In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Talk:FCE Ultra GX

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Feature Requests

GameGenie support

Will there ever be GameGenie support?

Eventually, I hope. --Tantric 08:11, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

hq3x support

Is it possible to add hq3x into FCE Ultra GX, since it is already implemented in FCEU? --Jeffsterz 15:51, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

I'd love to see that too. NES games don't take up that much memory, the Wii should be able to handle it and it'd probably look great. Mekuso

PowerPad Support

Is it possible to use the Active Life Outdoor Challenge mat or similar dance mat to support Power Pad games?--Dffd 12:56, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Menu Controls are broken with classic controller

When home is used during gameplay to reach the ui, buttons are rendered ineffective, sometimes permanently. Also, the directions left and right when choosing save or cancel is broken. When the left hand button is high-lighted, it's not possible to hilight the right by pushing to the right. Instead you have to push left to reach it. Then from there the reverse is true. This is tested with a classic controller pro.(Chin77 02:25, 16 March 2011 (CET))

Custom Palettes

I was wondering if it could ever possible for people who are using this program on their Nintendo Revolutions (or Wiis as they are now called) could created custom palettes for the games they are playing with this program. I think that would be a great feature to add to a future release. Ness and Sonic 15:48, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Turbo button with Wiimote only controls

I was disappointed that speedup support (like used with the right stick on the classic controller) isn't an optional button setting for Wiimote only play and was wondering if this would be possible in a future update without a whole lot of rewriting? Would be much appreciated as I've been playing a whole lot of old RPGs. --Szycag 12:25, 15 September 2009 (UTC)

NTFS Partition Support

Yeah, it wasn't working for me but I was just wondering if one could implement NTFS file structure in the program, because MPlayer_CE supports it but just these three main emulators (FCE Ultra GX, Snes9xGX, and VisualBoyAdvance GX) don't find my NTFS External Hard Drive when connecting through USB. It would just be nice to have thats all. (Awesome programs by the way :P) Ryg0n 23:28, 19 December 2009 (UTC)

Have you considered slow motion?

This is a massively epic function that the NESDS emulator features (DS nes emulator). I think this would contribute many more hours of joy to this already great project. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Fireseed (talkcontribs) 06:30, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

Multiscreen support

I guess this is a rather unique request; would it be possible to implement a feature that lets you run 2 or more games simultaneously? The idea is to have speedrun battles or something of the like without having to set up several consoles. I'm probably going to have a look into that myself, but unfortunately my programming skills are rather limited. --FlashCE 13:38, 22 January 2010 (UTC)

Alternate control scheme - Tilt Controls

It would be cool if you could use tilt controls as an alternative for d-pad controls in any NES game, particularly for racing and flying games (Rad Racer, Top Gun, etc.). TechRat 15:12, 16 November 2010 (CET)

Controller+Zapper support in Zapper games

Some zapper games also use a controller in the first port for alternate fire. For example, in Operation Wolf holding B on controller 1 while shooting with the zapper launches a grenade. It would be nice if this support was added, maybe by assigning buttons A, 1 and/or 2 to various buttons on the port 1 controller. TechRat 15:12, 16 November 2010 (CET)

Official Support for "Mike Tyson's Jungle Beat" control scheme

Would it be possible to add the bongo controls from "Mike Tyson's Jungle Beat" as an alternate control scheme? This way, a separate app wouldn't be needed just to play MTJB. TechRat 15:15, 16 November 2010 (CET)

Delete Save States (Snapshot) or Battery Back-Up Saves (SRAM)

This should make a great feature. Being able to delete old snapshots or SRAM data when saving or loading them using the FCEU GX GUI. This way we don't have to use WiiXplorer or Windows Explorer to delete them. --Wildgoosespeeder 02:02, 15 July 2011 (CEST)

NTSC Video Filter so that it looks like how it would on an actual NES

The PC version of FCE Ultra has a video filter that makes it look like an actual NES. The emulator NESTopia has an even better NTSC filter. It would be really nice to have a video filter that softens the colors and makes it look like the NTSC signal that the NES outputs. I can't stand FCE Ultra GX in it's current state because the colors are REALLY eye-straining. Compare Super Mario Bros on Virtual Console to FCE Ultra GX, the colors are more accurate on Virtual Console. The colors on FCE Ultra GX hurts my eyes. It would be nice if we could use more accurate colors like Nintendo's Virtual Console emulator, plus the artifacts that the PC emulator's NTSC filter has.Chaos Rush 09:00, 3 April 2012 (CEST)

EDIT: Here is an example of what I would like: Chaos Rush 09:10, 3 April 2012 (CEST)

Personally, I don't know why people want to crapify their graphics like that.... The Nostalgia is strong in this one. It's like people who insist that vinyl records produce better sound than high-quality digital recordings. But I'm not just here to mock your preference, I have some ideas that might help you. Adjust the colors on your LCD TV; turn down the Saturation until the colors look more like what you want. Or go into the video settings in FCEUGX and use a different palette. There are some in there that really dull down the colors, like AspiringSquare's and Crashan's. One way or another you can turn down the eye-straining colors without otherwise crappifying your graphics to look like you're playing on an old TV with an actual NES... Unless you really, really love the nostalgia that much ;) --Mr. Reaper 19:11, 3 April 2012 (CEST)
I shouldn't have to modify my TV colors when I don't have to do so with any other emulator, or Virtual Console. And my main problem was the actual colors, I can deal with the crisp graphics. It would be nice if we could have a color palette that matches the Virtual Console NES emulator. I guess I forgot to mention none of the palette options look as good the palette used in Nintendo's NES emulator, which is why I'm requesting this feature. I'll re-phrase my request: It would be cool if we could have a palette option that looks like Nintendo's superior Virtual Console NES emulator, since that doesn't make my eyes bleed, and the colors are more accurate to using an actual NES. And to clarify, the Virtual Console emulator does NOT look anything like the picture I posted (it doesn't "crappify" it), it looks just as crisp as FCE Ultra GX, but Virtual Console's color palette is more accurate than any of FCE Ultra's palettes. So basically I would like to have a more accurate palette (NONE of the built-in palettes look like the Virtual Console), and the "crappify" filter would just be an added bonus for me, if such a filter is possible on Wii.
...or at least let us make custom palettes. And what's weird is that the PC version of FCE Ultra has an option to let us use NTSC colors (the feature I'm requesting) and it even has a "crappify" NTSC filter, so I'm wondering why the accurate color palette was left out of the Wii version. Chaos Rush 19:24, 5 April 2012 (CEST)
Well, even if you feel you shouldn't have to adjust the colors on your TV, you really do have to, because most TV's default settings are way off -- they set them up to have really bright, eye-popping colors on the store shelf to attract buyers, so basically the saturation is way too high. Then when you play something like FCEUGX that displays really intense color areas on the screen, yeah, it'll make your eyes bleed. I do agree that the palettes in this emulator don't really look just right as compared to the NES, but there's not going to be a fix for this.... Tantric has said he considers these emulators "finished" and he's not going to do any more work on them.... So your only options are to use one of the duller alternate palettes (at the cost of some "off" colors), and/or turn down the saturation on your TV (which you really need to do anyway -- I know I had to turn mind down from 50 to 30 -- the alternate input source used for the WII component cables had an even higher over-saturation than the default for regular TV). --Mr. Reaper 17:50, 6 April 2012 (CEST)


Two player support

I see that there is supposed to be support for 1-4 players; however, how does one go about enabling it while in game? I've tried syncing the Wiimotes with the Wii via the red buttons to no avail (while in a loaded ROM). Should I be doing the syncing from the HomeBrew Channel instead? Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks. --Jeffsterz 15:51, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

I figured this out and found that you do have to manually sync the Wiimotes via the red sync button on the Wii and on the Wiimote (near the batteries) while in the HomeBrew Channel. --Jeffsterz 16:14, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Black screen on startup

Right, so when I start FCE Ultra GX, I get a black screen. Nothing else. The wiimotes aren't syncing or anything. Any idea what's going on? --Hideous 15:51, 8 September 2008 (UTC)

can you comment more informations like directory structure, support (dvd, SD, usb, smb)... -Yod4z 18:02 GMT+1
As far as I know, I have the proper directory structure set up on the SD card (fceugx/roms and /saves). I've tried both PAL50 and PAL60, and I've even formatted my card once. Nothing works, so far. --Hideous 18:38, 8 September 2008 (UTC)
Check that 1, the SD card is not write protected and 2, GC mem card slot B is empty. --albinoV
This can be caused by installing and changing custom IOSs (cIOS, DVDx, etc). Try using AnyTitle Deleter to delete the IOSs you installed, and/or reinstall the IOSs. --Tantric 06:46, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
I had the same problem. Deleting dvdx worked. It was a bit difficult because AnyTitle Deleter doesn't run on my menu version, but the Bootmii installer also has an uninstall option, and that worked great. Roobix 03:26, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
I made a change to IOS36 so I could install Preloader, and I was back to the black screen again. Uninstalling DVDx did not help this second time, but the problem was fixed by deleting and re-downloading the files via the Homebrew Browser. Roobix 19:23, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

Can't find SD card

For some reason sometimes the emulator will say that it can't find the sd card then it will freeze and I have to hold the power button to turn it off. Or it can't load my save. Another thing is if I can load a save the screen will be distorted In certain games. I.E tmnt or castlevania 3. Anyway still great emulator.

Anyone got Mario Adventure to work?

Does anyone know if Mario Adventure works? It doesn't seem to work for me on both the FCE Ultra GX and just plain FCE Ultra. --Mjbauer95 21:35, 1 March 2009 (UTC)

I got it to work but it needs to be a fresh patch. (Not the one that is already patched. Luigi vs Mario should work flawlessly, too) Removed your link, no ROM links on WiiBrew. That would have been a ban.--retrotails 20:47, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for removing the link, I forgot that that was against Wiibrew rules. --Mjbauer95 02:56, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

GCN Controller problem

When I use the GCN controller the A and B buttons launch me to the save/load/config screen, the Wiimote works flawless, I having the same problem with the Snes9x 4.0.1, Y, X, L and R buttons (GNC controller) launch me to the options screen during gameplay --TunaLover 13:53, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Dip Switch Support

Is there any Dip Switch Support planned for games like the Nintendo World Championship 1990 Rom? --SmaMan 12:38, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

Network Loading Issues

3.03: Network loading not working at all. Can see list of games but when loaded only a grey screen appears. Can still return to the menu.

3.02: Network loading will work. Must wait for update message to appear before loading a game. Otherwise the game loads but code dumps instantly. (This issue appears to be present in all 3.0.x versions).

-- H3ll0 09:34, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

Old save states aren't compatible with new emu?

I was using version 3.0.5 for a while, but then accidentally updated to 3.1.0 (accidentally because my internet connection usually isn't reliable, so I don't want to waste the time of downloading only part of it, then have it tell me it can't finish). Now all the save states I was using no longer work. I load them within the emulator menu, that doesn't produces any "errors" per se, but after closing the emulator menu, the state doesn't load, it just continues where it left off before I loaded anything.
However, new save states that I made with 3.1.0 do work as they're supposed to. Is there anything I can do to use my old ones again, since I have some pretty developed game files on them, and it would be a pain to replay them? Or can I get a download of 3.0.5? Swift Finch 15:21, 19 November 2009 (UTC)
Yea he is right. Old savestates made with 3.0.7 or lower don't work with 3.0.8 or highter. Can you fix it please ? --ML™ 16:09, 3 December 2009 (UTC)

No, this is not a bug - it's because the save state format has changed as of 3.0.7 because I upgraded the core. Nothing can be done to change this. --Tantric 01:57, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Ugh, that's a pain. Could I get a download of 3.0.7 or lower then? Swift Finch 17:53, 13 December 2009 (UTC)

About the saves

Does it work to use save files that don't have Auto appended to them? I'm using version 3.1.8. --Videogames4all 16:30, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

Third Party Controller Support

I have a third party controller (Power A) and whenever I try to use the emulator while that controller is connected I get the stack dump errors. What's up with that?

Some stuff doesn't work that used to.

Hi, in the latest version, certain things don't appear to work that used to in previous versions.

FDS doesn't work at all. I have the Disksys.rom, it's the right size, but loading an actual game says "Missing DISKSYS.ROM!" Games I tried to load: Bio Miracle Bokkute Upa, Otocky, and Vs. Excitebike

Some roms cause a code dump too. I tried to load Famicom Wars, both with and without a translation patch, and it causes a code dump.

Yet, in previous versions of FCEUGX, these were fine.--Namo 13:38, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Well then i would reinstall a previously working version. go to there google code website, and report the series of bug you discovered.--Hatredg0d 14:21, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

How to get pixel-perfect rendering in FCEUGX

EDIT: Wow, it looks like these issues have been fixed in the most recent version of FCEUGX (3.2.3). The scaling seems perfect both horizontally and vertically with the screen zoom set at 100% for both. It seems perfect in SNESGX (4.2.5) too. Excellent.

(EDIT: Check the Visual Boy Advance GX discussion page for some detailed information about settings to get rendering "perfect" with that emulator.]

(old info) ---->

If you're like me, you can't stand when the graphics look improperly scaled or there are flaws in the rendering while the screen is scrolling....

For example: Load up a recent version of FCEUGX (currently 3.1.8). Run Castlevania. Start a game and walk to the right. Notice that the screen scrolls smoothly, and the graphics look great, smooth, and beautiful. There are no weird fluctuations in the graphics.... From this we know that the horizontal scaling is perfect, drawing 1 column of pixels on the screen for each one column of pixels it's supposed to have.

Now load up Kid Icarus and sit on the title screen (do not push start) and watch the text and graphic scroll upward.... Notice how terrible it looks, with the graphics severely distorting and "wavering" as they scroll upward.... From this we can see that the vertical resolution or scaling is not correct -- sometimes it's drawing 2 rows of pixels when it should only be drawing 1, or perhaps it's skipping rows. Either way, I just can't stand how it looks.... You can turn on the filtering to make it scroll smoothly, but that just makes the graphic look blurred, and I don't like that either.... It makes me feel like my eyes are out of focus. You can also change the vertical Screen Zoom to 105% or 106% to ALMOST fix the problem.... but then you're cutting off the top and bottom of the screen a little. Setting the vertical Screen Zoom to 54 makes it scroll perfectly... but now you have a squished screen! You could change the horizontal Zoom to 50 to match, but now you have a tiny screen! A perfectly scrolling tiny screen....

Unfortunately, the programmer has said it is good enough for him, and he's not going to work on these issues:

Now here's the fix.... Go download the previous version 3.1.3 (EDIT: 3.1.6 seems to the be most recent version that this trick works with, so may be a better choice) and install that. Get it from here:

Now load up Kid Icarus and watch the upward scrolling text and graphics.... Perfect! Smooth! Beautiful! The vertical scaling in this version is correct.

Now load up Castlevania and walk to the right.... Oh no! The graphics distort and waver! It's even more noticeable when you enter the castle.... Walk to the first staircase so the zombies won't harass you, and step back and forth there to watch the background. Awful! Looks like it's the horizontal scaling that's not right in this version.... But wait! Go to the video options and set horizontal Screen Zoom to 107%, now go back to the game and walk around.... Perfect! Smooth! Beautiful!

And there you have it.... Pixel perfect rendering. You just have to deal with the stupid nag screen pestering you to update every time you start up the emulator.... "No, I do not want to update now, later, or ever! The new version doesn't look as good as this one! And I don't want to lose compatibility with all my old save states! Stop asking me!!" There's no way to disable it :( (EDIT: Actually... I've disabled it by going in to the .dol file with a Hex editor and hacking the update URL so that it starts with " ..." but I KNOW this is totally the wrong way to do it, heh. But it works.)

These rendering problems also exist in the recent versions of SNES9XGX and VBAGX. They are a bit less noticeable in those emulators because SNES has better graphics, and VBA has worse graphics.... However:

Get version 4.1.5 of SNESGX from the Google project page (EDIT: 4.1.8 is the most recent version that will work with this trick, so might be better, unless you want to preserve save file compatibility with 4.1.5 and earlier) and set horizontal Screen Zoom to 107%. Perfect.

It's not worth it to bother with older versions of VBAGX, since GameBoy graphics are pretty lame to begin with, heh, but I think setting vertical Screen Zoom to 94% is better than the default. Look at the lines in the floor of Dragon Warrior Monsters to see, right after you start a new game. (EDIT: Check the Visual Boy Advance GX discussion page for some detailed information about settings to get rendering "perfect" with that emulator.]

--Mr. Reaper 03:43, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Disk Side Changing On Screen Display

Is there a possibility that an option could be added that allows you to disable the on-screen display that appears on the bottom left when switching disk sides in FDS games? It is a nice feature but it was not present in older versions and I preferred it that way. Thanks for your consideration and great job on the emulator.

Seanv 10:34, 20 August 2011 (CEST)