Quotes blow... except for this one:
"Also, last but not least it MY wii, not theirs, it's mine, I payed for it if I want to paint it black, I am free to do so. If I want to shit on it, I can! And if I want to run homebrew software on it, I damn well can do so" (Daid).
Well, I plan on becoming proficient in C++ as well as maybe some Windows API in the future (because that's like a new language on its own). I would also like to develop something decent for the Wii, and I have a project I'm starting (WiiMoveIt), but it will probably take most of the summer for me to get it to work right. As for my programming background; I have no background. I started self-teaching/learning through C Plus Plus and C Programming tutorials in February of 2009. After getting the basis of C/C++ I now also learn from looking at source code.
I got my Wii on January 18, 2008 (Friday). And as for Wii HomeBrew... I read about it a few months before January of 2009, but never did anything. Then, on January 16, 2009 (Friday), after renting the infamous Zelda game for the Wii and using the Twilight Hack v0.1beta1, I got homebrew while at my grandmother's house. Much thanks to Team Twiizers and anyone who helped with Devkit Pro.
I generally go by TPAINROXX, but TNTSKULL and BKW++ are some others.
Blah. Discussion page is here.
My Wikipedia page.