item
Wiimote D-Pad Up Gamecube D-Pad Up Select previous menu item
Wiimote D-Pad Right Gamecube D-Pad Right Select next value of selected menu item
Wiimote D-Pad Left Gamecube D-Pad Left Select previous value of selected menu item
Wiimote A Button Gamecube A Button Action exit option (if selected)
Wiimote HOME Button GameCube START Button Show Settings Menu


Take a look at the FAQ page


For any support queries/issues, please use the discussion tab.


The following parts of BootMii Configuration Editor's source code is available to download

  • Skinned Console Application - Source for building a skinned console application like BootMii Configuration Editor.
  • Full BootMii Configuration Editor source available on google code - link in top right panel



v2.5 of the BootMii Configuration Editor


v2.5 Windows Skin/English


v2.0 Console / Inverse Console Skin

Bce20console.jpg Bce20inverseconsole.jpg


Version 2.7

  • Updated and compiled against latest libogc (1.8.11) / devkitPPC 26
  • Modified auto-update URL

Version 2.6

  • When BootMii Switch is active, a new option has been added - switch and reboot. This allows you to switch the directories around and reboot the wii immediately.
  • USB2.0 Support (via IOS58). Bootmii Config Editor can now launch from a USB drive, however it will still only edit INI files on the SD card. This utilises IOS58 from the HBC channel. If you don't have IOS58 installed, you can install this using the IOS58 Installer

Version 2.5

  • Implementation Of BootMii Switch functionality. Can enable/disable BootMii through the editor by renaming the directory from /bootmii to /~bootmii and vice versa
  • If /bootmii and /~bootmii exist you are given the option to switch the directories allowing you to use an alternate MINI implementation such as MIKE.
  • If bootmii.ini exists in both directories you are given the choice of which to edit.
  • The homebrew channel icon is swapped depending on the mode to give an indication of the bootmii status. A green circle indicates bootmii is enabled, a red circle indicates bootmii is disabled, and an orange circle indicates you are running in switch mode.
  • Several fixes to resolve various minor issues.

Version 2.4

  • Automatic download/updating of application when a new version is released
  • Additional option in the settings menu (accessed via the ‘home’ button). This option allows to enable/disable the automatic update/version checking and is particularly useful if you run this on a wii without an internet connection
  • Settings File paths are now resolved from the argv/argc parameters when supplied from the loader (N.B. the homebrew channel does provide these). If not supplied then a default location of 'SD:/apps/Bootmii_cfg_ed‘ is assumed

Version 2.3

  • Changes Skin/language dynamically as you move between the options.
  • Monochrome/Green Skin improved by a new skin option in the skins XML file: maindecl and dialogdecl. These values allow for the display of a textual border around the monochrome/green screen skins constructed using the Pipe(|) and Minus (-) character
  • Further changes to resolve the reported sporadic crashes whilst changing language/skins from the settings menu.

Version 2.2

  • Additional Languages, Dutch, Finnish and German. Thank you to the following people for providing new translations
    • Dutch/Nederlands – MarioWaza
    • Finnish/Suomi – JaniN
    • German/Deutsch – Helsionium
  • Addition of 2 new skins, Monochrome and Green Screen.
  • Correction of the update version checking.
  • Resolved pointer corruption issue that resulted in sporadic crashes.
  • Separation of XML Files into 3 different files to make it easier to add new languages/skins

Version 2.1

  • English, French, Italian Portuguese and Spanish languages available to select from within the settings menu. Thank you to the following people who have provided translations
    • French - Vlad
    • Italian - Raiden
    • Portuguese - zedascouves
    • Spanish - Mokona Modoki/Comepiedras
  • Adjustments to the text positioning to cope with some of the longer words that the new translations bring.
  • Game cube controller compatible.
    • Use the D-Pad to move through the options,
    • 'A' to select a menu option,
    • 'Start' to bring up the settings menu
  • Boot Delay extended. It can now be changed from 0 up to 10 seconds
  • 576i/480i detection and adjustment. Vertical positioning is adjusted slightly depending on which video mode is selected and the height of the screen
  • Wiimote vibration. Wiimote vibrates when you enter the start menu
  • BootMii Configuration Editor Logo always shows in bottom right corner
  • Wii Power Button now turns off wii without having to hold for 5 seconds
  • Wii Reset Button now resets the console
  • Power button on wiimote now powers down the wii

Version 2.0

  • Settings Dialog to change editor settings. This can be accessed by pressing the ‘HOME’ button. The settings are persisted to the languages file, so if you change the language/skin, whenever you load BootMii Configuration Editor, your selected options will be the default
  • Internationalisation Supported (Currently English & Spanish Langauges available). Further languages can be added by editing the bce_messages.xml file. See the readme.txt for details of how to do this
Please be careful if you do edit the XML file.  A corrupt/non well-formed XML file 
will result in  a Crash of the Wii and will dump the stack to the screen.
Ensure you take a backup of the original  before attempting to make any custom changes
Currently you can only use characters in the standard ASCII character set, 
e.g. [0-9] [a-z] [A-Z] Some punctuation characters may also cause issue
It is recommended that you do not use characters with any accents/umlauts/etc 
as this will cause an issue

If you do create a translation for a new language please let me know and I’ll then include it in the next release!

  • Skins/Colour Change. The application can now be presented in a number of look & feels. Initially the following skins are available:
    • Windows - Windows Installer/DOS like look/feel with a blue background and grey windows
    • Console - Black background, white text with other colour text to highlight options/selections
    • Inverse Console - White background, black text with other colour text to highlight options/selections

Custom Skins can be added by editing the bce_messages.xml file. See the readme.txt for instructions on how to do this.

  • Online version Checking. When the Editor is loaded, it performs a check to see if the version running is the latest available version. If a newer version is available, then a message is shown for a few seconds during startup to indicate this. This online checking can be disabled if you do not wish BootMii Configuration Editor to check for a new version or do not have the wii networked. If you wish to disable this check, see the instructions in the readme.txt
Please be careful if you do edit the XML file.  A corrupt/non well-formed XML 
file will result in a Crash of the Wii and will dump the stack to the screen.  
Ensure you take a backup of the original before attempting to make any custom changes.

Version 1.1

  • Resolved a bug that caused a code dump if the bootmii directory did not exist. The bootmii directory is checked for existence on startup and the user is prevent from making changes if the directory does not exist
  • Improved Look & Feel.

Version 1.0

  • Added OFF option to autoboot. Setting Autoboot to off will disable the delay timer setting in the configuration editor, as this serves no purpose with autoboot disabled. Setting of OFF has the effect of making the Wii sit in the bootmii menu screen until you select the system menu or homebrew channel option from the bootmii menu using either a gamecube controller, or the power/reset buttons on the front of the console.

Version 0.1b

  • Initial release


  • Everyone responsible for BootMii!
  • Teknecal for his guides which helped immensely when starting wii development!
  • cwstjdenobs for the original BootMiiSwitch idea
  • To the following people for providing translation
    • French - Vlad
    • Italian - Raiden
    • Portuguese - zedascouves
    • Spanish - Mokona Modoki/Comepiedras
    • Dutch/Nederlands – MarioWaza
    • Finnish/Suomi – JaniN
    • German/Deutsch – Helsionium