Jewel Quest

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Jewel Quest
Lines JewelQuest.png
TypePuzzle game
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
GameCube Controller

Jewel Quest is a "3-match" puzzle game similar to Bejeweled or other tile-sliding puzzle games. It is played on a 8 x 8 square grid filled with various items like rubies, diamonds, emeralds, gold skulls, and more.


GameCube Controller Action
GameCube D-Pad Move through the board / Swivel two items
Gamecube A Button Select/Unselect the item

How to creat new levels

  1. Creat the levelX directory (where X is the number of the level, caution if the lave level directory is level5 then your directory name have to be level6).
  2. Copy the background image to the directory previously created en rename it to fond.png (max size 640x480, 24bits).
  3. Copy or creat a file config.txt in this directory and edit this with your options.
Exemple of the config.txt file
fond_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the background
fond_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the background
plateau_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the board (each motiv has a width of 30px)
plateau_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the board (each motiv has a height of 29px)
dragon_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the dragon head
dragon_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the dragon head
temps_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the dragon tongue
temps_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the dragon tongue
vie_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the life level
vie_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the life level
score_x= // Position of x pixels from the top-left of the score
score_y= // Position of y pixels from the top-left of the score
temps= // time in seconds available for the player to finish the level.
nbr_motif= // number of item of the level (It has to be as many line as lines "motif=" of your file)
motif= // used item (0 = Blue head, 1 = Emerald, 2 = Gold, 3 = Saphir, 4 = Red head)
motif= // motif utilisé (0 = Blue head, 1 = Emerald, 2 = Gold, 3 = Saphir, 4 = Red head)
motif= // etc...
nbr_lig= // number of item in height/line (7 here)
nbr_col= // number of item in large/column (7 here)
// This is the board : A = Random Item, X = Not modified, [does not work yet: B = Item bloc (grey)]

Unofficial Versions

By Aquilino

The source code is in the archive. Features added:

  • Wiimote support.
  • Sound support.
  • Ability to return to the loader
Download at Tehskeen


WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move through the board / Swivel two items
Wiimote 1 Button or Wiimote 2 Button Select/Unselect the item
Wiimote HOME Button Return to the loader

By Pho

There's no source code Feature added:

  • Wiimote support.
Wiimote1.svg GameCube Controller


WiimoteHorizontal.svg Action
Wiimote D-Pad Move through the board / Swivel two items
Wiimote 1 Button or Wiimote 2 Button Select/Unselect the item
Wiimote HOME Button Return to the loader