In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.

Music Painter

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Music Painter
Music Painter Icon.png
Author(s)Mr. Reaper
TypeOther game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote.svg Wiimote.svg

It's kind of a Musical Doodling Toy....

I played an NDS app called AXE, and was inspired to create my own similar thing for the Wii.

You just point one or two Wiimotes at the screen, and "Paint Music."

  • Button B = Normal Pitch
  • Button A = Higher Pitch
  • Buttons -/+ will change your Instrument
  • Buttons 1/2 will change the DrumTrack

Any number of people can participate!

One person can use 1 or 2 Wiimotes at the same time (dual-wielding!).

Or two people can each use 1 Wiimote.

Or 3+ people can sit and watch and say, "Hey, it's my turn!!" while the first two people have fun....

(Special thanks to Titmouse for compiling this with his improved sound libraries)