In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Strobe alarm clock

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Strobe Alarm Clock
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote1.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot

This Strobe Alarm Clock program that I have been coding. I saw WiiStrobe and alarmii and got idea to 'merge' two of them. I decided to make my own nice wii alarm clock that will flash my tv screen. It will be useful for deaf wii owners. you need to have homebrew channel installed on your wii and sd card.

The Alarm clock program have 12 and 24 hour format option.


Wiimote A Button turn alarm on or off (press b or a button to stop clock running to press other buttons.)
Wiimote B Button only show clock (press b or a button to stop clock running to press other buttons.)
Wiimote - Button show date and time (in alarm time setup press - for AM in 12-hour format)
Wiimote + Button about screen (in alarm time setup press + for PM in 12-hour format)
Wiimote 1 Button set up alarm (press 1 or a to setup the time.)
Wiimote D-Pad Left / Wiimote D-Pad Right Change Hours for alarm time setup.
Wiimote D-Pad Up / Wiimote D-Pad Down Change Minutes for alarm time setup.
Wiimote 2 Button 12 or 24 format option. (press a for 12-hour format or press b for 24-hour format)
Wiimote HOME Button Exit Application

video show the strobe alarm clock action:


Some people have medical conditions (such as epilepsy) which can be triggered by flashing lights. Please please please do not use this if you know yourself to be suffering from such a condition or are unsure. Please also check with anyone else in the room with you. I cannot be held responsible.