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785 bytes added ,  09:38, 8 June 2010
add some info on the complexity of the early boot process, please fill in as you are able
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The System Menu is software shipped pre-installed into every Wii which allows the launching of games from an officially Nintendo certified game disk, launching of Nintendo Certified channels and Virtual Console and WiiWare titles.
The System Menu is software shipped pre-installed into every Wii which allows the launching of games from an officially Nintendo certified game disk, launching of Nintendo Certified channels and Virtual Console and WiiWare titles.
It plays a major role in the startup, shutdown, and transitions between system states; upon starting up, the System Menu's main() reads the following files:
* /title/00000001/00000002/data/setting.txt
* /title/00000001/00000002/data/state.dat
* /shared/sys2/NANDBOOTINFO
* /title/00000001/00000002/data/cache.dat
* ?
Based on the things read by main() (as well as certain flags set in memory?), the menu can take the following actions:
* Hang (unrecoverable brick!)
* Boot a disc title directly from cache.dat
* Shutdown system from GC mode
* Eject a disc, then shut down (if Eject was pressed)
* "Shutdown to idle" (Enable WC24, halt PPC)
* "Launch NAND app from WC24"
* Enter "recovery mode" (aka IRD mode)
* Display the Health / "Warning" screen, and proceed on with normal boot
On an un-modded system, it is the first thing a Wii user will see when s/he turns on his/her Wii having pressed 'A' at the Health and Safety screen. An X denotes that no version is available for the applicable region.
On an un-modded system, it is the first thing a Wii user will see when s/he turns on his/her Wii having pressed 'A' at the Health and Safety screen. An X denotes that no version is available for the applicable region.

Navigation menu