Wireless classic style wii controller manufactured by [http://www.nyko.com/nyko/products/?i=145 Nyko] does not function inside of the Homebrew Channel or inside any applications that support the classic controller launched from within the channel. The controller functions properly in the wii system menu but when the HomeBrew channel is launched, the LED on the base, that attaches to the wiimote shuts off, and the controller loses sync. Nothing brings it back except exiting the HomeBrew channel and returning the system menu. | Wireless classic style wii controller manufactured by [http://www.nyko.com/nyko/products/?i=145 Nyko] does not function inside of the Homebrew Channel or inside any applications that support the classic controller launched from within the channel. The controller functions properly in the wii system menu but when the HomeBrew channel is launched, the LED on the base, that attaches to the wiimote shuts off, and the controller loses sync. Nothing brings it back except exiting the HomeBrew channel and returning the system menu. |