In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Wii Brew SD Installer

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Wii Brew SD Installer
Wii Brew SD Installer Screen1.jpg
Author(s)Big Bang Theory
TypePC utility
Loads files from the Front SD slot


Windows program that installs everything you need to safely start running homebrew on your Wii.

  1. Installs the correct Twilight Hack files onto SD card with correct folders based on your region
  2. Installs the Homebrew Channel Beta 9 onto SD card
  3. Installs the Homebrew Browser v0.2.3b for use with the Homebrew Channel
  4. Allows users to select what files they want installed on SD Card


Each version update will include updates/additions to the files and any new workarounds/hacks for installations on incompatible Wii System firmwares.

Compatible Wii Firmware

Wii firmwares up to and including the 23rd of October update, but no further. This will not work with the 3.4 Update!

Files Installed on SD Card


Version 1.5
Wii Brew SD Installer

SD Card Format Tool
Format Tool

Change Log

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

  • Updated Homebrew Browser (v0.2.1b)
  • Added DVDX installer app

Version 1.3

  • Added Homebrew Browser (v0.2.0b)
  • Removed all Wiibrew App Packages (Easier to just use Homebrew Browser on Wii)
  • Smaller overall file size (2.96mb)

Version 1.2

  • Added new twilight hack files 0.1beta1
  • Added Snake, Duck Hunt, Snes9x, Wii Poker, Masteroids, Scrogger and Matching Cards
  • Fixed Simon .dol name to boot.dol
  • Removed menu system, now just a program installer
  • Removed Panasonic SD Card Format Program
  • Installer now loads how to video from web
  • Smaller overall file size (11mb)

Version 1.1

  • Fixed missing installer link to RVL-RZDE-0A-2 USA
  • Changed RVL-RZDE-0A-0 USA link to correct installer program


OS: Windows

  • 9x, 2000, XP and Vista
  • x64 & x86


Big Bang Theory