In memory of Ben “bushing” Byer, who passed away on Monday, February 8th, 2016.


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Hollywood Registers
Access size32 bits
Byte orderBig Endian
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The One Time Programmable memory is used to store 32 4byte words. It is programmed sometime during the factory process and can never be changed afterwards. Next to the Wii's shared and public keys it also contains a random number generation seed and the boot1 hash which basically makes it impossible for us to change boot1. This memory may or may not be described in claims 141 and 142 in

Register List

Hollywood GPIOs
Address Bits Name Description
0x0d8001ec 32 HW_OTP_COMMAND OTP command
0x0d8001f0 32 HW_OTP_DATA OTP data

General Registers

HW_OTP_COMMAND (0x0d8001ec)
  31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Access R/W U
Field RD
  15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Access U R/W
Field ADDR
Field Description
RD Set to one to execute a read command. If clear, then the data in HW_OTP_DATA is unchanged.
ADDR Word address to read

This register contains the command sent to the OTP. It is unknown whether is register is also used during the factory process to program the OTP.

HW_OTP_DATA (0x0d8001f0)
Access R

This register contains the output data for the last issued OTP read command. The execution of a read operation via the HW_OTP_COMMAND register immediately changes this register without any delay.

OTP Contents

The following things are stored inside the OTP:

Word Address Size Contents Description
0x00 0x00 0x14 boot1 hash Expected hash checked against actual boot1 hash by boot0
0x05 - 0x08 0x14 0x10 common key Used to encrypt title keys in tickets
0x09 0x24 0x04 NG id Used to name the NG certificate
0x0A - 0x11 0x28 0x1E NG private key Per-console key that signs save files
0x11 - 0x15 0x44 0x14 NAND HMAC (overlaps with NG private key) Per-console key that signs NAND blocks
0x16 - 0x19 0x58 0x10 NAND key Per-console key that encrypts the NAND
0x1A - 0x1D 0x68 0x10 RNG seed (aka PRNG key) Used for crypto-related random number generation
0x1E - 0x1F 0x78 0x08 Unknown Appears to vary between units