In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Author(s)Dominic Houghton (StereoRocker)
LicencePublic Domain
Wiimote1.svg Loads files from SDHC cards in the Front SD slot USB mass storage device Local WiFi

WiiFTPD is a multi-threaded FTP daemon written for the Wii. It is released under the public domain - it can be used for anything, by anyone. If you use any of the code, I would appreciate a mention in your source - however, this is not necessary. WiiFTPD development started on 15 October 2013.


WiiFTPD uses standard port 21 for the control connection. Passive mode uses ports 30 and above for incoming data connections. The package that WiiFTPD is shipped in comes with a folder ready to put into your /apps/ directory for Homebrew Channel, ready to be used immediately.

Limitations/Known bugs

  • Only supports FAT filesystems, using libfat. (This would be done using libELM, but I cannot find a download for neither the binary nor the source. If anyone can provide me with either, I would be very grateful.)
  • There is no real authentication. It will accept any username+password combination thrown at it. It will accept a blank password, but not a blank username. In the next release, there will be a proper authentication system.
  • Only supports passive mode. (gethostbyname() would not return success when giving it an IP address in format)
  • The rename command does not work - it causes an exception, after renaming and sending the response back. Due to this, the rename commands have been disabled in the release build. However, they are available if you build from source.
  • During my testing, I found that libfat wrongly reports some files on the front SD card as directories.
  • The FTP client built into Windows Explorer is unable to retrieve files for some reason - the server reports that it cannot open the file. However, you can store files perfectly with this client.


Version Date Released Changes
0.01 22 October 2013 Initial release