In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Wii Message Board

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The Wii Message Board is drawn under the Wii Menu and contains a calendar and a bulletin board for letters and notes.


Wii Mail

Wii Mail refers to communicating via Message Board with another user. When playing games, a letter will be sent showing how much time a game was played and who the user sent messages to. Without modifications, the Message Board is exclusively for game activity logging if it isn't "revived" by services like WiiLink. Certain exploits such as LetterBomb and Wilbrand use the Message Board to crash and load the HackMii Installer.

Address Book

The Address Book has the console's 16-digit Wii Number and 20 pages of 5 spaces (meaning 100 Wii Friends are available.)


The calendar can go from 0 to 2038 in years due to the Wii console having a 32-bit processor. It can technically go to year 2039 without an issue but will not be manually able to be manually adjusted anymore after it goes into 2038.

Maintenance Mode

The Wii Message Board is affected when the system is in maintenance mode, as letter photos can clog up the memory.