In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


From WiiBrew
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TypeOther game
LicenceGPL (source coming soon)
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
WiiMote2.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller Loads files from the Front SD slot

Wiiero is a Liero clone specially developed for the Wii. Destructible terrain plays a major role in the gameplay. Wiiero is a two player game (the single player mode will be developed later).

Wiiero plays exactly the same way as Liero; it has the same game modes (Deathmatch, CTF, and Tag) and most of the same weapons. It also contains some new (optional) weapons.


  1. If you are using the Homebrew Channel, just copy the Wiiero directory from the archive into the apps directory on the root of your SD card. If you are using another loader, you only need "boot.dol" along with the sprites directory. Consult the documentation for your loader of choice for the appropriate location to place these files.
  2. Launch the game using your loader.

You can also install Wiiero via the Homebrew Browser.

How to play

Note: You must connect two wiimotes to your wii, otherwise you will be unable to play.

Select "Play Wiiero" from the main menu by using the select/enter button (see controls section for more info) and you will be presented with a weapon selection screen. You can choose each weapon individually using the D-Pad or simply randomize them all by holding down the back/return button (again, see controls section). When both players have finished by pressing their select/enter button again, they will spawn in the arena. You will then be able to shoot, jump, dig, change your weapon, and use your ninja rope!


You can download wiiero sources, resources and the compatible SDL lib on


At the moment there are four different methods of control; you can use the Wiimote + Nunchuk, the Gamecube or the classic controller and the Wiimote by itself (held horizontally).

Controls for Menu Navigation

Action WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller
Move Through Options Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down Nunchuck Control Stick Up or Down ('Y' axis) Classic D-Pad Up / Classic D-Pad Down GameCube Control Stick Up or Down ('Y' axis)
Toggle/Cycle Choices Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Nunchuck Control Stick Left or Right ('X' axis) Classic D-Pad Left / Classic D-Pad Right GameCube Control Stick Left or Right ('X' axis)
Select/Enter/Finalize Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote A Button Classic b Button or Classic y Button Gamecube A Button
Go Back/Return Wiimote 1 Button Wiimote B Button Classic a Button or Classic x Button Gamecube X Button or Gamecube B Button

Controls During Gameplay

Action WiimoteHorizontal.svg Wiimote.svg+Nunchuck alternative.svg ClassicController.svg GameCube Controller
Aim Up/Down Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down Nunchuck Control Stick Up or Down ('Y' axis) Classic D-Pad Up / Classic D-Pad Down GameCube Control Stick Up or Down ('Y' axis)
Move Left/Right Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Nunchuck Control Stick Left or Right ('X' axis) Classic D-Pad Left / Classic D-Pad Right GameCube Control Stick Left or Right ('X' axis)
Dig Wiimote B Button Wiimote A Button Classic a Button Gamecube X Button
Show Current Weapon Wiimote A Button Wiimote D-Pad Down Classic x Button Gamecube D-Pad Down
Cycle Weapon Forwards Wiimote A Button + Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote D-Pad Right Classic x Button + Classic D-Pad Right Gamecube D-Pad Right
Cycle Weapon Backwards Wiimote A Button + Wiimote 1 Button Wiimote D-Pad Left Classic x Button + Classic D-Pad Left Gamecube D-Pad Left
Fire Weapon Wiimote 2 Button Wiimote B Button Classic y Button Gamecube B Button
Jump Wiimote 1 Button Nunchuck C Button Classic b Button Gamecube A Button
Engage Grapple Hook Wiimote 1 Button + Wiimote 2 Button Nunchuck Z Button Classic R Trigger GameCube R Trigger
Disengage Grapple Hook Wiimote 1 Button Nunchuck C Button Classic b Button Gamecube A Button
Pause/Unpause Wiimote - Button Wiimote + Button Classic - Button GameCube Z Button
Menu Wiimote HOME Button Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button GameCube START Button

Game modes

Wiiero has 3 different types of gameplay, each with different objectives for winning. These modes are controlled from the "option" menu.


This is the default mode. The goal of the "deathmatch" mode is simply killing your opponent more times than they kill you. Each player has a limited number of lives and whoever runs out of them first is declared the loser of the match. You can define the number of lives for both players in the "option" menu.


The goal of the tag mode is to make your enemy "it" by killing them. When a player is "it", his time counter begins to decrease. When a player's time counter reaches zero, they have lost. However, if the "it" player manages to kill their enemy before the time reaches zero, the other player becomes "it". Therefore, if you are not "it" then you will probably want to run away! The counter time limit can be modified in the "option" menu.


In the "capture the flag" mode, you will need to get your opponents flag from somewhere on the map (random) and take it back to your home, giving you 1 point. However, to pick up your opponents flag, he must not be in possession of your own flag. Otherwise you will need to kill him! The first player accumulating the defined number of flag captures wins. You can modify the capture limit in the "option" menu.


Each player has 5 weapons which he can choose at the beginning of the game (or let the random choice do it for him for more challenge!). Wiiero has 37 weapons which were available in the original Liero game, and 21 new weapons that you can toggle on or off from the options menu. When using a weapon, the ammo gauge decreases depending on the amount of shots for that weapon. Once the ammo is at 0, a reload time is necessary before using your weapon again. The reload time can be modified in the "option" menu. If you change weapons during a reload, the reload timer is paused until you switch back to that weapon. See the Weapons Guide for more detailed information on each weapon.


Multilingual handler

Since Wiiero 1.2, the project includes a language handler. [1] You can help the wiiero translation by using the Wiiero translation file template. For do it you have to replace english labels in the template file [2] by your translated labels, rename your new file <newlang>.wtf ("wtf" stands for "Wiiero Translation File") and store it into the "lang" directory. For example for french translation you have to translate the template file, rename it "", copy file into Wiiero "lang" directory and start Wiiero. Feel free to send your translation files at, there will be added in the download part of Wiiero website and into the next wiiero releases. French, Italian, Hungarian and Spanish translation will be added yet.

Languages :
  • French - author: BScrk
  • Italian - author: CrazyGoofy77
  • Hogorian - author: Tusk
  • Spanish - author: Hiei
  • English - author: BScrk / Flark

To do list

High Priority

  • Nothing

Medium Priority

  • Add Wiimote pointing on aim management
  • AI implementation (needed for PSP version)
  • Code review before source release
  • Add maps support
  • Add map edition tools

Low Priority

  • Add skin management

Bugs and Reporting

Wiiero 1.3

  • No known bugs

Wiiero 1.2

  • Freeze on "Px wins" screen (fixed in version 1.3)
  • Error when GameCube controller is plugged before wiiero start (fixed in version 1.3)

Wiiero 1.1

  • SDL error on new homebrew channel (fixed in version 1.2)
  • No sound (done in version 1.2)
  • Explosives sticks have to explode on player contact (done in version 1.2)

Wiiero 1.0

  • Nunchuk unplugging not supported (done in version 1.1)
  • Resolution configuration (unabled in V1.0) (done in version 1.1)
  • End game screen pause too short (done in version 1.1)

There is currently no bug tracker for Wiiero. Feel free to send an email ( if you would like to report some bug or ideas. You can also post bugs here.


Release 1.3: 2009-10-30

  • Deadlock on final screen fixed
  • Improved GC and Classic contollers usage
  • Coredump if GC controller pluged before wiiero start fixed

Release 1.2: 2009-10-23

  • Ninja rope tention control added
  • GameCube and Classic pads supported
  • Sound and music added (with Binaerpilot musics)
  • Multilanguage handler added
  • Some bugs fixed
  • New options added into option menu (new option page)
  • Explosive weapon explode on player contact
  • Rendering engine optimisation
  • Color pallet reviewed
  • "Restart game" option added

Release 1.1: 2008-10-18

  • Wii Resolution config implemented (Warning: Can slow down the game in case of large explosions)
  • Nunchuk unplugging fixed
  • Wiimote detection improved (in game switch on support)
  • Some English & typo correction (thanks to Flark)
  • Missile weapon command implemented
  • Some others little fixes
  • Some weapons characteristics changed
  • Weapons name reviewed
  • 1 new weapon: Controled nuke larpa!
  • Scrolling effect at the resurrection of a player

Release 1.0: 2008-10-11

  • First Wii release
  • "How To Play" & "About" menu added
  • Resolution support (PC)
  • Some little fixes

Beta 3: 2008-09-18

  • Configuration options added
  • Load & save config implementation done
  • Performance profiling

Beta 2: 2008-08-12

  • First Wii Port
  • Some bug fixes
  • PC & PSP sound layer
  • Game modes implementation done

Beta 1: 2008-07-08

  • First PSP Port
  • Performance profiling
  • Extra weapons implementation done
  • Some bug fixes

Alpha 1: 2008-06-20

  • Weapons implementation done

Initial: 2008-05-20

  • Beginning of the project