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Author(s)JoostinOnline, Coto, Acidflare
TypeSystem Tool
Downloadable via the Homebrew Browser
Downloadable via the Open Shop Channel

InspectMii is a tool created by JoostinOnline, named by Coto, and tested by Acidflare.


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What InspectMii calls it Description
Area What continent the Wii originally came from
Model Your console model, e.g. RVL-001(EUR)
DVD Unknown, possibly if DVD functionality was enabled
MPCH Unknown
Code Unknown
Serno The serial number
Video What video signal the Wii is producing (NTSC is 60Hz and PAL is 50Hz)
Game Unknown, possibly what game country is inserted

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What InspectMii calls it Description
IDL If the Wii is in shutdown state (0 is Shutdown and 1 is Idle)
PGS Progressive Scan, maybe
E60 If PAL 576i is available
SENS Sensor Bar Sensitivity
BAR The position of the Sensor Bar (0 is below, 1 is above)
SPKV Wii Remote Speaker Volume
MOT If the Wii Remote can rumble
SND Unknown, possibly the Mono, Stereo or Surround, unknown why sometimes it returns -0x6002 (not set)
LNG What language the Wii is in
CB Unknown, possibly the counter bias
SSV If the Wii has screen burn-in reduction enabled
DH The display offset (0 is centered)
AR Aspect Ratio (0 is 4x3 and 1 is 16x9)
PGS Progressive Scan, maybe
EULA If the EULA has been read and accepted
WCFG If WiiConnect24 (and maybe RiiConnect24) is enabled
SADR The Wii Shop Channel account region ID
CD If initial setup was completed
CD2 If the network setup was completed
INC Amount of installed channels (Disc Channel counts but EULA and rgnsel don't)
MOVIE If the Wii Motion Plus video was watched

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What InspectMii calls it Description
NIK Console nickname (e.g. WiiBrew)
1st PC Parental Controls PIN
2nd PC Parental Controls question (if none set, defaults to "What is your mother's maiden name?)
3rd PC The answer to the Parental Controls question

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What InspectMii calls it Description
BTM Unknown Boot Mode
VIM Unknown
CTC Unknown
DSM Drive Saving Mode
RST Internet Restriction
CTPC Internet Content Restriction

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What InspectMii calls it Description
Remotes Registered How many Wii Remotes are/were registered
Remote 1-Remotes Registered What model the Wii Remote was

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What InspectMii calls it Description
Connection Type If the connection was wired or wireless
SSID (Wireless Only) The connection SSID (the name)
MTU The MTU value. Default is 0
Static IP Possibly special IP Address, possibly used by str2hax