In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Talk:Genesis Plus

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Version: genplusgx-080601

Sound is working better and it doesn't stall like the unsupported version was doing.

Working wiimote but not classic controller? anyone experiencing the same thing or is this a bug? JD 12:53, 3 June 2008 (PDT)

Yes, I'm having the same issue. I had my classic controller plugged into the remote and the option to switch to the classic controller wasn't given to me. It simply allowed me to switch between the Wiimote and the GameCube controller. Anthony 20:15, 1 September 2008 (UTC)
With the last version (26/08/2008) you have to set calssic 1 in the control emulator menu and it work on game. - Yod4z GMT+1 13:43
Okay, I redownloaded the latest version, and I got it working. I also tried unplugging then plugging the VC controller back in after the emulator loaded and it's working fine for me. Thanks. Anthony 19:50, 2 September 2008 (UTC)

Video Problems

i'm using an euro wii (PAL). tried to change all video options on the wii. the emulator works just fine but all visuals are red! it’s like playing the genesis games on a red monitor. i tried everything in video settings on wii. for me it looks like that the emulator automatically switches to ntsc. Robertle 11:30, 24 March 2008 (PDT)

If you are using the SD loader, make sure it is the latest version. Try it without just to be sure. And FYI, the video mode that should work on the Wii is 576i. Set that in Wii --> Wii Setiings --> Screen --> TV Type. --Muzer 11:32, 24 March 2008 (PDT)
i did that. i tried it with all tp hacks without sd loader and with sd loader v0.2 (which automatically switches to pal). the thing is: 1 time out of 5 (always rebooting, starting zelda, loading twilight hack, etc.) there are no color problems. Robertle 11:41, 24 March 2008 (PDT)
Same problem here (also on PAL Wii, no difference between 480i/576i). Seems to be some bad RGB-Code or something. And here too, sometimes (but most times not) it will work... And Genplus is the only homebrew that shows this problem for me-- Chrisis 13:36, 24 March 2008 (PDT)
must be something specific to rgb scart. i changed from rgb cable to standard a/v cable and everything works fine! probably a bug in the rgb code of libogc. --robertle 09:43, 27 March 2008 (PDT)
That might be it, as I use compoment and it works fine. Muzer 10:48, 27 March 2008 (PDT)

Unsupported Release by LoPsT

I've tested the version which comes with support for the wiimote but on viewing the list of games for the first time the wiimote looses connection. Its a small annoyance but this seems to be the only problem that I've had with it... All other features are working ok. JD 08:37, 21 May 2008 (PDT)

Yeah, I noticed that too. It lets you reconnect, but for some reason, it always takes a while for the Remote to be able to reconnect after that. Everything else works well, though. --Phred 13:15, 21 May 2008 (PDT)
I don't know about you two, but every time I try to play games on it, a few minutes it in completely freezes. The original Wii port doesn't do this. 10:54, 30 May 2008 (PDT)
Seems to be doing this on mine now... wasn't when using the homebrew launcher rather than the channel?? JD 12:09, 3 June 2008 (PDT)

Errors mounting SD card

When launching Genplus either directly from the TP hack or from a loader, Genplus is unable to mount / read the front SD card - "Error mounting SD card: 0"

Card is a 1GB Switch 'n Carry, blue in color with a white label marked "Compatible with Wii (tm)". Card works fine with all OEM Wii games and system functions. I thought it might be a formatting issue, so I reformatted the card as MS-DOS FAT16 with Linux mkdosfs:

mkdosfs -n wii_sd_01 -v -F 16 /dev/sda1

Results are still the same, Genplus starts fine but it's unable to mount the card.

Problem downloading

The website that the link gives tells me that my account has not been activated yet even though it is. Can someone post a link of it on a website that dosen't require you to have an account?Chosen One 41 04:36, 5 August 2008 (CEST)

I, try here : --BeFree 05:52, 5 August 2008 (CEST)

Cant get it to use 4 wiimotes

Does someone know how to get this to work with four wiimotes. I can only get it to use 2 wiimotes and their classic controllers for 4 player play. I am stumped so any help would be wonderful.

Small screen glitch when save or load state few times

Always when i want to save or load state it works fine but after a while if i save or load state (more times) my screen gets small & if i go to the wiimenu or hombrew channel it go's slow ? Anyone knows how this comes ?

Widescreen Fix

I don't know about you guys, but I have my NTSC Wii set to Progressive 480p output. When my TV is getting a progressive signal, I am unable to change the display format, it stays locked at 16:9. This poses a problem for the GenPlus because unless you set things to stretched, you got out of ratio games. Here's what I've calculated to be a fix. Under Video Options, Set the aspect to Stretched and Scale X to -73. This squeezes the video to the proper 4:3 aspect (at least on my TV) Now, I could set it to interlaced or "original" rendering and this would change the thing to interlaced mode, which, to me, doesn't look as good.Dewdude 19:11, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

SEGA CD / Mega-CD and 32X support

Is there any chance that support may eventually be added for the console's upgrades? I for one sure would love to be able to play Sonic CD on my Wii! SMR Kurosan 10:25, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Oh hell, yeah. --Mr. Reaper 15:04, 20 May 2009 (UTC) Kixy 16:05, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
You already can play Sonic CD on your Wii as part of the Sonic Gems Collection Gamecube game. It also has Sonic R, Sonic The Fighters (!) and assorted Game Gear Sonics. Q-pa 15:51, 8 October 2009 (UTC)
yeah but ya know it would be more better running off an enulator and with the wii remote or classic remote rather then leaving it to people with GCN remotes and savecards.--Trigger ftu 07:07, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Hey, I've heard that the wii doesn't read CD-ROMs, and that's one issue that makes Sega CD support tricky, but what if you made a copy of a Sega CD on a DVD....? The DVD would have the same files and audio tracks as the CD, but it would be a DVD, which the wii (and Genesis emulator) could read.... Would that work? Can DVDs have audio tracks, or would they have to be mp3 format? If they were mp3 format, you could probably set up multiple CD games on one DVD.... --Mr. Reaper 22:44, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

There's no reason it couldn't just load an ISO image and MP3 track rips like Gens and Kega Fusion do on PC and Mac platforms—or, for that matter, like the numerous half-finished PSX-on-Wii emulators already do. ErisDiscord 00:44, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

32X support is more of my concern, for the Virtua titles. Is there going to be compatibility for *.32X files? Player 3 21:06, 12 February 2011 (CET)

Please add this to the codes

Pro action replay because the code format is different so not all the time can game genie do the same thing. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 0piggyjelly0 (talkcontribs) 17:01, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

I know that ucon64 can convert between SNES PAR and GG codes, and I will not be surprised if it can do the same for Megadrive. ErisDiscord 00:46, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

new updates

Hey how come i havn't seen any new updates on this? sure they have the source code for people to compile their own but yeah why no actual released updates with sdhc support?--Trigger ftu 19:45, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

   Ditto, is this project abandoned by its original author? That'd be a shame! Wiiholio 10:04, 7 December 2009 (UTC)

This is not abandonned. It's just I have less time for coding and stuff like that. You can check the current status on the googlecode update page and see it's still periodically updated. Apart from a bunch of emulation bug and accuracy fixes, a new GUI is being implemented. There are actually a few preview binaries floating around made by people who compiled the current sourcecode but I won't personnaly release something until the GUI is properly finished. Eke 15:35, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

1st. thanks for helping me with my previous issue i had with compiling the other emulators. secondly i have been compiling and tryin it out. (yes i will admit i have been posting unofficial compiled copies on Nervo's site) so far the only issue i have found withthe new gui is if compiled withthe old libogc the emulator bugs out like crazy. if i may ask (and i'll look on the google code aswell) what kinda bugs have u been having with the new gui? (the new gui looks totally wicked cool dude total kudo's on that, another note i'd like to goof with what code updates i have i have a few things set tot he side if i can make a successful Sega-cd add-on for I'd like ta send ya a copy of the add-on so that it could be added as an official.)--Trigger ftu 06:57, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

GUI Update ( Would like to see one )

I really would like to see a better GUI update. Something that is much easier to use than the current one. Using Tantric's Emulators kind of set the standard for me. I really wish to see more emulators use that sort.

Why has not all EmuMakers taken his/her lead on this?

SuicidalMind 19:22, 2 December 2009 (UTC)

Same as above. A new GUI is in progress, let's say 80% of the interface is done with a few missing menus. Eke 15:41, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

SMB network file wanted!

The SNES and VBA emulators by Tantric have a SMB network file support that's simple and a pleasure to use; adding SMB support with something similar (or even the same if he'd let you use his as a front end) would be an awesome improvement to any future update of 'Genesis Plus'. I prefer to keep my ROMS on a large networked storage drive so I can access them from any computer in my house; seems inefficient to have to duplicate them onto my Wii's SD card in order to play them. I'm sure I'm not alone! Wiiholio 10:04, 7 December 2009 (UTC) Someone said he was working on it but I didn't have any news so far. It is not hard to do but I personnaly have no interess in adding this myself atm Eke 15:40, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

USB Issue

I loaded some roms via usb after normally going though an SD slot. Some of the games have the same name. [maybe that's the problem] But When I go load from my usb drive it maps to my sd card. I can't seem to get it to read USB now. Even when one isn't in, when I load from USB it just reverts to the SD slot. What am I missing here? --Jsovey 06:18, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Lack of a Turbo Function

I am enjoying this new version of Genesis Plus. But I feel that a fast forward function would make a great feature. I believe the GX emulators only carry this function at this moment. Is this in the works or is it not possible with Genesis emulators? --Chaobreaker 06:45, 25 November 2010 (CET)

It is not in the work but possible, like with any emulators. In fact, it was already requested here: 09:11, 25 November 2010 (CET).

Mode Button

There's no way to assign a button for "Mode." Is that button usless? Almost, but not totally! It's needed for proper playing of Technoclash Yes, it's actually used in the game as an action button....

Also, I'd really like to be able to re-assign the "Menu" key.... I'm using a Gamecube controller, and the Menu key is forced to be the Z button, and that's right where I'll want my Mode button to be.... Accessing the Menu by pressing Left on the yellow analog C stick on the gamecube pad would be better (just like how the SNES wii port does it). --Mr. Reaper 21:45, 8 December 2010 (CET)

You can only use/assign it if the controller has enough buttons, that means if you use a Classic Controller or Nunchuk/Wiimote combination. I will try to add it to Game Cube controller since you could argue there is enough buttons if you include C-stick, which means Menu key would need to be "remappable" as well.Eke 11:11, 9 December 2010 (CET)

FM Enhanced sound NOT working with Sega Master System Games

The FM enhanced sound found in games like Golvellius, Phantasy Star, Spellcaster, etc., unforutnately isn't working even when selected. It's a pity since these games really shine with that music on. As a test I used the same roms from this emulator in the less SMS plus emulator and sure enough the music 'does' work within that Wii emulator. Hoping that an update will eventually be made to address these concerns.Games Junn 23:34, 22 May 2011 (CEST)

Ditto, it's not working because the Master System add-on FM chip is not emulated in 1.5.0 (and no, it's NOT the same as the Genesis FM chip so you can't "select" it). However, I implemented it some time ago in SVN repository, see here for the original user request and completion report. There are infos on google code to learn how to get code from SVN and compile a dol yourself so you can test it without waiting for official release. Eke 14:20, 24 May 2011 (CEST)

USB controller support?

Would it be technically possible to add support for real MD/Genesis controllers via the Retrode? The cartridges are properly read through its cartridge slot, and the lights in the Arcade Power Stick even light up when pressing the buttons and when the Megafire is activated, when connecting one to the Retrode. --ICEknight 23:43, 9 February 2012 (CET)

The fact controller leds light up does not mean much beside that the controlled is powered on, which is normal since it's powered on through USB, just like the Retrode, this is in fact how Retrode was designed, considering that without power, controllers are useless. What is missing though is software to communicate with those controllers from the Wii side. It should be technically possible to add USB controller support in libogc just like it was done for USB Mouse & Keyboard but unfortunately, I doesn't know enough about USB protocol and HID classes/drivers to tell how much difficult this would be. Also, I don't know what is required to support two USB devices (Retrode itself, seen as USB HDD, and the controller) at the same time on the same USB port, if there are hardware limitation, etc... -- Eke 18:20, 11 February 2012 (CET)

perfect pixel scaling thing

Hey ekeeke, I saw over on the wiibrew forum you provided a fix for the nintendo emulators that made them not have any distorted pixels due to scaling (,69147 ). Uh, can you apply that same thing to Genesis Plus? When I enable 16:9 correction, I get distorted vertical rows of pixels. I have all other filters off, borders: none -- oh I just found that if I enable borders, it looks fine... but I don't like the borders in Sonic the Hedgehog, for example.... So, it seems to be a problem with the scaling in 16:9 when borders are disabled.... --Mr. Reaper 18:42, 11 February 2012 (CET)

EDIT: oh, the problem seems to exist in Master System and Game Gear games in 16:9, with or without borders enabled.... They are all fine (but extra fat on my widescreen LCD) in 4:3, just like Genesis games --Mr. Reaper 18:48, 11 February 2012 (CET)
Like you might have guessed, the "fix" is already implemented in Genesis Plus GX, since quite a long time. Though it might not be as effective when 16:9 correction is applied, I need to check. Indeed, 16:9 correction basically downscales by 1.3333.. (16:9/4:3 = 4/3) the original width, to take in account the upscale your TV is naturally doing later in 16:9 mode (and so it keeps the original 4:3 aspect ratio). It's possible that when the output width is too small (Genesis with overscan being the largest possible width), it does not work as expected; That's said, if your TV has the ability to switch to 4:3 itself, I STRONGLY advise you to use that instead, downscaling+upscaling is never doing any good to graphics. --Eke 19:46, 11 February 2012 (CET)
snipped -- it's a bug in the code with how 16:9 correction is applied, this should be fixed for next version —Preceding unsigned comment added by Eke (talkcontribs) 20:05, 11 February 2012 (CET)

Game-Specific Button Mapping

This is more an issue with the Gamecube version, due to the Gamecube's weird button layout. Generally, I like to keep the buttons mapped so that "B" always shoots and "A" always jumps. In most cases, this involves mapping Genesis "B" to GCN "B" and Genesis "C" to GCN "A". But this is not consistent across all Genesis titles, as some games use "A" and "B" as attack and jump instead of "B" and "C". This means that I'm constantly re-configuring the emulator when jumping from game to game.

The most obvious solution might seem to be to map Genesis A-B-C to GCN B-A-X, but I find that awkward as well, especially since I'm used to the "B" button being "Cancel", and mapping it this way effectively makes this backwards and a constant source of frustration when playing RPGs. In short, there is no single button layout that works with the Gamecube controller.

I would love a way to toggle between at least two or three different customizable button layouts, which I can assign to specific games. --Neilsama 06:00, 6 April 2013 (CET)