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United States.png This user lives in The United States.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
Windows Flag.png This user develops using Windows.
Linux thumb.png This user develops using Linux.
C This user codes in C.
C++ This user codes in C++.
Java This user codes in Java.
Userbox trucha.png This user has at least one trucha vulnerable IOS.
Wii This user is running System Menu 4.2 on their Wii.
Userbox homebrew channel.png This user has installed the Homebrew Channel version 1.0.8 on their Wii.

DVDX This user has installed DVDX on their Wii.
BootMii This user has installed BootMii on their Wii.
This user used the Twilight Hack to install homebrew.
Bomb icon.png
This user used Bannerbomb to install homebrew.
Homebrew Browser This user uses the Homebrew Browser to download and update their homebrew.
WiiMC This user uses WiiMC to play media on their Wii.
2 Wii Remotes This user owns 2 Wii Remotes.
Nunchuck alternative.svg This user owns 2 Nunchuks.
ClassicController.svg This user owns 1 Classic Controller.
GameCube Controller This user owns 4 GameCube Controllers.
Les Paul Controller This user owns 2 Les Paul Guitar Controllers.
Wi-Fi This user uses Wi-Fi.
SD Card This user owns a 2gb SD card.
SDHC Card This user owns a 8gb SDHC card.

Programming Experience

I started out programming on the TI-83 graphing calculator in Junior High back in 2000. I mostly wrote programs to do my homework for me (out of a mix of laziness and a high interest in programming), but I also worked with this robot which is controlled by the TI-83. Then came high school and calculus and my parents bought me a TI-89, only to find that not only were my programs not compatible with the TI-89, but most of their functionality was provided out of the box by the TI-89's OS. My first experience in obsolescence.

In high school I took some programming classes in C and C++. I am currently majoring in Computer Science and Engineering Technology at Oregon Institute of Technology.

My Projects

I haven't really done a whole lot for the Wii scene. Probably the most significant thing I've done is working with AerialX to get lipsync animations working in Wii Rock Band Customs, but honestly he pretty much had it figured out and walked me through the parts I did and then finished it for me...

The majority of my work has been to create things for my own console, such as customized channels and forwarders. I also chart custom songs for Rock Band, using RawkSD. Videos of my songs can be viewed at my youtube channel.

On other fronts, I am a somewhat regular user/contributor of as well as I run my own software project for the U3 Platform, Uop3n Smart Apps.