In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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TypeSystem tool
This homebrew application makes permanent changes to the Wii's NAND, thus, this application should be used with caution.

It is recommended to have a NAND backup with either BootMii as boot2 or Priiloader with BootMii as IOS installed before proceeding with the usage of this application.

Betwiin is a tool that will let you convert NAND dumps from one Wii to run on another.


This here is betwiin, a NAND flash conversion tool for Wii NAND images. It can re-encrypt and re-HMAC the per-console unique parts of a NAND dump from one Wii such that it will run on a second one.


You must have a Python interpreter and OpenSSL installed to run betwiin. You must also have numpy and pycryto installed
You must also have a computer.


  • Copy input dump file to input/flash.bin.
  • Copy input keys to input/.
  • Copy output keys to output/.
  • Run, wait several minutes.
  • Take output file from output/flash.bin and use as appropriate.


  • The version of boot1 you flash to a NAND chip must match the original one that shipped with that Wii. No exceptions.
  • The version of boot2 must be equal to or greater than the one most recently installed on that Wii.
  • No handling of bad blocks is performed; if your target NAND chip has a bad block that hits an important file required for system startup, I suggest you find a different donor dump to start from.
  • Converting an image from one keyset to another does not guarantee everything will work. The serial number will be cloned, but that should not affect anything. The Wii Shop account will not transfer over, nor will the original account used on the broken Wii work. Most savegames should still work. Purchased channels will not work on the new Wii, nor will you be able to redownload them. You should be able to create a new Wii Shop account, all disc-based games should work, you can update the system online, etc.