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Australia.png This user lives in Australia.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
Wii This user is running System Menu 4.3 on their Wii.
4 Wii Remotes This user owns 4 Wii Remotes.
Nunchuck alternative.svg This user owns 4 Nunchuks.
GameCube Controller This user owns 2 Wired GameCube Controllers.
GameCube Controller This user owns 2 WaveBird GameCube Controllers.
Wii Wheel This user owns 1 Wii Wheel.
DS Lite Icon.jpg This user owns 1 Black Nintendo DS Lite.
BootMii This user has installed BootMii on their Wii.
Bomb icon.png
This user used Bannerbomb to install homebrew.
Userbox homebrew channel.png This user has installed the Homebrew Channel version 1.0.8 on their Wii.

Homebrew Browser This user uses the Homebrew Browser to download and update their homebrew.
WiiMC This user uses WiiMC to play media on their Wii.
SD Card This user owns a 1gb SD card.
SD Card This user owns a 2gb SD card.
USB Keyboard This user owns a USB Keyboard.

Hi everyone, my name is Brian.

I'm 26 years old and I'm a Nintendo addict. It's been 20 minutes since I last played a Nintendo game. I feel like such a slave to my addictions. But admitting I have a problem is the first step.

The second step, apparently, is joining a WiiBrew community to help out any way I can. Perhaps I need an intervention...

Currently playing:

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

Cursed Mountain

Sam & Max: Season One

Orbient (WiiWare)

Burnout 3 (PS2)

Recently finished:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (very good, but still a little disappointing)

MadWorld (utterly awesome)