In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Maze of Galious Wii
TypePlatform game
LicenseGPL v2.0
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Wiimote1.svg ClassicController.svg

Control scheme changed!! Please click here for more details.

Maze of Galious was an MSX game released in 1987 by Konami. In 2002, a remake of this game has been released by the Brain Games team:

This remake is written in SDL, and is now ported to Wii. Credits for the original team:

Coding: Santi Ontañón, Jorrith Schaap

Graphics: Santi Ontañón, Boltian, Hinox, MP83, Naramura

Music/SFX: Rob Powelse, Jorrith Schaap, Bart Roijmans, Wolf_, Randy Wintjes

Maps: Santi Ontañón

Beta Testing: Koiote, Henk Bosman, Patrick van Arkel, Wisam al-Rawi, Max Attar Feingold, Sergi Garcia Besora, Zita Miranda Martinez, Menno Haeck, Janne Vieri

This Wii port was written using SDL_Wii and its dependencies. Special thanks to:

dfcastelao: for the patches submitted, which were extremely valuable contributions: theme switching by menus intead of buttons, and Classic Controller support.

axel81: for the feedback and suggestion of making the Wiimote button mapping more "Castlevania"-like.

Jorrith Schaap: for the help provided in the Brain Games Forums.

Santi Ontañón: for implementing the original code, that was really easy to read and make all the necessary adaptations for Wii.

Sven Augustin: for the feedback and ideas regarding the adaptations necessary to make MoG more 'gamepad-friendly' and less 'keyboard-dependent'.

Tantric: for doing an amazing job in the port of SDL to Wii.

dhewg: for the useful tips on how to cross-compile Tremor (OGG Vorbis decoder library) for Wii.

Installation Instructions

Homebrew Channel: Unzip the download package into the root of your SD card ("apps" base directory is included in the zip). Launch the Homebrew Channel.

Game Instructions

Maze Of Galious is regarded as one of the greatest games for the MSX home computer, being released in 1987. While most of the console and home computer games back then had very simple gameplay, quite similar to arcade games, Maze of Galious was an epic action adventure. It mixed the mechanics of platform games with the exploration of huge maps. It required several hours to complete, a task nearly impossible to do in a single gaming session. Ttherefore, the game allowed the player to restore its progress through a very complex password system, very similar to the one found in [Metal Gear], also released by Konami in the same year.

However, since it is one of the earliest attempts at its genre, many of its gameplay aspects might seem odd by today's standards. There are very few in-game instructions, as the game assumes that the player would refer to the manual whenever required. So, if you never played the original game before, it is recommended to read the following reference, which contains instructions for the game (beware of spoilers, as this guide also contains a complete step-by-step walkthrough of the game):

For info on items and usage please visit:


In-game controls:

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad LeftWiimote D-Pad Right Classic D-Pad LeftClassic D-Pad Right Walk
Wiimote D-Pad Up Classic D-Pad Up Go upstairs
Wiimote D-Pad Down Classic D-Pad Down Go downstairs / Enter shrines
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Sword
Wiimote 1 Button Classic b Button Jump
Wiimote 2 Button + Wiimote D-Pad Up Classic y Button Secondary weapon
Classic L Trigger Change secondary weapon (previous)
Classic R Trigger Change secondary weapon (next)
Wiimote + Button Classic + Button Call item menu
Wiimote - Button Classic - Button Pause
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Options Menu / "Demon Name Keyboard"

In-menu controls:

WiimoteHorizontal.svg ClassicController.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Classic D-Pad Navigate
Wiimote 2 Button Classic a Button Select
Wiimote HOME Button Classic HOME Button Exit game when on title screen / Leave options menu

Adaptations for Wii

Maze of Galious was exclusively designed for the MSX home computer, and made extensive use of its keyboard. The 2002 remake was also targeted at modern home computer systems (Windows, Linux and Mac), and therefore retains this feature. So, a few adaptations had to be done, in order to make the game playable not only on the Wii, but on any other keyboard-less devices (home consoles and handhelds). Those adaptations are listed below:

  • The password system was replaced by an actual save system. The title screen presents the option of starting a new game or loading a saved game. Also, in Demeter's shrine, instead of showing the password, she shows a menu where the player can pick one out of five slots to save the game.
  • Some of the special items required keyboard commands in order to use them. This was changed, and now the player has the ability to select those items, directly in the item menu, by using Wiimote D-Pad and Wiimote 2 Button. Such items are listed below:
Item Picture Item Name Purpose Original Method
MogItemHalo.png Halo Warp back to the save room, in the castle Press ↵ Enter in the item menu
MogItemBible.png Bible Freezes all enemies in the room for a few seconds Press Ctrl in game
MogItemDagger.png Dagger Kills all bats in the room instantly Type the word "UMBRELLA" in game
MogItemFeather.png Feather Warps back to the entrance of any world that has already been visited Type the number of the world in the item menu
  • One interesting aspect of this game is that, in order to confront a demon governing a world, you first have to find out the demon's name, reach the room where the demon is hidden, and then type his name using the keyboard. In the Wii adaptation, instead of using a keyboard, the player has to push Wiimote HOME Button. If this is done when in a demon's room, instead of the Options Menu, a simplified on-screen keyboard will appear, where the letters can be chosen with Wiimote D-Pad and confirmed with Wiimote 2 Button. The on-screen keyboard is dismissed with Wiimote HOME Button. If the demon's name has been spelled correctly, the demon will appear, and Wiimote HOME Button will return to its original behavior of calling the Options Menu.




Thanks to Cid2mizard for uploading this video.

Just one comment: The character can actually pass through the doors in the situations presented (provided at least one key has been collected). All you need is to hold the D-pad pressed in the appropriate direction for a few seconds.

Version History


  • New feature: Classic controller support added!
  • New feature: Graphics and sound themes are now selected via menus in the title screen or in the options screen. No longer directly via buttons Wiimote A Button and Wiimote B Button.
  • Change: Wiimote gameplay changed to be more "gamepad-friendly": Jump now uses a separate button (Wiimote 1 Button), and secondary weapons are activated by pressing Wiimote D-Pad Up + Wiimote 2 Button.


  • Critical bugfix: Sometimes changing the sound set after playing the game once (ended with game over or quitting) would freeze the console.
  • Bugfix: The activation of the dagger item was incorrectly assigned to the sabre item.


First public release.


amoreira at