
From WiiBrew
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TypeConsole emulator
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel
Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg GameCube Controller ClassicController.svg Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot

jzintvWii is the Wii port of Joe Zbiciak's 'jzintv' Intellivision emulator.


  • Copy the application folder in the "apps" directory of the SD card
  • Create directory "/jzintvWii/roms" on the SD card
  • Put all your roms (.int, .bin, .itv or .rom) in that directory including bios roms (exec.bin, grom.bin and ecs.bin)
  • Boot the emulator from the Homebrew Channel
  • Follow instructions, or press the "A" button to play a rom



GameCube Controller Wiimote.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
Gamecube D-Pad Up / Gamecube D-Pad Down / Gamecube D-Pad Left/ Gamecube D-Pad Right Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down / Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Classic D-Pad Up / Classic D-Pad Down/ Classic D-Pad Left / Classic D-Pad Right Navigate the menu
Gamecube A Button Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Launch a rom
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button Choose controllers to use
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button Return to main menu (when in 'choose controllers' menu)
Wiimote 1 Button Change player 1 controller(when in 'choose controllers' menu)
Wiimote 2 Button Change player 2 controller(when in 'choose controllers' menu)
GameCube START Button Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Exit emulator


GameCube Controller WiimoteHorizontal.svg + Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg Action
GameCube Control Stick(16 directions) / GameCube D-Pad(8 directions) Nunchuck Control Stick Classic Left Control Stick(16 directions) / Classic D-Pad(8 directions) Disc direction
Gamecube C Control Stick Wiimote D-Pad Classic Right Control Stick 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
Gamecube X Button Wiimote A Button Classic x Button 5
Gamecube B Button Classic b Button 0
Gamecube A Button Wiimote 1 Button Classic a Button Cancel
Gamecube Y Button Wiimote 2 Button Classic y Button Enter
GameCube L Trigger GameCube R Trigger GameCube Z Button Nunchuck Z Button Nunchuck C Button Wiimote B Button Classic L Trigger Classic R Trigger Classic ZL Button Classic ZR Button Side buttons
GameCube START Button Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Emulator Menu
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button Reset Intellivision
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button Pause Intellivision

Features/known bugs

No known bugs


  • 03/06/2010: v1.0.0:
Initial release
  • 16/11/2010: V1.0.1:
Recompiled with latest devkitpro and sdl, now usb-keyboard is enabled again. Thanx to Da_GPer.
Modified wiibrew link, now the right link is reported.
Fixed wrong sort of romslist, now sort is purely alphabetical without considering roms date.
Sources integrated with J.Z. sources in jzintv-20101114-src.zip
  • 12/11/2012: V1.0.2:
Recompiled with latest devkitpro and libogc.
Recompiled with latest J.Z. sources (contains also the fix for bad vertical scroll in some games)

Todo (maybe..in the future...):

  • Config file for key mapping
  • Graphical interface