In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Author(s) Emvivre
TypeShooting game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote1.svg Nunchuck alternative.svg Loads files from the Front SD slot


This project begins in 2008/12/28

Nowell is an open-source homebrew for the Drunken Coders Winter Compo, it's a 2D shoot-em-up vertical scrolling. I use SDL interface to handle graphics and wiimote.

Latest binary and source are available at : binary and source. See github project

Some websites put Dovoto as submitter and coder, but it's wrong, Dovoto has nothing to do with this game.



Video Youtube - End Game ( Do not fear the end of Nowell !! )

STUVash blog - an article for Nowell release

Nowell menu.png Nowell ingame.png


Unofficial Christmas 2010 repackaged version 1.02 by Mr. Reaper

I fixed the crash that version 1.01 had when you selected "tutorial" on the start screen -- it was looking for a bmp file that didn't exist. I hex edited the elf file so it now looks for the jpg instead.

Then I re-compressed the background jpeg files and ogg files and reduced the size of this app by 15 meg! It now only takes about 10 meg on the SD card (before it was 25 meg).

And while I was repackaging everything into a nice zip file, I went ahead and improved the "tutorial" screen, slightly edited the victory screen (it said "loading"), and updated the meta.xml file.

I didn't have permission from anyone actually involved with the game to do any of this :P

But I think it's a fun little drunken game anyway.... Merry Christmas!

Download: [edit] Megaupload is so dead... You can download this version from the Homebrew Browser.

--Mr. Reaper 02:52, 16 December 2010 (CET)

1.01 : fix a bug with bullet rotation

1.00 : first release for drunken coder competition


First you need the libxml archive, see this page for installation : libxml

Goto in nowell_src folder for create wii binary


for clean wii objects

make clean

for create gnu/linux binary

make -f Makefile.pc

for clean gnu/linux objects

make -f Makefile.pc clean



- "This night will be the last for the gramps. No matter how I'll show to all of them how a true Santa must be !

Black Santa."

You have found this piece of paper in your sandwich two days before Christmas... And you don't really know why but you want to think about this disgusting paper with more serious than the greatest idiot of Earth. Take your Flying_Snow_Board and your Cannon to defeat the imposter and save Christmas ! -

Have fun in Nowell, a Shoot them up ;)

"Sandwiches can't always save Christmas !"


  • coded by Emvivre
  • graphics and some musics by Vash
  • special thanks to Necro

Thanks to people on #wiidev channel for their help.


  • Gabor Bors and Balazs Rajcsanyi - Wasted Time (2nd song) : Intro
  • Lettrix - Bytec (1990) : Level
  • Slaughty Pom Pom - Vash : Boss 1
  • Ultimate Black Santa part 1 - Vash : between Boss 1 and Boss 2
  • Ultimate Black Santa part 2 - Vash : Boss 2
  • Steve Rowlands - Creatures ( 16th song ) : End credits
  • Tutorial - Vash : Tutorial


In main menu :

control the cursor with wiimote
click on button A

In game :

move player with nunchuk
fire with button A
pause with button Home

In pause :

continue with button A
quit with button B

In tutorial :

press any button to return on menu